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What's everyone up to ? #6521629
04/19/19 08:14 PM
04/19/19 08:14 PM
Joined: Jul 2013
Posts: 14,102
Amite county Mississippi
Wolfdog91 Offline OP
Wolfdog91  Offline OP

Joined: Jul 2013
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Amite county Mississippi
Weather won't make up it's mind so instead of hitting the creek I'm building bank line stages and a new trotline . Whats everyone elese up to ?
[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]

Re: What's everyone up to ? [Re: Wolfdog91] #6521644
04/19/19 08:29 PM
04/19/19 08:29 PM
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Suffolk new york
Miley Offline
Miley  Offline

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Suffolk new york
Man that looks like a hoot! Would love to run a trot line. Officially cleaned out the truck of all things trapping related and replaced with surf fishing gear! It will live in the truck till next trapping season!

Re: What's everyone up to ? [Re: Wolfdog91] #6521648
04/19/19 08:33 PM
04/19/19 08:33 PM
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Scuba1 Offline
"color blind Kraut"
Scuba1  Offline
"color blind Kraut"

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Here the weather made up its mind and decided on high winds close to 70 in the gusts, rain and t storms so life was a bit sporty on board today. No time for fun stuff and certainly could not make my way over to shore in the little boat in this weather to get to my trailer / workshop.

Let's go Brandon

"Shall not comply" with morons who don't understand "shall not infringe."
Re: What's everyone up to ? [Re: Wolfdog91] #6521653
04/19/19 08:41 PM
04/19/19 08:41 PM
Joined: Nov 2017
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West Central MN
20scout Offline
20scout  Offline

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West Central MN
Went out looking to make some beaver set but no fresh sign anywhere to be found. Will check back in a few days to see if there's been any activity. Meanwhile the weather has warmed up enough for me to set some gopher traps. Still a bit early but the spring ones are dumb. Caught my first 6 for the year!

Common sense is a not a vegetable that does well in everyone's garden.
Re: What's everyone up to ? [Re: Wolfdog91] #6521659
04/19/19 08:48 PM
04/19/19 08:48 PM
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adam m Offline
adam m  Offline

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I've been plastering my bathroom.

Re: What's everyone up to ? [Re: Wolfdog91] #6521713
04/19/19 10:03 PM
04/19/19 10:03 PM
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TDHP Offline
TDHP  Offline

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Getting ready to hit the streets, but looking forward to having the weekend off. Should be wrapping up a few adc beaver jobs this weekend along with bidding on a couple. The kids want to do a little trout fishing, so that will be on the agenda of things to do as well. Rest assure I will attempt to decline all OT shifts and details! smile

Smile, you're an expert!
Re: What's everyone up to ? [Re: Wolfdog91] #6521720
04/19/19 10:13 PM
04/19/19 10:13 PM
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trapper les Offline
trapper les  Offline

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Post some catch pics when you get that line out there.

"Those who hammer their guns into plowshares will plow for those who do not."
Re: What's everyone up to ? [Re: Wolfdog91] #6521727
04/19/19 10:24 PM
04/19/19 10:24 PM
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Pawnee Offline
Pawnee  Offline

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Just got off the sprayer. Getting corn ground ready. Stopped for a hour and went to Good Friday service. Long day I’m shot

Everything the left touches it destroys
Re: What's everyone up to ? [Re: Wolfdog91] #6521731
04/19/19 10:27 PM
04/19/19 10:27 PM
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snowy Offline
snowy  Offline

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About 6'4"

Give me a fish, I will eat for a day. Teach me to fish, I will eat for a lifetime
Re: What's everyone up to ? [Re: Wolfdog91] #6521742
04/19/19 10:44 PM
04/19/19 10:44 PM
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Hathaway Montana
Cathouse Jim Offline
Cathouse Jim  Offline

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Hathaway Montana
Spent the day cutting pieces of 3/16" round stock for jaw laminations. Good old fashioned way - hacksaw, vice, and a flat file to smooth up the ends.
It was a sweltering 78 degrees with no shade clouds in sight.

"I've reached nearly fifty four years of age with my system."

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Re: What's everyone up to ? [Re: Cathouse Jim] #6521762
04/19/19 11:21 PM
04/19/19 11:21 PM
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East-Central Wisconsin
bblwi Offline
bblwi  Offline

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East-Central Wisconsin
Just finished scrubbing and power washing our transfer tanks for our 7800 gallons of sap. All lines, tubes, buckets, lids etc. are now stashed for next year. Should be getting our syrup any day now. Hoping for lots of darker thins year.
Got a guy who wants to buy two of my last June's Hereford steers and another who wants the shorthorn-Hereford cross heifer. Probably will sell the 3 bred cows too as we are not setup well for handling 6-8 head over winter.
Bought potato seed today and onion sets, the raspberries, asparagus, rubarb and strawberries arrived today but we are weeks from planting in our heavy soils. Looks like big sections of my strawberry beds had a rough winter.
Been slow to move the last month. I really pulled or strained something in my hip area and finally scheduled an appointment to see what the next "steps" are.
Turkey blind goes out Sunday for my season next week.
Been a busy spring and we are wet so things are moving slow.
Bought s roll of wire. Friend and I will make colony traps this summer.

Re: What's everyone up to ? [Re: Wolfdog91] #6521767
04/19/19 11:34 PM
04/19/19 11:34 PM
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N.W. Iowa
Tactical.20 Offline
Tactical.20  Offline

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N.W. Iowa
Did a big office carpet 1 HR 45 minutes away, made 120$ an hour, remodeling my son's kitchen

Re: What's everyone up to ? [Re: Wolfdog91] #6521773
04/19/19 11:45 PM
04/19/19 11:45 PM
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Central Oregon
AntiGov Offline
AntiGov  Offline

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Central Oregon
6' 5"

The Vink for chief moderator....night shift ...11pm- 5am best coast time zone.....Free Marty

Re: What's everyone up to ? [Re: Wolfdog91] #6521779
04/19/19 11:57 PM
04/19/19 11:57 PM
Joined: Feb 2017
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Priest River, Idaho USA
SundanceMtnMan Offline
SundanceMtnMan  Offline

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Priest River, Idaho USA
Fishing,putting out my game cams and getting brooder house ready for this years chicks. It has been a cold,wet spring so far.

"They Say Nothing is Impossible,
But, I Do Nothing Every Day."
Re: What's everyone up to ? [Re: Wolfdog91] #6521798
04/20/19 12:28 AM
04/20/19 12:28 AM
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Posts: 247
SO. central Kansas
HOYT archery Offline
HOYT archery  Offline

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SO. central Kansas
I'm not an experienced trotline guy, so I'm just trying to learn. Wolfie it looks like your circle hooks are tied in a "snelled" fashion. Why is that?

Are snelled hooks better for a trotline? If so, why is that.

I'm a Big fan of circle hooks when bait fishing, but I tie everything with a polmar knot. I guess now that I mentioned it, I tie everything with a polmar knot. Just curious if I could be doing something better.

Re: What's everyone up to ? [Re: HOYT archery] #6521800
04/20/19 12:46 AM
04/20/19 12:46 AM
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Nebraska, Dawson County
chas3457 Offline
chas3457  Offline

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Nebraska, Dawson County
Not our man Wolfie, but the line he is using wouldn't hold very well with a Palomar knot, and the way he has them tied is super strong, besides having the line coming out of the eye on the point side, better facilitates a positive hook set.

He may very well have a different set of reasons, but that is my take on the subject. smile


Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm.

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Re: What's everyone up to ? [Re: Wolfdog91] #6521817
04/20/19 01:46 AM
04/20/19 01:46 AM
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eastern washington
BillyTraps Offline
BillyTraps  Offline

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eastern washington
put this up [Linked Image]

Re: What's everyone up to ? [Re: Wolfdog91] #6521847
04/20/19 06:47 AM
04/20/19 06:47 AM
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Mi, Mecosta
ambush32 Offline
ambush32  Offline

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Mi, Mecosta
^^^^^^ that’s very nice!!

Thought I was a good trapper until I started trapping coyotes......
Thought I was a good bowhunter until I targeted mature bucks....
Re: What's everyone up to ? [Re: Wolfdog91] #6522092
04/20/19 01:48 PM
04/20/19 01:48 PM
Joined: Oct 2012
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Mountain View, AR
ShaneT Offline
ShaneT  Offline

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Mountain View, AR
Watching the backwater rise. Prepping limb lines and stump hooks for the flathead spawn. Get a few built every night. Still building woven wire fence. Got my pastures fertilized. Doing a little turkey hunting when it isn't coming a flooding rain on the weekend. And last but not least my job lol which I am "supposed" to be doing now, but the Marshall vs. La Tech game is on the radio and Tech has runners in scoring position lol.

"Good Lord, thank you for your endless bounty. Lord please give me the strength to gather what I need"
Re: What's everyone up to ? [Re: Wolfdog91] #6522113
04/20/19 02:35 PM
04/20/19 02:35 PM
Joined: Dec 2008
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Eastern Shore of Maryland
HobbieTrapper Offline
"Chippendale Trapper"
HobbieTrapper  Offline
"Chippendale Trapper"

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Eastern Shore of Maryland
Getting the ground in the garden ready for planting spending a fortune. lol

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