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Re: Mitch McConnell and gun control [Re: loosegoose] #6590987
08/08/19 10:25 PM
08/08/19 10:25 PM
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H2ORat Offline
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Exactly -- nothing more than a tool however the city/rural divide is huge and getting bigger.

Re: Mitch McConnell and gun control [Re: loosegoose] #6590990
08/08/19 10:27 PM
08/08/19 10:27 PM
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WadeRyan Offline
WadeRyan  Offline

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I did have to snark a little bit when I saw a flash up of an article in California with the knife wielder/s going on a rampage. It's too bad people had to die but I think that pretty well proves if people want other people dead they'll find a way regardless of the object used. I don't get the news anymore period. No cable, no newspaper. Often this is about the only time I read any kind of news is on trapperman. It's made my life a lot more peaceful.

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Re: Mitch McConnell and gun control [Re: WadeRyan] #6590993
08/08/19 10:30 PM
08/08/19 10:30 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
Boco Offline
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james bay frontierOnt.
Three mass shootings in one week?
I don't think any media is misrepresenting anything here.
Ignoring or denying the huge problem wont make it go away.
And yes it is not the gun,it is another deeper problem in your society.

Last edited by Boco; 08/08/19 10:32 PM.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Mitch McConnell and gun control [Re: loosegoose] #6590996
08/08/19 10:32 PM
08/08/19 10:32 PM
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Saucier, Mississippi Harrison ...
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We can have all the gun control they want and the madness will continue. If you sell a gun to a crazy person that they've known was crazy since high school or they can;t buy one and get one anyway it will continue. The places in the U S with the toughest gun control have the highest gun violence rates by far. Chicago alone has had over 300 gun deaths this year. Heck they had 7 murders this last weekend. They also have some of the toughest gun control in the country. Real solutions start with separating these nuts from society when they are identified not after they they have committed an awful act. When criminals leave society for committing violent acts keep them separated. Guns are not the problem crazy people and those with no respect for life are the problem. Nobody says anything about fireworks or gasoline and diesel fuel and good old amonia nitrate fertilizer. Hope these nuts never figure out I E D's. After 5 direct hits and over 10 indirect as a gunner on a humvee I can assure you it is a fun way to spend the afternoon. Let's fix society. As long as it is acceptable to take what you want without punishment.Kill and walk away. Drugs and homelessness are normal. The family and raising your kids to be productive adults is a fairy tail for the most part. The welfare state is alive and well. And a judicial system that is a joke and TOTALLY broken. I bet if you read all the current laws and actually were able to enforce them all the way through the court system a lot of this madness would end. Actually holding people accountable for their actions ( There's a new idea). I can see why our LEO's are so frustrated it's got to be like digging a tunnel to nowhere. Put the blame where it belongs. On the liberals that don't want to hurt any ones feelings and don't want little Johnny or Suzy to fail school or loose a sporting event or have to make the grade to get into college. As long as they normalize sub par and pay peoples way that have never contributed anything to society. These problems are going to exist. Case in point. Had an ICE raid here yesterday. 680 illegals arrested at multiple processing plants and all I've heard is whining and crying about the cruelty. WHAT ? I guess it's o k though because in every one of the areas targeted 10% or less of the working age people are employed. So how are they getting food and shelter. I was taught that an empty stomach and sleeping in the elements with the bugs is a good motivator to get you up and going. JMO

"Skin that smokewagon and see what happens"
Re: Mitch McConnell and gun control [Re: loosegoose] #6591002
08/08/19 10:37 PM
08/08/19 10:37 PM
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WadeRyan Offline
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Boco that's an every weekend occurrence in Chicago. They had 50 shooting victims and six killed just last weekend with arguably one of the US state's with the most restrictive gun legislature. You don't see that plastered across the media. So yes the media is mis-representing it. Everything the media is portraying is why firearms are the culprit, when in fact it has nothing to do with the guns. You're intelligent enough to pick that out.

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Re: Mitch McConnell and gun control [Re: loosegoose] #6591005
08/08/19 10:42 PM
08/08/19 10:42 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
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There is a big difference between thugs killing each other,and mass shootings of innocent people in schools malls,etc.
When innocent people get killed going about their every day business there is a problem-3 in one week.
You should be intelligent enough to grasp that difference.
Most people likely don't give a crap about felons involved in criminal activity killing each other,unless some innocent bystanders get shot in the crossfire.
But I agree that is a problem too,albeit a totally different one than mass shooting of innocent people.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Mitch McConnell and gun control [Re: loosegoose] #6591006
08/08/19 10:43 PM
08/08/19 10:43 PM
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WadeRyan Offline
WadeRyan  Offline

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I don't know maybe I am just crazy but to me there's no question what the "deeper problem in society" is. This country went down hill when people began to believe they were entitled to everything for nothing. Political correctness and the inability for people that carry this country (the working class) to have their voice heard has resulted in a nation of lazy pigs. I've always been a big believer in Darwin and I'll tell you it's well at work in the world today. Politics and laziness are the two "deeper problems" that no one seems to want to tackle.

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Re: Mitch McConnell and gun control [Re: loosegoose] #6591007
08/08/19 10:43 PM
08/08/19 10:43 PM
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mnsota Offline
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Who said anything about doing something wrong?
They should be smart enough to figure something out.
People cannot live in fear like that in a civilized society.

People live in fear every night in most major American cities... every night!,...they don't frequent their parks. They don't stroll nighttime sidewalks. They call their children in at dusk.
And some want to remove their last remnant of security!

Re: Mitch McConnell and gun control [Re: Boco] #6591008
08/08/19 10:45 PM
08/08/19 10:45 PM
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WadeRyan Offline
WadeRyan  Offline

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Originally Posted by Boco
There is a big difference between thugs killing each other,and mass shootings of innocent people in schools malls,etc.
When innocent people get killed going about their every day business there is a problem-3 in one week.
You should be intelligent enough to grasp that difference.
Most people likely don't give a crap about felons involved in criminal activity killing each other,unless some innocent bystanders get shot in the crossfire.
But I agree that is a problem too,albeit a totally different one than mass shooting of innocent people.

You think those "thugs" just live in houses with each other? There's children, wives, parents, and grandparents all in those neighborhoods too that want to live a normal life and get gunned down in the crossfire. Thugs can't breed with thugs Boco.

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Re: Mitch McConnell and gun control [Re: loosegoose] #6591010
08/08/19 10:47 PM
08/08/19 10:47 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
Boco Offline
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james bay frontierOnt.
Let me be perfectly clear,I repeat I do not support the theory that guns are the problem.There is a deeper problem in society,and guns are just the most efficient tool available to do the job that these sickos wish to carry out.
I believe the problem is overpopulation,and a clash of cultures.

Last edited by Boco; 08/08/19 10:48 PM.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Mitch McConnell and gun control [Re: Boco] #6591012
08/08/19 10:49 PM
08/08/19 10:49 PM
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WadeRyan Offline
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Originally Posted by Boco
Let me be perfectly clear,I repeat I do not support the theory that guns are the problem.There is a deeper problem in society,and guns are just the most efficient tool available to do the job that these sickos wish to carry out.

I disagree. There's much better ways to carry out mass casualty with little to no effort, but I don't need a visit from the Feds. Any questions look to our friends in the desert. I already outlined the deeper problem. Gun control has not one thing to do with it other than to buy votes.

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Re: Mitch McConnell and gun control [Re: loosegoose] #6591014
08/08/19 10:52 PM
08/08/19 10:52 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
Boco Offline
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james bay frontierOnt.
Are you thick,who said anything about gun control.Guns are just the tool of choice by the mass killers.If they could not get guns they would use what they could get.The reason they use guns is that they are readily available in society.Why go to the bother of making a bunch of kettle bombs when they can just go and buy an AR or AK.
The problem,I repeat for the third time is not the gun-it is some deeper sickness in society driving these people to commit mass terror on their fellow citizens.

Last edited by Boco; 08/08/19 10:55 PM.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Mitch McConnell and gun control [Re: loosegoose] #6591015
08/08/19 10:56 PM
08/08/19 10:56 PM
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tlguy Offline
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The gun grabbers dont want to admit it's a mental health crisis because that doesn't follow their anti-gun agenda. Our entire healthcare system is so fubar it's no wonder these wackos are shooting up malls and schools.

Re: Mitch McConnell and gun control [Re: loosegoose] #6591020
08/08/19 11:00 PM
08/08/19 11:00 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
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james bay frontierOnt.
Kerosine and pigshit will destroy on a massive scale but takes a lot more planning and likely some co-conspiritors.More suited to feedom fighters or organized terrorists than a loner from his mommas basement thinking he can save the country.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Mitch McConnell and gun control [Re: WadeRyan] #6591021
08/08/19 11:01 PM
08/08/19 11:01 PM
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SkyeDancer Offline
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There is no immediate or easy solution. The Dems orgasm over the very idea of taking all of our guns. Neither the President or Mitch should give an inch, because it won't matter in the long run. Evil is always going to be in the world and gun control will not stop it. The victims in these shooting are like sheep with no option to defend themselves. I don't remember which incident it was, but the one where the neighbor was armed with his own AR made a big difference in the out come. That is the answer!

Last edited by SkyeDancer; 08/08/19 11:03 PM.
Re: Mitch McConnell and gun control [Re: loosegoose] #6591026
08/08/19 11:09 PM
08/08/19 11:09 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
Boco Offline
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james bay frontierOnt.
Trumps leadership ability's will be tested now,and his re election depends on what he will do.He will have to do something,people in cities cannot live like that,stampeding at the sound of a vehicle backfireing in fear they are going to be shot to death.
Sounds like living in Iraq.

Last edited by Boco; 08/08/19 11:10 PM.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Mitch McConnell and gun control [Re: loosegoose] #6591031
08/08/19 11:17 PM
08/08/19 11:17 PM
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SkyeDancer Offline
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In reality, they really are isolated incidents in the big picture with life here being safer then any where else in the world. The far left press has as it's goal to make it seem otherwise

Re: Mitch McConnell and gun control [Re: loosegoose] #6591032
08/08/19 11:19 PM
08/08/19 11:19 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
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james bay frontierOnt.
I disagree,3 mass shootings in one week is not made up by any media.There is a huge problem.
If that is seen as normal then the problem is much worse.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Mitch McConnell and gun control [Re: Boco] #6591034
08/08/19 11:20 PM
08/08/19 11:20 PM
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WadeRyan Offline
WadeRyan  Offline

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Originally Posted by Boco
Are you thick,who said anything about gun control.Guns are just the tool of choice by the mass killers.If they could not get guns they would use what they could get.The reason they use guns is that they are readily available in society.Why go to the bother of making a bunch of kettle bombs when they can just go and buy an AR or AK.
The problem,I repeat for the third time is not the gun-it is some deeper sickness in society driving these people to commit mass terror on their fellow citizens.

The whole democratic outcry is for gun control so you don't have to say anything about gun control it's written all over the wall. If there wasn't an election coming soon this would already be forgotten and they would be focusing on some type of collusion. It's just a feel good message the democrats are running crazy with. The deeper sickness in society as I've already repeated for the third time is the politicians themselves and the media. They're simply feeding on fear to promote their own agenda's. There's plenty of time for mass shootings before the next presidential election. I personally don't think Trump's re-election will be based off actions or inaction at this time.

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Re: Mitch McConnell and gun control [Re: Boco] #6591036
08/08/19 11:22 PM
08/08/19 11:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Boco
The problem,I repeat for the third time is not the gun-it is some deeper sickness in society driving these people to commit mass terror on their fellow citizens.

I agree with that 100%.

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