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Re: Please Don't wear a mask in here. [Re: teepee2] #6867622
05/09/20 12:09 PM
05/09/20 12:09 PM
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Beatrice, NE
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Originally Posted by teepee2
You wear a mask to protect other people, not yourself. If you don't care about other people, then just carry on. whistle

How does it protect other people though? The typical cloth mask or surgical mask you see people wearing has huge gaps around your nose and cheeks, and most people do a poor job at fitting an N95 mask, and the N95 masks with the valves allow unfiltered air out by their very design. If I wear a mask and you wear a mask, and I'm spewing snot and spit particles through the gaps in my mask, and you're breathing in my snot and spit particles through the gap in your mask, how did either of our masks do any good?

I wouldn't be opposed to masks if there was evidence they actually worked, but common sense dictates that a mask that doesn't block virus particles cannot protect you from a virus.

Last edited by loosegoose; 05/09/20 12:11 PM.
Re: Please Don't wear a mask in here. [Re: teepee2] #6867623
05/09/20 12:09 PM
05/09/20 12:09 PM
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Originally Posted by teepee2
You wear a mask to protect other people, not yourself. If you don't care about other people, then just carry on. whistle

Keep drinking the koolaid

John 3/16

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Re: Please Don't wear a mask in here. [Re: cotton] #6867629
05/09/20 12:16 PM
05/09/20 12:16 PM
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As long as you don't breath on me. smile

Re: Please Don't wear a mask in here. [Re: teepee2] #6867630
05/09/20 12:19 PM
05/09/20 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by teepee2
You wear a mask to protect other people, not yourself. If you don't care about other people, then just carry on. whistle

You're right, but they won't ever get it because they would rather believe it's all some conspiracy to take their rights. Doctors, dentists and nurses all wear masks for this reason. Masks won't stop all the viruses, but they stop most of them from being transmitted easily. It takes a large load of viruses, not a single virus for people to get ill. Just because some safeguards don't work perfectly, doesn't mean they don't help and aren't worth using.


Re: Please Don't wear a mask in here. [Re: MB750] #6867632
05/09/20 12:20 PM
05/09/20 12:20 PM
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This is the mask I'm provided at work. We're not required, but encouraged to wear them.... [Linked Image]

You see them all over the place. These ones were donated to the police station, probably made from someone's used bed sheets. But here's the thing....
[Linked Image]
See these huge gaps? Almost all the air I breathe goes right out these gaps, to the point that I can feel my breath on my eyes. Obviously it's not being caught by the mask. So how can this mask protect anyone?
Serious people really think something like this can be effective?

Re: Please Don't wear a mask in here. [Re: MB750] #6867634
05/09/20 12:25 PM
05/09/20 12:25 PM
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SW Georgia
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Wanna Be  Online Content

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Our issued cloth masks have the metal strip to at least form around your nose. No, not 100% effective, but effective enough.
If your hands were freezing and you had to choose between no gloves or a lightweight pair, would you choose no gloves? Not me, I’d put on those lightweight gloves in a heartbeat. A little something is better than nothing.

Re: Please Don't wear a mask in here. [Re: MB750] #6867636
05/09/20 12:25 PM
05/09/20 12:25 PM
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The one positive thong about wearing a mask is that people can not touch their faces. Ya ick up the germs / virus of surfaces with your finders and when ya got and itchy nose you scratch it without thinking about it. wearing a mask prevents that from happening. I don't other wearing one by the way and I don't go around licking door knobs either.

Let's go Brandon

"Shall not comply" with morons who don't understand "shall not infringe."
Re: Please Don't wear a mask in here. [Re: Wanna Be] #6867638
05/09/20 12:27 PM
05/09/20 12:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Wanna Be
Our issued cloth masks have the metal strip to at least form around your nose. No, not 100% effective, but effective enough.
If your hands were freezing and you had to choose between no gloves or a lightweight pair, would you choose no gloves? Not me, I’d put on those lightweight gloves in a heartbeat. A little something is better than nothing.

Heat transmits through radiation, convection, and conduction, though, not by particles floating through the air.

Re: Please Don't wear a mask in here. [Re: loosegoose] #6867643
05/09/20 12:33 PM
05/09/20 12:33 PM
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Originally Posted by loosegoose
This is the mask I'm provided at work. We're not required, but encouraged to wear them.... [Linked Image]

You see them all over the place. These ones were donated to the police station, probably made from someone's used bed sheets. But here's the thing....
[Linked Image]
See these huge gaps? Almost all the air I breathe goes right out these gaps, to the point that I can feel my breath on my eyes. Obviously it's not being caught by the mask. So how can this mask protect anyone?
Serious people really think something like this can be effective?

Maybe if your beak wasn't so gargantuan it would fit better.

Re: Please Don't wear a mask in here. [Re: MB750] #6867646
05/09/20 12:37 PM
05/09/20 12:37 PM
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Co�s Offline
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Does anyone have any actual science pointing to why it's pointless and or harmful to wear masks? I'd be genuinely interested to read it. See plenty of studies on how they help slow the spread. The argument against seems limited to the gap at the nose on some masks, and of course the tin hat guys, which doesn't merit discussion.

If the gap is reduced or eliminated, are the masks still useless?

Re: Please Don't wear a mask in here. [Re: Co�s] #6867648
05/09/20 12:42 PM
05/09/20 12:42 PM
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loosegoose Offline
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Originally Posted by Coös
Does anyone have any actual science pointing to why it's pointless and or harmful to wear masks? I'd be genuinely interested to read it. See plenty of studies on how they help slow the spread. The argument against seems limited to the gap at the nose on some masks, and of course the tin hat guys, which doesn't merit discussion.

If the gap is reduced or eliminated, are the masks still useless?

Researchera in South Korea had infected patients cough on petri dishes and found the masks didn't catch much of anything.

There's no evidence showing them to be effective.

Last edited by loosegoose; 05/09/20 12:45 PM.
Re: Please Don't wear a mask in here. [Re: Co�s] #6867650
05/09/20 12:43 PM
05/09/20 12:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Coös
Does anyone have any actual science pointing to why it's pointless and or harmful to wear masks? I'd be genuinely interested to read it. See plenty of studies on how they help slow the spread. The argument against seems limited to the gap at the nose on some masks, and of course the tin hat guys, which doesn't merit discussion.

If the gap is reduced or eliminated, are the masks still useless?

If you do not need depends would you wear them, you know to protect others? Gaps would also be bad.

Re: Please Don't wear a mask in here. [Re: MB750] #6867654
05/09/20 12:48 PM
05/09/20 12:48 PM
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Nice policy


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Re: Please Don't wear a mask in here. [Re: Co�s] #6867655
05/09/20 12:49 PM
05/09/20 12:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Coös
Originally Posted by mskrtman
Why would you not support a business that's trying to protect their employees? Maybe they want to stay open and not have to shut down like some of the meat packing places. Trump's administration recommends wearing them even though he said he would not wear one.


Good bait, But as I said "It makes me feel uncomfortable, When I feel uncomfortable, my hand will not always extend all the way to my wallet. I feel that if you are walking around rural southern Wi. with a mask on you are what Red Foreman would call a "---- ---". and you will not be selling me anything.

Re: Please Don't wear a mask in here. [Re: MB750] #6867661
05/09/20 12:52 PM
05/09/20 12:52 PM
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Thanks. I'm still going to wear them out of respect for employees and other shoppers. If it helps at all, bonus.

Re: Please Don't wear a mask in here. [Re: MB750] #6867663
05/09/20 12:53 PM
05/09/20 12:53 PM
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Originally Posted by MB750
Around this part of the country the whole world has gone Corona virus nuts. My county and a couple of others are worse than many of the others. Most places are shut down completely. In those that are not masks are required to enter every store except for one.
We have a local gun store where they have posted on line and on their door that anyone who enters their store had better NOT be wearing a mask. If you wear on into the store it will be looked upon as an act of aggression and delt with accordingly.
I have been in this gun shop. I did NOT wear a mask. My son and his buddy made a special trip there just to buy or order a new gun just because they wanted to show their support of the owners stance on the subject.
The local Mayor and the County commissioners mandated the mask ruling for all businesses.
There are many, myself included, who oppose this mask rule. I refuse to look like a thief just to walk into a place of business.

It is always a good idea when people are on edge to make yourself noticed. This gun store should continue on as they just posted in public that they will shoot people in premeditation, which prosecutors just love, and people on juries who have sick and dead loved ones from a pandemic, will give a sympathetic ear.
Of course the police just love to respond to calls where the store owner has thumbed their nose at ordinances, and now wants the cops to place their lives in jeopardy to save the business owner.
Don;'t wear a mask. Make yourself noticed, so people complain, so you get others sick and they sue you for all you have. Don't wear a mask as the people who complain, call the police, who are annoyed at exposing themselves to an idiot, and it gets heated, they pull their weapons you are screaming as you reach for your copy of the Bill of Rights, they shoot, everyone cheers, and then you can wear a coffin.
Keep calling attention in your communities as the troublemaker, and then the police will focus on you, on what other kinds of laws you are breaking, which is endangering them, as they have to deal with all the problems.
When you create problems for yourselves by thinking you have rights, do not complain when things you set in motion come back and you have arrests, lawyer fees and court costs. Instead call up Rush Limbaugh who put you up to this stuff with open America, as I am sure he will pay all your bills and invite down to stay at the mansion.

As my Grandfather said, "You get yourself into trouble, you are the one who got yourself into trouble, so don't complain about the consequences".

This is not to the time to be making yourself noticed when 70% of Americans want gun stores shut down and 90% want every troublemaker thrown into jail. Attorney General Barr can advocate for your going to Church or ending overreaches, but you are not the Attorney General with an entire department protecting him.

Re: Please Don't wear a mask in here. [Re: star flakes] #6867668
05/09/20 01:01 PM
05/09/20 01:01 PM
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Originally Posted by star flakes
Originally Posted by MB750
Around this part of the country the whole world has gone Corona virus nuts. My county and a couple of others are worse than many of the others. Most places are shut down completely. In those that are not masks are required to enter every store except for one.
We have a local gun store where they have posted on line and on their door that anyone who enters their store had better NOT be wearing a mask. If you wear on into the store it will be looked upon as an act of aggression and delt with accordingly.
I have been in this gun shop. I did NOT wear a mask. My son and his buddy made a special trip there just to buy or order a new gun just because they wanted to show their support of the owners stance on the subject.
The local Mayor and the County commissioners mandated the mask ruling for all businesses.
There are many, myself included, who oppose this mask rule. I refuse to look like a thief just to walk into a place of business.

It is always a good idea when people are on edge to make yourself noticed. This gun store should continue on as they just posted in public that they will shoot people in premeditation, which prosecutors just love, and people on juries who have sick and dead loved ones from a pandemic, will give a sympathetic ear.
Of course the police just love to respond to calls where the store owner has thumbed their nose at ordinances, and now wants the cops to place their lives in jeopardy to save the business owner.
Don;'t wear a mask. Make yourself noticed, so people complain, so you get others sick and they sue you for all you have. Don't wear a mask as the people who complain, call the police, who are annoyed at exposing themselves to an idiot, and it gets heated, they pull their weapons you are screaming as you reach for your copy of the Bill of Rights, they shoot, everyone cheers, and then you can wear a coffin.
Keep calling attention in your communities as the troublemaker, and then the police will focus on you, on what other kinds of laws you are breaking, which is endangering them, as they have to deal with all the problems.
When you create problems for yourselves by thinking you have rights, do not complain when things you set in motion come back and you have arrests, lawyer fees and court costs. Instead call up Rush Limbaugh who put you up to this stuff with open America, as I am sure he will pay all your bills and invite down to stay at the mansion.

As my Grandfather said, "You get yourself into trouble, you are the one who got yourself into trouble, so don't complain about the consequences".

This is not to the time to be making yourself noticed when 70% of Americans want gun stores shut down and 90% want every troublemaker thrown into jail. Attorney General Barr can advocate for your going to Church or ending overreaches, but you are not the Attorney General with an entire department protecting him.

After reading your post I firmly believe that if the Govt. sterilized everyone wearing a mask today, the human race would improve immensely.

Re: Please Don't wear a mask in here. [Re: loosegoose] #6867676
05/09/20 01:06 PM
05/09/20 01:06 PM
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Originally Posted by loosegoose
Originally Posted by Coös
Does anyone have any actual science pointing to why it's pointless and or harmful to wear masks? I'd be genuinely interested to read it. See plenty of studies on how they help slow the spread. The argument against seems limited to the gap at the nose on some masks, and of course the tin hat guys, which doesn't merit discussion.

If the gap is reduced or eliminated, are the masks still useless?

Researchera in South Korea had infected patients cough on petri dishes and found the masks didn't catch much of anything.

There's no evidence showing them to be effective.

Won't make no difference, they'll be right back on here saying you should wear one.

It'd be a different story if everyone wore professional grade masks. What I'm seeing people wearing Is doing nothing but showing the gov't your a sheep and will roll over.

Last edited by hippie; 05/09/20 01:15 PM.

There comes a point liberalism has gone too far, we're past that point.
Re: Please Don't wear a mask in here. [Re: MB750] #6867690
05/09/20 01:27 PM
05/09/20 01:27 PM
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Aix sponsa Offline
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I don’t think this gun store posted the no masks due to compliance with covid guidelines.

I think they did this so that someone considering robbing the place wouldn’t be able to use the Covid ordeal to their advantage by concealing their identity without being challenged.....

Re: Please Don't wear a mask in here. [Re: MB750] #6867703
05/09/20 01:55 PM
05/09/20 01:55 PM
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Champaign County, Ohio.
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Originally Posted by loosegoose
Originally Posted by Coös
Does anyone have any actual science pointing to why it's pointless and or harmful to wear masks? I'd be genuinely interested to read it. See plenty of studies on how they help slow the spread. The argument against seems limited to the gap at the nose on some masks, and of course the tin hat guys, which doesn't merit discussion.

If the gap is reduced or eliminated, are the masks still useless?

Researchera in South Korea had infected patients cough on petri dishes and found the masks didn't catch much of anything.

There's no evidence showing them to be effective.

The world renowned Mayo Clinic says masks help, as does most every other hospital in the entire world.

Petri dishes, as you may remember from grade school and high school science classes are intentionally extremely fertile, for growing bacteria on the agar or nutrient broth. There is no immune system in a petri dish. Petri dishes are used to grow bacteria, fungi and small mosses. Viruses will not grow in a standard petri dish. Viruses are grown in a living cell culture.


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