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Laying hens #6214374
04/11/18 04:36 AM
04/11/18 04:36 AM
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grizzwald660 Offline OP
grizzwald660  Offline OP

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What is the average cost of laying hens near you? Around here everyone wants 15 to 25 for year old birds. I’m new to this and think the price is kind of high. Or am I just being cheap? I figured you could buy Rhode Island Reds for about $8 to $10. Thanks

Re: Laying hens [Re: grizzwald660] #6214376
04/11/18 04:41 AM
04/11/18 04:41 AM
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Cooncreek II Offline
Cooncreek II  Offline

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Anywhere from $8 to $12 in NW Ohio for hens just starting to lay.

Re: Laying hens [Re: grizzwald660] #6214377
04/11/18 04:41 AM
04/11/18 04:41 AM
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Trapper Dahlgren Offline
Trapper Dahlgren  Offline

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around here no one sell them they give them away lots of people buy chicks for Easter and keep for awhile and give them away

Re: Laying hens [Re: grizzwald660] #6214379
04/11/18 04:50 AM
04/11/18 04:50 AM
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Saginaw, Mi
micheal Offline
micheal  Offline

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Sounds like a profitable small business

Re: Laying hens [Re: grizzwald660] #6214409
04/11/18 06:16 AM
04/11/18 06:16 AM
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Lugnut  Online Content

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That seems high. We buy out as chicks only a few days old for $1.00-$2.00 depending on the breed.


Re: Laying hens [Re: Lugnut] #6214411
04/11/18 06:22 AM
04/11/18 06:22 AM
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I just did a quick search on my local Craigslist and found this:

I have several chicks and chickens for sale:
$15 - Porcelain Silkie Cockerel (very buff), produced by Marsha's Silkies & Sizzles. 2.5 months old.
$15 - Splash Silkie Cockerel, produced by Marsha's Silkies & Sizzles. 2.5 months old.
$40 - PAIR of Ayam Cemani, Cockerel & Pullet; 1 white toe tip on each foot, and pink inside mouths. 5 weeks old.
$10 - Black Ameraucana Pullet, possibly carries Lavender (Self-Blue) gene. 5 weeks old. FREE if bought with Cemani.

Hatching on March 23, just in time for Easter, I will have several color varieties of Silkies, Sizzles, and (Wooly) Swedish Hedemoras. Silkies/Sizzles will be $15-20 each, and Hedemoras start at $35 and up. Find me on Facebook: The Good Egg.

Another guy wanted $50.00 for a p;air of marans, called them "rare."

Let the buyer beware!


Re: Laying hens [Re: grizzwald660] #6214467
04/11/18 08:14 AM
04/11/18 08:14 AM
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S.E. Ohio
M.Magis Offline
M.Magis  Offline

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Add up the cost of the chicks and a years worth of food/care and then come back and let us know what seems reasonable. I see them for $10-12 on CL here and wonder why people even waste their time. They're probably losing money on some.

Re: Laying hens [Re: Lugnut] #6214503
04/11/18 08:52 AM
04/11/18 08:52 AM
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West Virginia
wkimble1 Offline
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Originally Posted By: Lugnut
I just did a quick search on my local Craigslist and found this:

I have several chicks and chickens for sale:
$15 - Porcelain Silkie Cockerel (very buff), produced by Marsha's Silkies & Sizzles. 2.5 months old.
$15 - Splash Silkie Cockerel, produced by Marsha's Silkies & Sizzles. 2.5 months old.
$40 - PAIR of Ayam Cemani, Cockerel & Pullet; 1 white toe tip on each foot, and pink inside mouths. 5 weeks old.
$10 - Black Ameraucana Pullet, possibly carries Lavender (Self-Blue) gene. 5 weeks old. FREE if bought with Cemani.

Hatching on March 23, just in time for Easter, I will have several color varieties of Silkies, Sizzles, and (Wooly) Swedish Hedemoras. Silkies/Sizzles will be $15-20 each, and Hedemoras start at $35 and up. Find me on Facebook: The Good Egg.

Another guy wanted $50.00 for a p;air of marans, called them "rare."

Let the buyer beware!

These prices are really cheap. The pair of Ayem Cemanis would go easily fr $300 IF the breed was right. But these aren't. Right in the ad it says white on toe, pink in mouth. NOT pure Ayem Cemanis. I know because i breed them. $50 for a pair of Marans is reasonable. He doesn't even specify what king of Marans,; birchen, blue, blue copper, splash. If you're just wanting chickens for eggs, then those are good prices. If you want, for example, Cemanis to breed and start a business, terrible price because you will have inferior birds.

Re: Laying hens [Re: grizzwald660] #6214540
04/11/18 09:36 AM
04/11/18 09:36 AM
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Norborne MO
BBarnes Offline
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I don't know about a year old chicken, but I get my fryers from the Amish. $7.50 each dressed. I take them the coolers and ice, they process them and then we package them up when we get home.
Worst part is dropping the coolers off at 5am and picking them up by 10am. They don't get any fresher then that and they have great flavor, nothing artifical.
Those ladies sure do a good job.


Re: Laying hens [Re: grizzwald660] #6214556
04/11/18 09:52 AM
04/11/18 09:52 AM
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Central, SD
Law Dog Offline
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Get some chicks and go from there get extras and sell the excess for less then the others want, my chickens free range in the daytime and eat less feed in the summer months but in winter they eat all feeds and some scraps so the higher costs in holding them over the winter month.

Was born in a Big City Will die in the Country OK with that!

Jerry Herbst
Re: Laying hens [Re: grizzwald660] #6214571
04/11/18 10:07 AM
04/11/18 10:07 AM
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Shenandoah County, VA
l1ranger Offline
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the chick prices i've seen range from a dollar up to about 4, for the 'normal' laying breeds.
after you feed them for a year, I can absolutely see 20 to 25 bucks a bird.

I've got a dozen birds at any given time and I supplement I lot with free range and table scraps, and still easily spend 20 bucks a month on feed.
lights and water heaters in the winter, my time and efforts...anything less than that and they might as well give them away

Re: Laying hens [Re: grizzwald660] #6214592
04/11/18 10:35 AM
04/11/18 10:35 AM
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FlyinFinn Offline
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I just bought 6 pullets from neighbor yesterday for $6.50 apiece. Supposedly laying, I'm going to check right now. These were red sex linked breed.
I also had 75 broiler chick's delivered by same guy for $1.28 apiece this morning. Not good timing as weather is fairly cool yet, but we'll get by.

Re: Laying hens [Re: grizzwald660] #6214613
04/11/18 11:02 AM
04/11/18 11:02 AM
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tjm Offline
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Baby chicks about 4-5$ea at feed stores and year olds ~$6 average, but regularly see ad for unlimited numbers of hens for $2 each.
At auction they can be as high as $26 each..

Now, what difference does it make? if in Joplin they sell for $2 and near you they are $10, are you going to drive to Joplin and shop for used birds?
Producing farm eggs may cost about $2/doz and store bought are $.50, so keeping hens is not a great way to save money. Pay what you think they are worth to look at as entertainment and appreciate that you get higher quality eggs as a bonus.

Re: Laying hens [Re: grizzwald660] #6214618
04/11/18 11:16 AM
04/11/18 11:16 AM
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NW Illinois
Kevin Stake Offline
Kevin Stake  Offline

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We are going to sell 21 week old pullets the first of July for $20 each. Brown leghorns and Easter eggers.

It is more blessed to give than to receive
Re: Laying hens [Re: grizzwald660] #6214653
04/11/18 12:10 PM
04/11/18 12:10 PM
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Georgia US
cjm5680 Offline
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$15-$25 is about right where Im at. But that's just because is spring time. Everybody wants to get out in the yard maybe plant a garden or start raising small animals because of the nice weather. But later in the summer when it starts getting hot people will start getting tired of them and the prices seem to go back down to $10-$12. Just my opinion

Re: Laying hens [Re: M.Magis] #6214780
04/11/18 03:50 PM
04/11/18 03:50 PM
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grizzwald660 Offline OP
grizzwald660  Offline OP

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Originally Posted By: M.Magis
Add up the cost of the chicks and a years worth of food/care and then come back and let us know what seems reasonable. I see them for $10-12 on CL here and wonder why people even waste their time. They're probably losing money on some.
I understand the costs. I’ve raised ring neck pheasants.

Re: Laying hens [Re: tjm] #6214781
04/11/18 03:53 PM
04/11/18 03:53 PM
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grizzwald660 Offline OP
grizzwald660  Offline OP

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Originally Posted By: tjm
Baby chicks about 4-5$ea at feed stores and year olds ~$6 average, but regularly see ad for unlimited numbers of hens for $2 each.
At auction they can be as high as $26 each..

Now, what difference does it make? if in Joplin they sell for $2 and near you they are $10, are you going to drive to Joplin and shop for used birds?
Producing farm eggs may cost about $2/doz and store bought are $.50, so keeping hens is not a great way to save money. Pay what you think they are worth to look at as entertainment and appreciate that you get higher quality eggs as a bonus.
I can be there tonight. Ha ha. And stay at a friends house. We lived in Webb City for about 10 years. I might just have to take a road trip. Thanks

Re: Laying hens [Re: grizzwald660] #6214791
04/11/18 04:11 PM
04/11/18 04:11 PM
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S.E. Ohio
M.Magis Offline
M.Magis  Offline

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Originally Posted By: grizzwald660
Originally Posted By: M.Magis
Add up the cost of the chicks and a years worth of food/care and then come back and let us know what seems reasonable. I see them for $10-12 on CL here and wonder why people even waste their time. They're probably losing money on some.
I understand the costs. I’ve raised ring neck pheasants.

Then your question confuses me.

Re: Laying hens [Re: M.Magis] #6214822
04/11/18 05:09 PM
04/11/18 05:09 PM
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Originally Posted By: M.Magis
Add up the cost of the chicks and a years worth of food/care and then come back and let us know what seems reasonable. I see them for $10-12 on CL here and wonder why people even waste their time. They're probably losing money on some.
They would be losing money. It takes 5 to 6 mo from hatch till laying.

NRA and NTA Life Member

Re: Laying hens [Re: grizzwald660] #6214832
04/11/18 05:30 PM
04/11/18 05:30 PM
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tjm Offline
tjm  Offline

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Originally Posted By: grizzwald660
I can be there tonight. Ha ha. And stay at a friends house. We lived in Webb City for about 10 years. I might just have to take a road trip. Thanks

We have new chickens! SALE CHICKENS! CHICKENS! Chickens! Red laying hens, $2.50 each, 12-14 months old. 417-489-2062, 417-235-4282. long as there is an ad, there’s gonna be chickens! Th... Show more
Big Nickel
This or similar has been running for about a year, pretty sure they $2.00 one time. Monett number so you can save an hour round trip.

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