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Rats #5630256
09/03/16 09:04 AM
09/03/16 09:04 AM
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southern ont. canada
bob pake Offline OP
bob pake  Offline OP

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I need to catch some rats in a single family home. A few holes in the walls rub marks under sink from hole to hole. Lots of activity. I wanted to pre bait for about 10 days. My boss stepped in and traps were set immediately with lots of dead rats expected the next day.
We have trex in Lp stations baited with Nutella and a little bird seed + 2 with peanut butter.Ten in total. We caught one rat in two nites . This is about my normal. My rat catching really sucks need help!

Re: Rats [Re: bob pake] #5630408
09/03/16 12:39 PM
09/03/16 12:39 PM
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bob pake Offline OP
bob pake  Offline OP

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Day 5 still only one rat. They run in the ceiling ( un accessible )They also keep the occupants up at nite chewing at the bottom of pantry door. The small pantry has spices and baking goods inside.
I decided to listen to the rats and give them what they say they want.
I rebaited several traps with liquid chocolate and sprinkled oat meal from the pantry on the triggers. The chocolate should firm up and stick the oatmeal to the triggers.
I moved one baited Lp to in front of the pantry door + sprinkled a little oatmeal in side the Lp. I should have rats right at the Lp while they chew on the pantry door tonight.
I expect to catch very few rats, possibly one in total.
I am a hero with poison and pretty much a zero with rat traps. I did not want to jump into the poison because of pets + stink up the home . Still need help.

Re: Rats [Re: bob pake] #5631416
09/04/16 05:54 PM
09/04/16 05:54 PM
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Aix sponsa Offline
Aix sponsa  Offline

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Have you tried setting your snap traps right where they pass through the openings?

Re: Rats [Re: Aix sponsa] #5631505
09/04/16 07:49 PM
09/04/16 07:49 PM
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bob pake Offline OP
bob pake  Offline OP

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We used Trex snap traps inside Lp stations. Three under the sink.There are holes and rub marks in this location.
The Trex aren't a very sensitive trap + the Lp creates a mini maze . It looks professional but there are a few too many negatives for my liking .

Re: Rats [Re: bob pake] #5631588
09/04/16 09:54 PM
09/04/16 09:54 PM
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EatenByLimestone Offline
EatenByLimestone  Offline

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Are you using the droppings to help the rats become familiar with the traps?

Re: Rats [Re: EatenByLimestone] #5631916
09/05/16 12:04 PM
09/05/16 12:04 PM
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bob pake Offline OP
bob pake  Offline OP

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Day 7 still stuck on one rat.
Lots of droppings. I never used any on the traps for conditioning.
I snuck 4 small cardboard boxes into the attic today with,un set victor rat traps bedded in hamster bedding and oatmeal. The neophobia should be over now or shortly.
I expect to visit a local feeder rat breeder and scoop up some soiled rat bedding from female rats and create a intruder rat location in the attic.
It must be time for a camera.
The up side is, we will soon start to lose money and I don't own the co. I met a nice old lady and am on a first name basis with Ralph her 150+ lb. mut.
Still need help.

Re: Rats [Re: bob pake] #5631939
09/05/16 12:29 PM
09/05/16 12:29 PM
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DaveK Offline
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You have to prebait unset traps and teach them it is safe. They are smart....and know what happens when they approach the trap. You captured the one untrained one. Try a different looking trap and dont set it.

Re: Rats [Re: DaveK] #5632056
09/05/16 03:01 PM
09/05/16 03:01 PM
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bob pake Offline OP
bob pake  Offline OP

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I agree with the pre baiting.I think that setting traps right from the get go was a mistake and a good way to educate rats. I expect my boss will throw in the towel pretty soon. I will then set off all the traps and pre bait heavily. This will probably put us at least two weeks behind and try the owners patience.

Re: Rats [Re: bob pake] #5632080
09/05/16 03:33 PM
09/05/16 03:33 PM
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Jim Bethell Offline
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What has worked for me. 1 1/2 weak long spring traps. Set very lightly. Dry cat or dog food sprinkled around the traps, both inside and out side the jaws. Be sure and wire the traps to something strong. A leg caught rat can drag a lot of weight. Don't know it until you have tried it.

Re: Rats [Re: bob pake] #5632735
09/06/16 08:44 AM
09/06/16 08:44 AM
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Aix sponsa Offline
Aix sponsa  Offline

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This and other rat threads sure are an eye opener. I never thought of rats as being smart, nor hard to trap. I have NOT trapped many rats, so I haven't seen what you've seen, but I still think it's wild.

Trap shy rats. It would be funny if it weren't frustrating!

Re: Rats [Re: bob pake] #5633014
09/06/16 02:13 PM
09/06/16 02:13 PM
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Personally I don't believe you have to prebait rodent traps. I dab a little bait on the base of the rat trap far enough back under the pan to force them to set it off. Rats are gluttons they will devour another rat that's in a trap and continue eating the bait on the trap. If you have a bait they want, a trapped rat isn't going to bother them much. They'll lick that baby darn near clean and often start eating the trap itself. If you feel the need to prebait try slapping some bait on the edges of the trap, but I personally wouldn't leave traps unset. jmo

Smile, you're an expert!
Re: Rats [Re: bob pake] #5633037
09/06/16 02:49 PM
09/06/16 02:49 PM
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EatenByLimestone Offline
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I'm not a pre baiter either. My guess is they have another food stash. Any dog food missing?

Re: Rats [Re: EatenByLimestone] #5633356
09/06/16 07:01 PM
09/06/16 07:01 PM
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bob pake Offline OP
bob pake  Offline OP

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Day 8 still one.
Thanks for the advice . Not pre baiting has hasn't worked for me. I don't know how you guys can get reliable results with just setting traps. A rat or two yes but a clean out ???????????
I don't expect to get complete control of food sources or better yet water.
I disassembled all the lps, took out the Trex traps installed 5 un set wood snap traps, hamster bedding ,oatmeal and bird seed covering the traps + a little chocolate. That will be 5 in the high activity kitchen areas 3 bait stations in the attic + 1 in a exterior bin . I will let these set for about a week or longer if necessary.
The drama needs to end!

Re: Rats [Re: bob pake] #5633719
09/07/16 05:58 AM
09/07/16 05:58 AM
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EatenByLimestone Offline
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I am not in love with rat trapping for the reason you describe. I prefer baiting. I like to place familiar droppings and familiar food into the bait stations. Use the exact food they've been eating. If it smells like uncle Fred they will probably be more at ease. I'd imagine the foreign bedding would be an interesting smell, but as far as placing them at ease, I imagine it puts them on guard. That smells like a competetor. The bait let's them get used to it on their own time.

And zp can be your friend.

Re: Rats [Re: bob pake] #5634175
09/07/16 03:09 PM
09/07/16 03:09 PM
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I'm a fan of pvc pipe for directing rats to a location, whether there's a trap at the T or opening. In attics, along edges where applicable, and along joists/under insulation has owned a lot of rats. Sometimes bait isn't necessary either.

Smile, you're an expert!
Re: Rats [Re: TDHP] #5639391
09/12/16 06:41 PM
09/12/16 06:41 PM
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bob pake Offline OP
bob pake  Offline OP

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Six days of pre baiting in kitchen area, a little longer in the attic. The attic stations show some activity. I also accidentally picked up a rat in this location today. ( a set trap I forgot ) The attic activity may be foiled.
Little if any feeding in the kitchen.
Maybe rats are not as messy , kicking around the wood shavings as I expected.
I convinced the lady of the house to put the dog food in the trunk of her car + there will be no garbage or likely food sources for the rodents.
I will probably add a little dog food to the mix and set the traps in about two more days.
It looks like I involved myself in a rat fools errand . It would be nice to be wrong but it's kinda what I expected .
The poison will come out soon.
Still need help.

Re: Rats [Re: bob pake] #5639530
09/12/16 08:34 PM
09/12/16 08:34 PM
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EatenByLimestone Offline
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Good luck! Hopefully they haven't stashed too much away!

Re: Rats [Re: bob pake] #5639573
09/12/16 08:59 PM
09/12/16 08:59 PM
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Aix sponsa Offline
Aix sponsa  Offline

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Are you positive these customers aren't cleaning out the traps?

Are you sure that you're dealing with rats and not mice or squirrels?

I'm not trying to say anything rude. I'm just trying to help figure out a solution.

Re: Rats [Re: Aix sponsa] #5641534
09/14/16 07:41 PM
09/14/16 07:41 PM
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bob pake Offline OP
bob pake  Offline OP

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Set all the traps today after 8 days of pre baiting. Activity in 4 attic stations. Even a big glob of hardened nutella and bird seed on the pan of a extra trap was clean. Nil in the down stares kitchen. 2 extra days seems to have made a difference. If this does not work I am afraid the rat trapping knowledge well is bone dry.

Re: Rats [Re: bob pake] #5641571
09/14/16 08:18 PM
09/14/16 08:18 PM
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Jim Bethell Offline
Jim Bethell  Offline

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Have you tried what I told you a few days ago?

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