I had planned a hunt about year ago to go chase deer out at Montague Island. It is hands down one of my favorite hunts and the thought of getting out there helped keep me motivated. There were a few mishaps prior to getting there. My good buddy Crucible 6 blew out his back during moose season, that was a real bummer, and it was confirmed that he ruptured 2 disc's, so he will be laid up for a spell.
I hooked up with a Army buddy here in Wasilla Sunday evening. He owns the boat, a nice 30 footer. We have done this hunt three times now and have done a few fishing trips as well. He has aspirations of being a guide when he finally retires. Our trip down there was a little hairy

We jacked knifed the boat right in the middle of Anchorage and almost took out a telephone pole! But we finally made it down to Whitter 3 hours later, hooked up with two other buddy's, got the boat launched and ready for first light.
If you go on the big water in the winter months you know how unpredictable the seas can be. The trip out there wasn't to bad and we made it in 3 hours. I can't say the same for the trip back though. Took 4 1/2 hours and we got a bit beat up
We were hoping that there was snow out on the islands, makes it so much easier to spot movement and it is pretty quite moving.
This is one of my favorite spots out there, 2 draws come together at a creek and the head of a lake.
![[Linked Image]](https://trapperman.com/forum/attachments/usergals/2019/11/full-10231-25417-69941183_2480480748831779_104189962366222336_n.jpg)
Picked up this little button buck walking around a bend. He was already at a dead run heading to the thick stuff when I saw him. Missed the first shot but balled him up with the second.
![[Linked Image]](https://trapperman.com/forum/attachments/usergals/2019/11/full-10231-25418-78212520_774101173030190_8098049103033794560_n.jpg)
Got him gutted and drug down to the shore line for pick up and continued to hunt. I poked around quit a bit in hopes of getting the deer to move towards my buddies and as I did I found myself on the back side of a lake, I sat down there and ate my lunch and just enjoyed the view. When I finished I decided I would follow a draw up a little just to get a looks see. About 20 minutes later I found myself on top of a ridge line looking down to were two draws met. I was telling myself there has got to be deer here. I looked up the draw and towards the next ridge line and sure enough about 900yds away I saw 2 deer!
I looked back at the lake and thought to myself that will be one heck of a pack and seriously contemplated if I really wanted to go after those deer.
I closed the gap and got to within 200 yds of were I saw them and I just stood there scanning the draw and ridge line. I had thought they went to the left but wasn't sure. After a few minutes I decided to try calling. I had watched on that show Meat Hunter they guy would give a fawn in distress call, sometimes it would work sometimes not.
I blew on the thing four times........ and as I dropped my hand I heard a thunk behind me, I barely had time to get my gun up when a head popped over a raise 20 yds behind me
![[Linked Image]](https://trapperman.com/forum/attachments/usergals/2019/11/full-10231-25420-77102441_445272859505730_8974179425910259712_n.jpg)
That was worth the long pack out
I have a friend that has had fox getting her chickens all summer long. She has seen them numerous times, never thought to ask what color. Set a few snares and yesterday picked these 2 beauties up
![[Linked Image]](https://trapperman.com/forum/attachments/usergals/2019/11/full-10231-25421-78531584_2421177514675517_7645175218628984832_n.jpg)
I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving and are grateful for the many blessing you have in your world!