You folks put a lot more work into catching some critters then I do apparently.
I agree with Bob on this one. Keep it simple.
Of course there are always those few "special" critters that test our wits, but I find skunks to be quite easy to catch in situations where they are under a structure.
It is often possible to place 2 double-door traps along the structure, and place a board along the outside of the traps. As they exit their hole, they go right or left into one of the traps. I use a couple buttered popcorn puffs in each trap.
At this particular home, I caught 9 adult skunks from this location this February. 5 were caught in the posi-set traps, the other 4 in baited PVC traps along the porch edge.
Usually don't catch that many adults at one site, but always have the same effectiveness using this very simple set-up, with almost zero dig-arounds.
This pic shows a double-door (skunk inside) and a single door placed with openings towards the hole. Board along outer edges of traps. I ran out of 2-door traps so used a single on one side. Skunk was in the 2-door, which may indicate they take the route most open.
Same day, same set-up. Had a skunk in the 2-door at entry/exit hole, and another in the baited trap at corner of porch. I use the PVC traps almost exclusively for skunk work, and never have issues with refusals, whether posi-set or open baited. Very odd how so many people say they have no luck with the 6-inch PVC skunk trap.