I have a few dozen Montana #3s with full mods. The chain has been swapped for #3 American and stake rings added. Most have never seen dirt and were dyed and waxed only. $200 per dozen

4 mb 750s used very little - $80 - sold pending payment

Hoofbeats of a wolfer - Ogorman $30 sold pending payment

Eastern wolfer - Locklear $25

Master Wolfer - Lucero $40 - sold

Secrets of Sucessfull Trapping (fox, coyote, wolf, bobcat) - Lenon $80 - sold

Hornady custom grade 30-06 dies never used $35

Hornady match grade 6.5 Creedmoor used and in good shape $55

All prices include shipping, more traps to be listed as I go through them

Last edited by IntoTrees; 02/08/18 01:46 PM.