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Can a dog know you're feeling bad #6133789
01/21/18 10:33 PM
01/21/18 10:33 PM
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Warren co Mo
hrdtoflw Offline OP
hrdtoflw  Offline OP

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Today, my son and I took a long hike with Doc, my Rhodesian Ridgeback. Doc just turned a year old the other day. He needs a lot of exersize, and lately, I have had no time to get him in the woods. Well, today we went out so he could tear up some ground running, and he would not get more than 100 yards from me, then come back and make a weird wining noise. I thought something was bothering him, but he'd take off again, then come back and get in my way. It was like he was telling me to not go further. King of odd for him!
This dog is my constant companion. We kicked up some deer, and he returned to my side, which he knows to do. No deer running allowed.
I told my son that Doc is acting kind of weird today, then it hit me. As we pushed on, I got really weak, and felt like my feet had just gotten heavy. I was getting dizzy and started sweating. I told my son that I did not feel well, and my dog knew it!
What I want to know is can a dog sense a problem coming? This has never happened. I went home, and I feel pretty good now, but Doc will not let me get more than 5' from me. I will go to see the doctor tomorrow, and he always gets me squeezed in when I don't have a visit planned. I really think that my dog knew something was no right, but how do they know?

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Re: Can a dog know you're feeling bad [Re: hrdtoflw] #6133802
01/21/18 10:39 PM
01/21/18 10:39 PM
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waggler Offline
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If you still have any of the symptoms you should probably go to the ER right now, or you may not wake up in the morning.
Regarding the dog; I'm sure they can pick-up on things that are medically wrong with people they are close to. They are training dogs specifically for that purpose.

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Re: Can a dog know you're feeling bad [Re: hrdtoflw] #6133810
01/21/18 10:44 PM
01/21/18 10:44 PM
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Osky Offline
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Ditto what Waggler said.
I would not wait.

“ I said I don’t have much use for traps these days, never said I didn’t know how to use them.”
Re: Can a dog know you're feeling bad [Re: hrdtoflw] #6133816
01/21/18 10:50 PM
01/21/18 10:50 PM
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perry co.Pa
wetdog Offline
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Your dog knows something is not right.
They are amazing animals and never stop amazing me with what we can learn from them. Go to the Doc. My dog is stuck to me when I don't know I'm sick yet. Remember he's man best friend

Re: Can a dog know you're feeling bad [Re: hrdtoflw] #6133817
01/21/18 10:50 PM
01/21/18 10:50 PM
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adam m Offline
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Dogs certainly can sense medical episodes as well as natural disasters. When I tried hiking my line Joy wouldn't go far from me even though there was sign all over. She was constantly looking at me to see if I was still behind her.

Re: Can a dog know you're feeling bad [Re: hrdtoflw] #6133818
01/21/18 10:51 PM
01/21/18 10:51 PM
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Marty Offline
Marty  Offline

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How are you feeling now?

If there are still problems get to the er.

Good dog, I would keep him around.

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Re: Can a dog know you're feeling bad [Re: hrdtoflw] #6133832
01/21/18 11:05 PM
01/21/18 11:05 PM
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cmcf Offline
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Hope its nothing serious. If you aren't sure, get it checked out soonest. And yes the bond between a dog and it's person allows them to pick up on subtle things that people don't. Get feeling better Gary.

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Re: Can a dog know you're feeling bad [Re: hrdtoflw] #6133838
01/21/18 11:08 PM
01/21/18 11:08 PM
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hrdtoflw Offline OP
hrdtoflw  Offline OP

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I feel good now. I have been having problems for a while with being sick. I checked my blood presure, and it was only slightly elevated, but is normal now. I do take two meds for bp, so I will talk with the doctor in the am. I had a problem several years ago, with a dialated aortic artery, and had dizzy spells. The day I found out about that, I quit smoking and never smoked again. Fear is a great motivation!
When I have been sick lately, my dog, Doc, will get real close to me, like he is telling me to chill out, and rest. I have had lots of dogs, but this guy seems to look at me, and knows when I need to be still. He is not a dog that likes to be touched a lot, and normally will move away if you mess with him. Thats normal for a ridgeback, but when I feel bad, he lays with his head on me. I think Doc knows me pretty good!

If your mind draws a blank, turn off the sound, because ya can't learn a thing if you're doin all the talkin
Re: Can a dog know you're feeling bad [Re: hrdtoflw] #6133844
01/21/18 11:13 PM
01/21/18 11:13 PM
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Marty Offline
Marty  Offline

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Doc......a very good name for this dog!


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Re: Can a dog know you're feeling bad [Re: Marty] #6133875
01/21/18 11:41 PM
01/21/18 11:41 PM
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hrdtoflw Offline OP
hrdtoflw  Offline OP

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[quote=Marty]Doc......a very good name for this dog!

smile [/quote
I actually named him on his registration, Doc John Henry Holiday, and our Great Dane is Big Nosed Kate Elder. Lol. I am a western history lover. Docs only a year old, so he's not allowed to carry in the house yet!!!

If your mind draws a blank, turn off the sound, because ya can't learn a thing if you're doin all the talkin
Re: Can a dog know you're feeling bad [Re: hrdtoflw] #6133910
01/22/18 12:28 AM
01/22/18 12:28 AM
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Law Dog Offline
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That's what some service dogs do as their main job just what your asking!

Was born in a Big City Will die in the Country OK with that!

Jerry Herbst
Re: Can a dog know you're feeling bad [Re: hrdtoflw] #6133922
01/22/18 12:43 AM
01/22/18 12:43 AM
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Moosetrot Offline
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I have a grand-niece that has a Diabetes Service dog that alerts her when she is having a problem but may not realize it.


Re: Can a dog know you're feeling bad [Re: hrdtoflw] #6133953
01/22/18 02:10 AM
01/22/18 02:10 AM
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Davisfur Offline
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I have a problem with sleep apnea and I stop breathing sometimes at night. My dog sleeps on his bed next to my bed and if I stop breathing he will wake up and climb up on the bed and lay his head on my chest. If that doesn't get my attention he will cold nose and lick my chin until I wake up. Nobody has taught him or trained him to do it but he does it without fail. My wife has observed him doing it and actually took video of it. Have no idea how he knows it needs to be done but I'm thankful he does. He is my constant companion and the only places I go without him is to work or deer hunting.

Re: Can a dog know you're feeling bad [Re: hrdtoflw] #6133955
01/22/18 02:13 AM
01/22/18 02:13 AM
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yotetrapper30 Offline
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Of course a dog can sense something coming! People can too, if they're tuned into it

Last edited by yotetrapper30; 01/22/18 02:14 AM.

Just give me one thing, that I can hold on to. To believe in this livin' is just a hard way to go.
Re: Can a dog know you're feeling bad [Re: hrdtoflw] #6133963
01/22/18 02:43 AM
01/22/18 02:43 AM
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CDA Trapper Offline
CDA Trapper  Offline

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I don't mean to be too serious, but my father just passed away last week on January 8th at the age of 53 from a seizure leading into a stroke - his dog, Boone, a big block headed loyal Australian Shepherd did the same thing and wouldn't leave my dad's side and was actually aggressive towards anyone who tried getting near him.

My dad had a couple seizures the last couple years. I'd get it checked out.


For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer.
Re: Can a dog know you're feeling bad [Re: hrdtoflw] #6133990
01/22/18 07:04 AM
01/22/18 07:04 AM
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coydog2 Offline
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My coydogs is able to do the same with me also.When I was laid up for hip surgery they stuck by my side and watch what they did around me then what they would do when I was ok. Some time before that when I came home from work and did not feel well from the heat of that day and done what I try to that rest of the day and went to bed and the next morning I did not wake up for how i had felt and the 2 of my boys (coydog) got me to wake up by keep at me till I did and made sure I did and got me on my feet.I do not know if I would of got up if it was not for them and I still had a hard time after in that morning to walk but they made sure I did.I do not have those 2 anymore due to there health one came down with cancer and one month short of 12 years old and the other was lyme caught up to him when he go5t it when he was younger and he was just over 16 years old and I had to have him be put to sleep the 19th of Nov of last year.But the one I have now he sticks with me and make sure there is nothing wrong with me.

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Re: Can a dog know you're feeling bad [Re: coydog2] #6134005
01/22/18 07:50 AM
01/22/18 07:50 AM
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Mac Offline
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Dogs sense energy. Most will recognize that their person does not feel well long before the person does. Dogs will recognize when their owner is afraid or anxious.
You will see this a lot when teaching basic dog training classes and in dealing with dogs that have behavior issues.
Not all of course, but a large amount of the time it seems that dogs exhibiting certain behavior at a dog class can be traced right up the leash or lead attached to the dog's owner.

An example: When you have a dog owner that feel anxious and is expecting a problem when another dog approaches their space, this energy is picked up by the owner's dog. The anxious dog owner will have a dog that recognizes that the owner is upset and anxious and will immediately behave differently. The dog will feel that something about the situation, what ever it is, is "bad" because the of the owner's reaction.
Seen many, many examples. Dogs pick up on energy and how you feel.

Sometimes, well most of the time, it is harder to train the pet owners than it is the dogs.


Re: Can a dog know you're feeling bad [Re: Mac] #6134014
01/22/18 08:18 AM
01/22/18 08:18 AM
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We have a six year old yellow lab female that absolutely knows when something is wrong. She stays by your side and will not leave. She has been an amazing dog in this household.

Re: Can a dog know you're feeling bad [Re: hrdtoflw] #6134024
01/22/18 08:50 AM
01/22/18 08:50 AM
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bandy Offline
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I have said it for years that a coyote could diagnose a person with cancer long before any doctor could.

No matter where you go there you are.
Re: Can a dog know you're feeling bad [Re: CDA Trapper] #6134025
01/22/18 08:51 AM
01/22/18 08:51 AM
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hrdtoflw Offline OP
hrdtoflw  Offline OP

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Originally Posted By: CDA Trapper
I don't mean to be too serious, but my father just passed away last week on January 8th at the age of 53 from a seizure leading into a stroke - his dog, Boone, a big block headed loyal Australian Shepherd did the same thing and wouldn't leave my dad's side and was actually aggressive towards anyone who tried getting near him.

My dad had a couple seizures the last couple years. I'd get it checked out.

Wow, sotty to hear that. 53 is young. I am 54, and have had my share of problems. I try to remember, that others may even have worse problems! I am calling the doctor as soon as they open.


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