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Coatimundi??? I had to google it. (But to answer your question "NO" never even heard of it). thing looks like a cross breed between a possum and a coon!
We skinned one In Fur School. A warden got a call about some strange critter and they ended up killing It and we skinned It. They figured It was some ones pet that escaped or was dumped.
Feisty little critters. When I was in the army we would do 30 days of jungle training in Panama every year and those guys were everywhere. We had one get his head caught in a C-ration can one night and he proceeded to tear up our whole patrol base trying to get free while his buddies were going crazy - scared the crap out of everybody.
Feisty little critters. When I was in the army we would do 30 days of jungle training in Panama every year and those guys were everywhere. We had one get his head caught in a C-ration can one night and he proceeded to tear up our whole patrol base trying to get free while his buddies were going crazy - scared the crap out of everybody.
Imagine the cases of surpressed PTSD that resulted from that there episode !!!!
When we was a kid a neighbor had one as a pet, when it was riled it had a strange way of going after what was rilleing it up, it would attack kind of sideways with its mouth instead of front on like other animals
Back in the early 80 spent a winter in southern Arizona and had them getting into the trash on a regular basis and caught several in a live trap
I think they would be worth more on the taxi market then as fur, though they do have nice fur
�Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks.� ― Robert A. Heinlein
Coatimundi mostly sell in the pet trade for around $800.00 each for bottle babies or adults for the normal reds. Whites are a few grand each.
If legal, you could probably make really good money selling wild caught coatimundi as breeders for pet coatimundi.
Rare colors of any fur bearer sell for huge money as breeders in the pet trade. I wish we could sell live, rare colored, wild caught furbearers from Ohio. If it's legal in your state, I would give it considerable consideration.