I've completed several bat exclusions at this point, but never had one with this scenario. Just a couple bats hang out in the corners of this covered porch. It has been ongoing for years. They do no appear to be going into any nook or cranny, or even in the attic, which has multiple access points due to the strange construction of this old home, that has walls constructed totally out of concrete panels, with grooves that extend up and behind the wood fascia board. Anyway, they just hang out there sometimes, and a small amount of guano accumulates in the pathway to the front door. The homeowners are concerned about their small children getting sick from the guano if they track it through the house, which is why I received the call.
As you can see from the pictures, it is quite a large area, and the staining in the corners is apparent. If I screen off this somehow, what will keep them from roosting in the new corners I'll create? This is one case where I almost think lighting installed under the area would serve as a better solution, although I've never resorted to "deterrents".
I'd appreciate any suggestions anyone has that will not detract too badly from the appearance of the home. I considered doing some blocking off with braking and installing coil steel, painted to match the exterior, but the property owners are afraid it will look junky.
And yes the small bags in the left hand corner contain moth balls, lol... not placed there by me, of course.
Thanks for your help.