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Re: Mountain Journal [Re: Bushman] #5820146
02/20/17 12:29 AM
02/20/17 12:29 AM
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Originally Posted By: Bushman
I appreciate the comments. Ron I bought the crystals at Peavy Mart. much the same results as the hot lime we both remember. Yukon 254 - still building inventory

Conditions on the trapline are crappy. Super warm weather burnt all the snow off the rocks and river ice. Spun a few 360's on the ice.

Our wolverine research project is still producing. A trapper from northern BC just returned a collar off a male he harvested. When the data was downloaded it showed the male had travelled from Northern Alberta over 200 miles straight line distance north into the NWT, before heading into North Eastern BC where it got caught. Impressive little walk about.

We also have a shot of another wolverine den from northern alberta. In this region snow depth is not a requirement for successful denning.

Cool wolverine pic!! I caught that wolverine the season after i got his pics.

Re: Mountain Journal [Re: Bushman] #5820511
02/20/17 11:55 AM
02/20/17 11:55 AM
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Fairbanks Alaska
AKHowler Offline
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Great read Brian. Looks like some rough weather you are dealing with this season. Spent a bit of time around Jasper chasing bighorns myself. I was amazed at how big they are compared to our Dall sheep over here. Those Bighorns are huge. Wasn't hunting just taking pics and enjoyed that without the cost of a nonresident or alien.

Alaskan #9 Trap Company
JR Pederson
PO BOX 58226
Fairbanks AK 99711
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Re: Mountain Journal [Re: Bushman] #5825911
02/25/17 12:02 AM
02/25/17 12:02 AM
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Bushman Offline OP
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JR- You were only a couple hours from me and didn't call?

I've had a physical couple days. On my way to camp I ran into two young girls walking down the road. While it is incomprehensible to me, these two young girls decided they could drive two hors into the bush then go 10 miles up an unmaintained road into the mountains and go for a hike. Needless to say it didn't work out.

I had the girls start digging and we went to work getting it out. After two hours of work we had to concede we were screwed. As anyone who has ever been stuck on a snowy incline knows it's tough to get back up on the level. Gravity keeps pulling you deeper. Luckily i have a trapper friend who lived down by the highway and had heavy equipment. If you knew where I was located you would know what a fluke that is. My buddy came up with his loader and pulled the girls out.

That put me behind a few hours before I was able to get out to camp. But you know the bush code, you never leave someone stranded.

* sidebar story - I was a hellion as a kid up in the NWT and got in lots of trouble and had many a court appearance for crazy driving and drinking. I was three hours up a bush road and stopped at a small gas station and noticed the crown prosecutor who had gone after me in court over sitting in the corner. I asked the owner what was up, and he told me that buddy was stuck in the muskeg about 5 miles away and couldn't get his buddies out to help him.

I walked over and told him " I don't like you and feeling is mutual so get in my truck and keep your mouth shut and lets go and get your truck out. I pulled him out and told him to save his thanks, I was following the code of the bush, not helping him out. So Dave McDonald if you're still out there, you're still not my buddy LOL.

Next day I got up and headed upriver to put in some footholds. After getting five sets in I went to leave and my snowmobile refused to start. I had to walk back to camp and figure put how to get back to my truck. I fired up my 15 year old 300 honda quad, kicked it over and started on third kick ( these machines are bullet proof and a great buy ) and drove it 10 miles on top of frozen snow. The biggest issue was getting Nikki to ride on the quad. I decided to sandwich her between her doggy bed and strap her in. I was impressed with how docile she was as she allowed me to snug her down with ratchet straps.

Re: Mountain Journal [Re: Bushman] #5825960
02/25/17 12:29 AM
02/25/17 12:29 AM
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Bushman Offline OP
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When I showed my buddies how great my dog was they were amazed by the photo and asked how I got her on the rack. i explained that I lifted her on so they asked how heavy Nikki was?
I said I know exactly how heavy she was as I had just weighed her today

Re: Mountain Journal [Re: Bushman] #5825972
02/25/17 12:37 AM
02/25/17 12:37 AM
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Obviously i caught a wolf that looks like my dog Nikki. very pretty, bit of icy blue to its coat. I stopped at my buddies to ship my fur to NAFA today and he commented on how pretty it was, he's skinned 40 wolves this winter so his opinion matters to me. The wolf was 86 pounds, a female. He weighs every wolf he custom skins and after several hundred skinned the heaviest he weighed was 139 pounds, a freak, most heavy ones in high 120's. Average female 85 pounds, average male 105 pounds. The wolves he skins are from Northern Alberta to Arctic coast so some of biggest in the the world.

I also took a shot of several wolverine showing the difference in the diamonds on their backs. By the way anyone refer to the diamond as a crown?

Re: Mountain Journal [Re: Bushman] #5825990
02/25/17 12:50 AM
02/25/17 12:50 AM
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alaska viking Offline
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Why didn't you pull the girls out the same way they went in? Looks like that might have avoided the incline. laugh
That said, after months in the bush, a couple of hours watching girls shovel snow......well.

Just doing what I want now.

Re: Mountain Journal [Re: alaska viking] #5826001
02/25/17 01:07 AM
02/25/17 01:07 AM
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Thanx Brian I will look for the crystals here somewhere. We do not have a Peavy Mart but probably Buckerfields or another farm place may have them.

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Re: Mountain Journal [Re: Bushman] #5826016
02/25/17 01:19 AM
02/25/17 01:19 AM
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Tried both ways AV, I have mucho experience getting out of wrecks. My buddy the loader operator agreed that even a 3/4 ton wouldn't get them out.

Re: Mountain Journal [Re: Bushman] #5826021
02/25/17 01:24 AM
02/25/17 01:24 AM
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alaska viking Offline
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"Made it two years not being censored"

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Back to the girls,... I mean, Nice Wolverine! laugh

Just doing what I want now.

Re: Mountain Journal [Re: Bushman] #5826022
02/25/17 01:24 AM
02/25/17 01:24 AM
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yukon254 Offline
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Keeping busy as usual I see Brian. Really nice light coloured wolf! Does your friend that skins all the wolves do custom skinning?? Just curious how he gets wolves from such a wide area? Nice bunch of wolverines!

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Re: Mountain Journal [Re: Bushman] #5826030
02/25/17 02:00 AM
02/25/17 02:00 AM
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Bushman Offline OP
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Yes Dave he does a lot of custom skinning. NAFA brought him down to Montreal a decade ago to meet furriers and auction house to learn what market wants. He does all their high dollar Arctic wolves which they buy round. He taught me how to skin wolves for taxi market and I learnt a lot off him. I had a camera man film him for two days and I should edit a wolf handling tutorial ...in my spare time

Re: Mountain Journal [Re: Bushman] #5826336
02/25/17 11:33 AM
02/25/17 11:33 AM
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I Sure do appreciate a woman with a sense of adventure but what on earth were those two gals smoking to make them try something that crazy?
Very pretty wolf.


“ I said I don’t have much use for traps these days, never said I didn’t know how to use them.”
Re: Mountain Journal [Re: Bushman] #5828909
02/27/17 05:00 PM
02/27/17 05:00 PM
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Ryan McLeod Offline
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I could tell Nikki's feet looked a bit cold in the picture on the quad!

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Re: Mountain Journal [Re: Bushman] #5845590
03/14/17 09:01 AM
03/14/17 09:01 AM
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Bushman Offline OP
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Winter showed up again in the mountains. I got a couple of feet of fresh snow plus some cold weather freezing up the creeks tight. I used this opportunity to move building material into camp. I scored enough tin to redo two cabin roofs but its a lot of work getting it in. Still loving my Alaskan sleds.

I'm leaving today for round two. This time I'm hauling wall panelling for my upriver cabin which adds several hours to the trip. Should be an interesting expedition. I'm having problems with my 600 widetrack. Ground connection from frame to battery has crappy connection even after mechanic had a go at it. Keeps you on your toes every time you turn it off.

Re: Mountain Journal [Re: Bushman] #5851646
03/20/17 04:53 AM
03/20/17 04:53 AM
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Lot of fun reading your journal, looking at the photos, yours and others'. PA trapping ended a month ago, and though we are making maple syrup, I still look at every piece of ground through the eyes of a trapper. Miss it already. Have yet to watch your gulo documentary. It's on my list.

Re: Mountain Journal [Re: Bushman] #5852032
03/20/17 04:11 PM
03/20/17 04:11 PM
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Where can a guy find that gulo documentary? I want to see it, was hoping for a link or something.

Re: Mountain Journal [Re: Bushman] #5852485
03/20/17 11:36 PM
03/20/17 11:36 PM
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The wolverine documentary " Ghosts of the Northern Forest" is not yet available in the US. But it'll end up there I'm sure this year. We have an international distributor and we just finished up the international version which is 6 minutes longer. I'd like to see it show up on PBS "Nature"

We got another blast of winter and I've been going hard freighting material to my upriver cabin. Got a bunch of wall panelling hauled in and even got three walls covered. Making another trip in with molding's and trim and see what we can get done in what will probably be the last trip on ice this year. Might even haul in some kitchen cabinets.

Started out nice and clean

And finished up a few hours later with a bit of snow

I had a couple buddies help with the load. I grew up with these guys in the NWT and have known them for over 40 years

It's starting to shape up

Re: Mountain Journal [Re: Bushman] #5859594
03/28/17 12:02 AM
03/28/17 12:02 AM
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I made another trip upriver to work on my line cabin. I hauled in some trim and a modular kitchen setup I bought from Ikea. A special trip as my 11 year old grandson came along with my wife and I. Plus my buddy Gary came back to help out again.

The weather was all over the map. Sunny one minute then a snow storm would blast down the valley.

I basically have all my walls and trim done. Now I can finish off the ceiling which I will do in pine strips I've already hauled out. I'm also going to haul a roll of lino or vinyl plank flooring out.
My helper powered out

Re: Mountain Journal [Re: Bushman] #5859598
03/28/17 12:05 AM
03/28/17 12:05 AM
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My $150 kitchen.

Luckily we had the 22 to keep the grandson occupied. He loves to shoot

Re: Mountain Journal [Re: Bushman] #5859602
03/28/17 12:09 AM
03/28/17 12:09 AM
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Bushman Offline OP
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On the way back to our main camp we swung by the wolf snares and the grandson brought some luck.

A real nice coloured male that was very heavy.

Playgrounds aren't just for kids!

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