So I thought I'd post a picture of my Extraction or Retrieval bag for you guys see and maybe you can get some new ideas on your gear. This is a cheap back pack and I carry one on each machine. This one weighs 25#'s. I don't move this from machine to machine and about the only time it comes out is when I'm using it to get me or someone else out of a bind.

I did a presentation at our monthly ATA meeting a couple months back on this bag and my survival bags. Here is the low down on the contents. Name brands aren't as important as availability and durability.
1. Rope-a-long with 100 to 150' of 1/2" hard wound nylon rope.( I make a removable handle for easier packing. Have the rope already loaded in the rope-a-long)
2. A couple pieces of 1/2" rope 20' to 30' (this is used most of the time for pulling out a sled or securing to a tree or rock to use as the deadman to pull from or too.
3. A few shackles and caribeaners (Make sure these are rated for what you are using them for)
4. A couple of shivs or pulleys ( used to change direction of pull and increase power by parting the rigging)
5. A couple hundred feet of Mule tape ( Light weight, doesn't take up much room, cheap and used to extend pull to longer reaches)
6. A couple Ice screws ( For anchoring in the Ice when stuck)
7. Rope ratchet or ratchet strap ( can be used for extension, very useful when working on machine suspension, many uses)
8. Couple flares to start a quick fire when the extraction is gonna take a while or you got wet.
There's about $300 in that pack depending on where you shop and name brands. This is one of those priceless tools on the sled that ya hope you never need but always prepared and have it.