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Re: SERIOUS LURE QUESTION, Please be serious. [Re: High Noon] #624516
03/10/08 08:21 AM
03/10/08 08:21 AM
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WOW. Lots of great info here. Nice posts High Noon and Asa

Re: SERIOUS LURE QUESTION, Please be serious. [Re: PaCaller] #624606
03/10/08 10:07 AM
03/10/08 10:07 AM
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tuskettrapperman Offline
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I've always heard about womens stuff doing wierd things to animals but women aren't "in season" when they are menstrating so why the attraction or is it the smell of blood and will any blood will get the same reaction?

not your milk hand, your cookie hand!
Re: SERIOUS LURE QUESTION, Please be serious. [Re: Geezerman] #625131
03/10/08 04:53 PM
03/10/08 04:53 PM
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crazy Eddy Offline
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 Originally Posted By: Geezerman
Well I know a guy that used his wifes used sanitary womens hygine products to lure in whitetail bucks, he killed a lot of big bucks.

I wonder if I tell my wife this therory if she'd be willing to help me out at a few set locations, remote ones LOL

I tryed that. All I had was a bunch of dogs follow me around all day.
Cant help you on the pheromone output. All my wife and I put out now is dust.

Re: SERIOUS LURE QUESTION, Please be serious. [Re: crazy Eddy] #625134
03/10/08 04:54 PM
03/10/08 04:54 PM
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LT GREY Offline
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You have to soak it in DOE URINE OVER NIGHT!

Re: SERIOUS LURE QUESTION, Please be serious. [Re: LT GREY] #625371
03/10/08 07:15 PM
03/10/08 07:15 PM
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cagemaker Offline
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beleave it or not, a couple of guys told me they hange there wifes personly thing in the back of there cages and catch cats. don't sound good. and yes andy i always shot my coyote at the spot. let them bleed in one spot. if useing a dirt hole make it a little bigger and scoop up the blood, shove it down.. works great.. John

Re: SERIOUS LURE QUESTION, Please be serious. [Re: cagemaker] #625652
03/10/08 09:27 PM
03/10/08 09:27 PM
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i used to live in a camp gound were they had a a big 7ptr, I would bring my dog down at night an have him chase the ducks an geese, he used to also chase the deeralong the fence then one night the deer snapped.

He ran like always then got about 20yds from the fence tuned blew pawd the ground an charged the fence. He did serouse damage to the fence an the horns went on both sides of my dogs head, i grabbed him an ran as the deer kept hittin the fence

a weeks later the woman that always feeds him, was that time of month an the deer gord her put her in the hospital for a few weeks,

I was told that but never beleaved it till then. steve

Re: SERIOUS LURE QUESTION, Please be serious. [Re: SVR] #625760
03/10/08 10:10 PM
03/10/08 10:10 PM
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I cant believe I am going to even touch this, but how do you know it is all female?

And I read an article a few months back in one of the magazines that touched on this.

Happy Trails
Re: SERIOUS LURE QUESTION, Please be serious. [Re: ] #625913
03/10/08 11:22 PM
03/10/08 11:22 PM
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SVR, you lived in a camp ground........?

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Re: SERIOUS LURE QUESTION, Please be serious. [Re: Kusko] #626092
03/11/08 01:10 AM
03/11/08 01:10 AM
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Looking back I see that Andy S. started this post. I should have known. Anyway I think that I said earlier that after all the years of study of Whitetail habits that I don't know why they have such an attraction to (lets just say women). I have tried other products from different animals and have not seen the same results. It is the same as DOE-IN-HEAT. I don't know why so many people believe that, that product works so well when in fact you can't bottle phermones. If Tinks 69 or Code Blue or something else works for you then use it. Watch TV and read Magizines and you get blasted with wonder products and pictures of gigantic bucks.
If you want to know what I know about deer habits spend over 300 days a year learning about them in the wild. I've done it for many many years. I'm not on television so I may not seem to be as credible as the so called PROS. But here is a lesson to keep in mind.
If you hunt deer for meat and the fun of doing it and hope Mr. Big shows up that is one type of hunting. It is the type that most people do. Hunting Trophy Whitetails 3 1/2 years and up lets say, is another type of hunting. If you don't live in an area that doesn't have monster bucks then you may never have a chance to harvest a huge Whitetail.
Mature bucks get stupid durring the rut. It's the best chance for most hunters to harvest a huge Whitetail. Luck plays a role in alot of big deer getting shot. And most are done buy gun hunters.
I sell deer urine as most of you know. I think my website has a few notes on hunting deer. Check it out when you find time. But for now let me try to tell you about deer urine and my observations.
First of all I do sell Doe-in-Heat. Why because some people say they have better luck with it than regular urine. I too have some pictures of people with big deer on my website. I have as many people shoot big deer with regular doe urine as I have seen with people using Doe-in-heat. Why is this? Because most young deer just gotta go smell stuff. Trophy deer on the other hand are a little bit wiser most of the time. I'm sure most of you have had momma doe doe blow for some unknown reason to you. You might have gotten yourself winded but that might not be the real reason.
Fresh urine wins hands down to store bought urine, I don't care how much preserv. you put in it. Here goes, if you have read this far then you want to learn something. If you are out there hunting for Bucks then use buck urine. Why? In short, because a buck will not check out doe urine as much as he will check out another buck. He wants to know what strange buck is in his area. And during the Rut using Dominate Buck will make the big guy in the area go crazy. Another thing here though is that using Dom. buck urine will sometimes spook younger bucks off. There is a whole lot more I could tell you about deer hunting and hunting for trophy whitetails. This is a trapping forum and as such I'll try not to go into this subject anymore (sorry Paul). I have a love of just getting close to whitetails and sharing what I have learned about them. I don't know all and never will, just like making lures and baits, it's the love of it, cause the time and money put into it just don't quite add up execept for the pure joy of it and sharing with others is what my wife and I do because the rewards are watching people have fun getting their first deer or a big deer, catching their first critter or more of them.

Re: SERIOUS LURE QUESTION, Please be serious. [Re: High Noon] #626232
03/11/08 08:50 AM
03/11/08 08:50 AM
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Asa Lenon Offline
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I'm enjoying your postings about deer Stan (High Noon)and I have no idea who you are. Although I've taken my share of whitetails both large and small I'm not one of the great deer hunters of the times. There is one thing that has always made me wonder about doe in heat urines. I sold doe in heat for about 10 years back in the late seventies and early eighties that I purchased from what I considered a very reliable source from which I purchased other animal species urines both regular and in heat. Although it is said by so-called experts that phermerones can't be bottled, it is hard for me to believe that doe in heat does not still contain something that whitetail bucks recognize as a doe in heat. I have a whole pile of astonishing testimonials that I collected over those ten years but my own personal experiences are what really counts in my opinion. Three bucks I took during that period were standing and pointing at the lure like a pointer dog, one so intent that he come withing a few feet of me, stood there pointing at the lure 85 yards ahead and didn't even see or smell me sitting up against a tree. Two other times I had two bucks coming into the scent within minutes apart, always intent on investigating the doe in heat scent and seeming to throw all caution to the wind. Although I haven't used any in years now I'm still sold 100% on doe in heat urine being extremely effective. The only reason I quit selling it was because Fred Trost of Michigan's Fred Trost outdoor TV show claiming everyone selling it was a fraud. I have spent my whole life testing, making and selling animal lures and after a few inuendos I didn't want the doe in heat issue reflecting on the integrity of my other lures or my character. My heart was in trapping lures anyway, as I said I don't consider myself a great or extremely knowledgeable deer hunter so I let the sales of deer scent go. Fred Trost if your not familiar with him was sued by the Buckstop Company for slandering their products including doe in heat urine. Anyway, just curious as to your thoughts on my experiences Stan! Asa

Re: SERIOUS LURE QUESTION, Please be serious. [Re: Asa Lenon] #626262
03/11/08 09:29 AM
03/11/08 09:29 AM
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High Noon, very interesting read, still makes me scratch my head as it seems to substain my question to a degree.

Happy Trails
Re: SERIOUS LURE QUESTION, Please be serious. [Re: Cindy] #626278
03/11/08 09:52 AM
03/11/08 09:52 AM
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Great topic Andy. This has to be a world record for keeping it clean. There are alot of possibilities with this one. LMAO. Good going everyone.

Star Pupil of the Stancil Southern Speech Academy.......
Re: SERIOUS LURE QUESTION, Please be serious. [Re: Tightchain] #626300
03/11/08 10:21 AM
03/11/08 10:21 AM
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tuskettrapperman Offline
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I have always heard of taking your dog if in heat with you on your line will help alot, since coyotes will mate with dogs then if someone bottled the dog in heat pee then it should be a major attraction in the breeding season, of course to be used in remote areas as you'll have every dog in the nieghborhood at your sets lol

not your milk hand, your cookie hand!
Re: SERIOUS LURE QUESTION, Please be serious. [Re: tuskettrapperman] #626348
03/11/08 11:23 AM
03/11/08 11:23 AM
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Yep the two in my avatar are both male and house dogs. They know when "that" has happened.

Born to hunt, forced to work

Re: SERIOUS LURE QUESTION, Please be serious. [Re: Freepop] #626388
03/11/08 12:03 PM
03/11/08 12:03 PM
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I think the only time i was really truely seriuos was when i said " I Do" to my wife at our wedding. As the folks that visit the chat room know i am very realy a seriuos person. so I think it is best that I dont reply on your subject Andy.

Life is a dance. learn a new step every day.

-“Ut ceteri vivere possint”-
Re: SERIOUS LURE QUESTION, Please be serious. [Re: Asa Lenon] #626916
03/11/08 06:01 PM
03/11/08 06:01 PM
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Asa, I do think that there is something in doe-in-heat and I still sell it. I don't know what it is, but something is there that attracts bucks. We triple screen our urine but it seems to me that the more fecal matter in the doe-in-heat the better it is. I have so many customers that have good results that I carry it and at times use it myself. And I too must be careful that I don't get sued or I could tell you a whole lot more. It is up to the consumer to buy what they want and who they get it from. It is easy to sit in front of the TV and believe everything that is said. Bottom line is if you love what you do bad enough you'll look to every resource you can find. Just like you said about going to the court house and looking at records.
I use other scents with urine also at times. I have seen many people use urine and scents the wrong way and then blame the guy who makes it. If I hunt for meat on the table I'll use regular doe or young buck urine. If I'm hunting for Mr. Big it depends on the situation and that will dictate what I use. I just prefer young buck or Dom. buck.
I don't like to change things when something works well for me. But you must if your going to learn something new. I've been a bow hunter and trapper since 1972. When fur prices dropped I quit making trapping lures to study the Whitetail. Now I can't find the suppliers I used to have and have lost alot of money in the process throwing stuff away. Essential oils are different that they were back then. We now grow alot of our own stuff. I don't get out like I used too, but I hope that we can someday get to meet in person. This post buy Andy just pricked my interest pretty good as I had good success using the girl things long ago. Like I said you have to try things. The well is kinda dry now and I've found things that work better for me.
I can be a bad boy and had this post going down hill fast but I bit my tounge and tried to help from what I've learned over the last 30 some years of being a Whitetail nut. I've had my fun and in return try my best to help others by sharing. I gotta feed the deer so I may as well sell urine and try to give some real insight about it's use. I really didn't want to be a post hog here but I hope that I have helped someone like Andy. Stan

Re: SERIOUS LURE QUESTION, Please be serious. [Re: High Noon] #626928
03/11/08 06:09 PM
03/11/08 06:09 PM
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You come across to me as a sincere and knowledgeable guy Stan, I appreciate your input into this subject. Ace

Re: SERIOUS LURE QUESTION, Please be serious. [Re: Asa Lenon] #626943
03/11/08 06:20 PM
03/11/08 06:20 PM
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