JR- You were only a couple hours from me and didn't call?
I've had a physical couple days. On my way to camp I ran into two young girls walking down the road. While it is incomprehensible to me, these two young girls decided they could drive two hors into the bush then go 10 miles up an unmaintained road into the mountains and go for a hike. Needless to say it didn't work out.

I had the girls start digging and we went to work getting it out. After two hours of work we had to concede we were screwed. As anyone who has ever been stuck on a snowy incline knows it's tough to get back up on the level. Gravity keeps pulling you deeper. Luckily i have a trapper friend who lived down by the highway and had heavy equipment. If you knew where I was located you would know what a fluke that is. My buddy came up with his loader and pulled the girls out.

That put me behind a few hours before I was able to get out to camp. But you know the bush code, you never leave someone stranded.
* sidebar story - I was a hellion as a kid up in the NWT and got in lots of trouble and had many a court appearance for crazy driving and drinking. I was three hours up a bush road and stopped at a small gas station and noticed the crown prosecutor who had gone after me in court over sitting in the corner. I asked the owner what was up, and he told me that buddy was stuck in the muskeg about 5 miles away and couldn't get his buddies out to help him.
I walked over and told him " I don't like you and feeling is mutual so get in my truck and keep your mouth shut and lets go and get your truck out. I pulled him out and told him to save his thanks, I was following the code of the bush, not helping him out. So Dave McDonald if you're still out there, you're still not my buddy LOL.
Next day I got up and headed upriver to put in some footholds. After getting five sets in I went to leave and my snowmobile refused to start. I had to walk back to camp and figure put how to get back to my truck. I fired up my 15 year old 300 honda quad, kicked it over and started on third kick ( these machines are bullet proof and a great buy ) and drove it 10 miles on top of frozen snow. The biggest issue was getting Nikki to ride on the quad. I decided to sandwich her between her doggy bed and strap her in. I was impressed with how docile she was as she allowed me to snug her down with ratchet straps.