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Wild leeks / Ramps #6795503
03/08/20 02:44 PM
03/08/20 02:44 PM
Joined: May 2018
Posts: 9
Somerset, PA
Reaper930 Offline OP
Reaper930  Offline OP

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Somerset, PA
Anyone gonna be out this spring digging lots of leeks? I have tons of them in my woods, and usually enjoy eating some, but this year I was thinking of selling them and was curious on where I would sell them? I can ask around local places but does anyone buy online? And if so, what do you guys think would be the proper way to package them? Thanks for any input!

Looking to sell many different roots in PA. Please send me a PM. Thanks!
Re: Wild leeks / Ramps [Re: Reaper930] #6796504
03/09/20 05:42 PM
03/09/20 05:42 PM
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claysville, pa
imiller Offline
imiller  Offline

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claysville, pa
we dig a bunch, never sold any tho.
will be watchin this.

Re: Wild leeks / Ramps [Re: Reaper930] #6799411
03/12/20 11:54 AM
03/12/20 11:54 AM
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northern indiana
kenny k Online content
kenny k  Online Content

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If you have a farmer market close by maybe someone would buy them.

Re: Wild leeks / Ramps [Re: Reaper930] #6799682
03/12/20 04:34 PM
03/12/20 04:34 PM
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Tug Hill, NY
Squash Offline
Squash  Offline

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Tug Hill, NY
I dig a mess of them each spring. Pickled some last year, also like them cooked on the grill greens and all , with olive oil and sea salt.

Re: Wild leeks / Ramps [Re: Reaper930] #6799690
03/12/20 04:52 PM
03/12/20 04:52 PM
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Somerset, PA
Reaper930 Offline OP
Reaper930  Offline OP

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Somerset, PA
Thanks for the replies guys, I don’t really know of any farmers markets near me that would be interested in those but I’ll ask around!

Looking to sell many different roots in PA. Please send me a PM. Thanks!
Re: Wild leeks / Ramps [Re: Reaper930] #6814790
03/23/20 07:03 PM
03/23/20 07:03 PM
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playin4funami Offline
playin4funami  Offline

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you could try joining some local area facebook pages. i am on several local pages for mushrooms and stuff and there are always people on there asking to buy different items. may be worth a shot

Re: Wild leeks / Ramps [Re: Reaper930] #6831920
04/06/20 07:12 AM
04/06/20 07:12 AM
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QuinnTheEskimo Offline
QuinnTheEskimo  Offline

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I dig some every year for my families use, mostly fresh but I pickle some every few years. If I wanted to sell them I’d put an ad on FaceBook marketplace, you probably can search it and find some others to get an idea what folks are charging. You could also sell them to a farmers market vendor as others have said.

Re: Wild leeks / Ramps [Re: Reaper930] #6837476
04/10/20 07:44 PM
04/10/20 07:44 PM
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North central Ohio
RonH Offline
RonH  Offline

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North central Ohio
Do you pickle bulbs and green So? How do you pickle them? Thank you

Re: Wild leeks / Ramps [Re: Reaper930] #6838494
04/11/20 02:14 PM
04/11/20 02:14 PM
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QuinnTheEskimo Offline
QuinnTheEskimo  Offline

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I only pickle the bulbs, this is the recipe I used:

1 pound ramps (Allium tricoccum)
1 cup water
1 1/4 cups white wine vinegar (or apple vinegar)
2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon Kosher salt (or other non-iodized salts)
1 small hot chile pepper (chopped or crushed (you can use fresh or dried))
2 to 4 whole spicebush (Lindera benzoin) or allspice berries
1/2 teaspoon whole mustard seeds
1/2 teaspoon whole coriander seeds
1/4 teaspoon whole cumin seeds
6 to 8 whole black peppercorns

Steps to Make It
Gather the ingredients.

Slice off the string roots at the bottom of the ramps and then a little bit above the point where the white part ends and the green leaves separate out. Wash the ramps well. You're only going to pickle those white parts with a bit of the green attached, but don't throw out the leaves; save them for another recipe.

Prepare the brine by putting the water, vinegar, honey, and salt in a small saucepan and stir to combine.

Add the chile pepper, spicebush or allspice, mustard, coriander, cumin, and black pepper.

Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 5 minutes.

Place a clean 1/2 pint canning jar (it is not necessary to sterilize the jars for this recipe) on its side. Lay the ramps in with the white part toward the bottom of the jar. Laying them with the jar on its side makes it easier to keep the ramps straight so that they will all line up vertically when you set the jar upright.

Pack the ramps in so tightly that you cannot squeeze in a single ramp more. This will ensure that the ramps stay immersed in the brine rather than floating up out of it. Be sure to leave 1/2-inch headspace between the top of the ramps and the rim of the jar (trim the ramps if they are too tall).

Pour the hot brine over the ramps, covering them completely but still leaving 1/4- to 1/2-inch headspace; you can refrigerate leftover brine and use it for future batches of pickles. Screw on canning lids.

Process the pickled ramps in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Wait at least a week for the flavors to develop before sampling (they will be even better after a month).

Re: Wild leeks / Ramps [Re: Reaper930] #6838905
04/11/20 08:09 PM
04/11/20 08:09 PM
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North central Ohio
RonH Offline
RonH  Offline

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North central Ohio
Thank you very much for the detailed explanation, I appreciate it!

Re: Wild leeks / Ramps [Re: Reaper930] #7779984
01/22/23 10:54 PM
01/22/23 10:54 PM
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West Virginia
Roofbolter Offline
Roofbolter  Offline

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West Virginia
Here in Charleston we go up in the Mountains and dig Ramps. I usually plant about a few Hundred on the hill behind my house to get them started and them leave them alone. You will see everyone parked alongside the road selling little bunches of 25 for 5 bucks. They make good money after selling a few thousand but they go fast!!!

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