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Re: Best conservative states to live in [Re: Grandpa Trapper] #6917604
07/02/20 08:42 AM
07/02/20 08:42 AM
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Hancock Co., Indiana
Kart29 Offline
Kart29  Offline

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Hancock Co., Indiana
I saw a study some time ago that selected the five most free states in the nation. The top five were

New Hampshire (live free or die!)
and I forget the fifth.

Speaking for Indiana, it's a pretty free state and you are pretty much left alone to do your thing without government intervention. Taxes are usually fairly low. However, there's not much in the central part of the state except corn and beans, beans and corn. No rivers, lakes, forest, etc. The farm fields are looking beautiful this time of year. But there's not much for natural beauty. There's some lakes in the north part of the state, and some hills and forest in the south. That's about it.

What from Christ that soul can sever,
Bound by everlasting bands?
None shall take thee
From the Strength of Israel's hands.

Re: Best conservative states to live in [Re: Donnie H] #6917606
07/02/20 08:44 AM
07/02/20 08:44 AM
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Northern Maine
Bruce T Offline
Bruce T  Offline

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Northern Maine
Originally Posted by Donnie H
The West part of Va. ain't nothing like the east 1/2 of the state, and not all of the east half. Most people in the
East part don't know we exist. They think Va. stops at in the middle. Only thing that's get attention this far west
is Bristol because on the NASCAR race. We kinda like it that way. 11 countys up east mostly, is the the only blue
county s in the state. And they turn the whole state blue.


Loved living in the blue ridge mtns of Virginia and the valley.


#1 goal=Trap a wolverine
Re: Best conservative states to live in [Re: Grandpa Trapper] #6917619
07/02/20 09:02 AM
07/02/20 09:02 AM
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Wakefield, NE.
Sanford Otte Offline
Sanford Otte  Offline

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Wakefield, NE.
There is no place like Nebraska

Last edited by Sanford Otte; 07/02/20 09:03 AM.
Re: Best conservative states to live in [Re: Grandpa Trapper] #6917640
07/02/20 09:37 AM
07/02/20 09:37 AM
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Oakland, MS
yotetrapper30 Offline
yotetrapper30  Offline

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Oakland, MS
I was going to say MS, but this recent flag issue has me hesitant to. Up until right now, I loved everything about this state.

We are a red state, anti-abortion, great trapping laws, great gun laws, great people. Very religious state.... we just yesterday made it legal to drink alcohol in all counties, lol. Dumb laws like seatbelt laws are not enforced, and you can't be pulled over for just not having a seatbelt on. We have one of the best Castle Doctrines in the country. Very little bureaucratic bs like building permits or zoning laws, you can still put a mobile home on private land no matter how old it is. Cost of living is low, taxes are reasonable, once you turn 65 you pay no property taxes on the first 100k. Since I moved here I have had zero complaints about this state, which was a huge relief and blessing having spent my entire life in NY and IL, respectively, up until moving here.

But this week, our Republican leadership... (both the senate and house are red and this bill required a 2/3 majority to pass) voted to override the will of the people who had voted to keep our current state flag in 2001, and took down our flag without a vote of the people. The whole thing has me sick to my stomach, as it goes completely against everything I loved so much about this state.

Just give me one thing, that I can hold on to. To believe in this livin' is just a hard way to go.
Re: Best conservative states to live in [Re: Grandpa Trapper] #6918151
07/02/20 05:35 PM
07/02/20 05:35 PM
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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Riverotter2 Offline
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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Mostly where you live in a state, well most states. Alabama one county Battle Flags next county over American flags next county over half the streets and ever other school is MLK,

Re: Best conservative states to live in [Re: Grandpa Trapper] #6918190
07/02/20 06:22 PM
07/02/20 06:22 PM
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Asheville, NC
charles Offline
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Asheville, NC
Depends on your age. Retirement location is way different than where the high paying jobs are Plan for your retirement and when you get there, look around for what you are willing to pay for.

Re: Best conservative states to live in [Re: Grandpa Trapper] #6918230
07/02/20 06:58 PM
07/02/20 06:58 PM

J Staton
J Staton

It definitely ain't Arkansas. I would not recommend anyone retiring here if you were raised north of the Mason-Dixon line or west of Texas.

Re: Best conservative states to live in [Re: Kart29] #6918272
07/02/20 07:44 PM
07/02/20 07:44 PM
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cmcf Offline
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Originally Posted by Kart29
I saw a study some time ago that selected the five most free states in the nation. The top five were

New Hampshire (live free or die!)
and I forget the fifth.

Speaking for Indiana, it's a pretty free state and you are pretty much left alone to do your thing without government intervention. Taxes are usually fairly low. However, there's not much in the central part of the state except corn and beans, beans and corn. No rivers, lakes, forest, etc. The farm fields are looking beautiful this time of year. But there's not much for natural beauty. There's some lakes in the north part of the state, and some hills and forest in the south. That's about it.


Don’t be fibbing to these nice folks!

Wyoming is not free!!
The state parks cost $5 a car load!!
Not that I’d go to one, less of course it has a lake with two foot long trout an walleyes long as your arm.
And it is true that THE HOLE has a lot of artsy fartsy rich people. We kinda like to keep em rounded up so we can keep an eye on em.
Trapping? Nope none of that, no fisher, no otter, no possum and darn few marsh rats an coon.
And if ya want to use a little larger foothold like a 650 or a CDR on land well then you might catch a lion, then would just have to let it go. And check laws,? They’re horrible, foot holds? Why you gotta check them suckers onst every 72 hours or three days whichever comes first!! Even if it’s snowing!! Snares are a little better they gotta be anchored to something solid so no tying to a fence. Loops gotta be no more than a foot across an ya gotta have a 295 BAD Oh an ya gotta check them one day a week. So set on Monday check Sunday of next week. See told you they was a little better. Body grippers the same sep ya can’t set the ten inchers on land.
Can’t use no piece or parts of no game animal, game bird, or game fish for bait cause, you know.... they’re game.
An gun laws well let me tell you! We got a whole half page! Like you can’t just shoot someone. They have to be scary, you know like really bad scary. Course if they walk into your home with out a invite that’ll do it.
An the hunting is awful poor. Colorado has all the elk, Montana and Idaho has all the moose an sheep.
All we got is a few buffalo and speed goats.

So basically Wyoming SUX !
The wind blows non stop, some places nearly a hunnert miles an hour when it gets goin.
It snows knee deep to a yearling GEERAFF!!
It gets cold, I mean bad cold fifty below or more. Remember them hunnert mile an hour winds?

So tell everyone you know Wyoming SUX An it’s liable to get scary, ya know really bad scary specially with everyone owning a gun and what not an all that RONA VIRUS floating around!!!!

Last edited by cmcf; 07/02/20 09:13 PM. Reason: Tapped the wrong pitcher

“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined” B. Disraeli

Re: Best conservative states to live in [Re: ] #6918290
07/02/20 07:59 PM
07/02/20 07:59 PM
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Oakland, MS
yotetrapper30 Offline
yotetrapper30  Offline

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Oakland, MS
Originally Posted by J Staton
It definitely ain't Arkansas. I would not recommend anyone retiring here if you were raised north of the Mason-Dixon line or west of Texas.

grin whistle

Just give me one thing, that I can hold on to. To believe in this livin' is just a hard way to go.
Re: Best conservative states to live in [Re: Grandpa Trapper] #6918305
07/02/20 08:15 PM
07/02/20 08:15 PM
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larrywaugh Online content
larrywaugh  Online Content

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Kansas is pretty good. We need to get rid of our govenor though.

Won't take no prisoners,won't spare no lives.
Re: Best conservative states to live in [Re: Grandpa Trapper] #6918310
07/02/20 08:21 PM
07/02/20 08:21 PM
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Coldspring Texas
Savell Offline
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Coldspring Texas

Insert profound nonsense here
Re: Best conservative states to live in [Re: ] #6918331
07/02/20 08:36 PM
07/02/20 08:36 PM
Joined: Oct 2013
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East of the Mason-Dixon Line
DelawareRob Offline
DelawareRob  Offline

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East of the Mason-Dixon Line
Originally Posted by J Staton
It definitely ain't Arkansas. I would not recommend anyone retiring here if you were raised north of the Mason-Dixon line or west of Texas.

What about East of the Mason-Dixon Line?


Stop over cooking your meat! It isn’t gamey, it’s over cooked!

Gordon Ramsey, maybe…
Re: Best conservative states to live in [Re: Grandpa Trapper] #6918388
07/02/20 09:24 PM
07/02/20 09:24 PM
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cmcf Offline
cmcf  Offline

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Wyoming is horrible tell yer friends cry

“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined” B. Disraeli

Re: Best conservative states to live in [Re: cmcf] #6918396
07/02/20 09:27 PM
07/02/20 09:27 PM
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grumley701 Offline
grumley701  Offline

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Originally Posted by cmcf
Wyoming is horrible tell yer friends cry

North Dakota isn't any better...

Pure Blood
Re: Best conservative states to live in [Re: cmcf] #6918405
07/02/20 09:33 PM
07/02/20 09:33 PM
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East of the Mason-Dixon Line
DelawareRob Offline
DelawareRob  Offline

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East of the Mason-Dixon Line
Originally Posted by cmcf
Wyoming is horrible tell yer friends cry

Especially for elk, mule deer and antelope. Just stop putting in to draw a tag. They are all gone.

Stop over cooking your meat! It isn’t gamey, it’s over cooked!

Gordon Ramsey, maybe…
Re: Best conservative states to live in [Re: Grandpa Trapper] #6918407
07/02/20 09:35 PM
07/02/20 09:35 PM
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Aliceville, Kansas 45
Yukon John Offline
Yukon John  Offline

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Aliceville, Kansas 45
Keep as far away from Kansas as you can!

Act like a blank, get treated like a blank. Insert your own blank!
Re: Best conservative states to live in [Re: Yukon John] #6918420
07/02/20 09:42 PM
07/02/20 09:42 PM
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East of the Mason-Dixon Line
DelawareRob Offline
DelawareRob  Offline

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East of the Mason-Dixon Line
Originally Posted by Yukon John
Keep as far away from Kansas as you can!

That’s the place with absolutely no whitetail deer right?

Stop over cooking your meat! It isn’t gamey, it’s over cooked!

Gordon Ramsey, maybe…
Re: Best conservative states to live in [Re: DelawareRob] #6918427
07/02/20 09:46 PM
07/02/20 09:46 PM
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Aliceville, Kansas 45
Yukon John Offline
Yukon John  Offline

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Aliceville, Kansas 45
Originally Posted by DelawareRob
Originally Posted by Yukon John
Keep as far away from Kansas as you can!

That’s the place with absolutely no whitetail deer right?

Yep, stay away! No fur here either.

Act like a blank, get treated like a blank. Insert your own blank!
Re: Best conservative states to live in [Re: Grandpa Trapper] #6918430
07/02/20 09:48 PM
07/02/20 09:48 PM
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East of the Mason-Dixon Line
DelawareRob Offline
DelawareRob  Offline

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East of the Mason-Dixon Line
I heard that too. Just corn and roads

Stop over cooking your meat! It isn’t gamey, it’s over cooked!

Gordon Ramsey, maybe…
Re: Best conservative states to live in [Re: Grandpa Trapper] #6918432
07/02/20 09:50 PM
07/02/20 09:50 PM
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Posts: 285
Florida, Maine. Alabama, South...
Gene Dziza Offline
Gene Dziza  Offline

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Florida, Maine. Alabama, South...
I'm going to cast a vote for Montana. I applied for a concealed carry permit. I filled out an application, the clerk walked it into a back office, came out a couple of minutes later and said, "Ok, I'm going to take your picture now." She took the picture and said, "It will come in about a week in the mail." I'll be darned if it didn't.

I moved here from Massachusetts about 30 years ago to escape political persecution. It's the best thing I ever did. We don't have but a couple of elected Democrats in our county. A lot of freedom here I did not have in Massachusetts. There is still a lot of unzoned property up here and no building permits required in my county.

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