Re: It's getting that time of the year...
[Re: rendezvous]
08/18/20 06:12 PM
08/18/20 06:12 PM
Joined: Jan 2007
Posts: 3,960 Northern Nevada
Joined: Jan 2007
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Northern Nevada
I have a fence to finish and road base to lay in my parents yard, couple other small jobs and then I’ll be free to prep and scout for the whole month of September and first half of October. This is going to be the year I run a longline. Be checking a couple hundred coyote/cat sets in northern Nv all winter long. Probably throw in some muskrat, beaver, and kit fox sets along the way, but only if there’s time left after every coyote trap I own is checked. I know everyone says you can’t make a living trapping but I’m gonna give it a (This word is unacceptable on Trapperman) of a try.
"I have two guns, one for each of ya."
Re: It's getting that time of the year...
[Re: rendezvous]
08/18/20 09:38 PM
08/18/20 09:38 PM
Joined: Aug 2013
Posts: 9,055 Firth, Nebraska
Joined: Aug 2013
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Firth, Nebraska
Putting up a lot more waxed dirt this year. Also need to dye and wax traps, and have a few to tune up. I landed a bunch of plywood scraps and am making a couple dozen mink boxes from those. Ordered couple new baits to try. Got a laundry list of stuff to do yet. I did get all my landlord permission letters out last month. Easier to catch farmer's around here in summer than spring planting season or fall harvest time. Most have texted or called me back with OK just need to hear from a couple yet. Jim
Last edited by jabNE; 08/18/20 09:41 PM.
Money cannot buy you happiness, but it can buy you a trapping license and that's pretty close.
Re: It's getting that time of the year...
[Re: rendezvous]
08/18/20 11:17 PM
08/18/20 11:17 PM
Joined: Jan 2007
Posts: 3,960 Northern Nevada
Joined: Jan 2007
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Northern Nevada
A letter is a good idea. Would have been useful when I trapped in Montana, but here land is basically split 80% bureau of land management, 20% ranchers/mining corporations. There’s only one or two places I plan to ask permission on, and if I don’t catch up with them there’s more blm than I can possibly trap anyways
"I have two guns, one for each of ya."
Re: It's getting that time of the year...
[Re: rendezvous]
08/19/20 06:29 AM
08/19/20 06:29 AM
Joined: Aug 2013
Posts: 9,055 Firth, Nebraska
Joined: Aug 2013
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Firth, Nebraska
I send 10 or so out each year, same guys I've trapped their land since 1980s. New land I always go see them in person but existing ones I send a personal letter. I start out thanking them for letting me and my sons trap their land for past seasons and let them know how important that has been to our family and time spent together. I ask if they still have some problem animals. Couple are sweet corn farmers and wage war every year on coon. One had had beaver move in and out for as long as I can remember and deals with flooding his corn. Others just despise coyotes. I ask if its still OK to trap their land again this year. Then I give them my anticipated start date, the info on my pickup including color and plates so they know its me if the see it parked on their property at odd hours. Then I also extend an invite to tag along. That is important to most of them, seriously. One told me flat out he said you know of all the guys that bang on my door to ask permission to hunt or fish, you are the ONLY one that ever asked if I'd like to go along. I think I've taken each of them at one time or another and ran traps with me on all the farms. They all pretty much know each other or have some connection to each other some of it just through me and trapping their land too. One looks forward to a few ride along each season. He trapped as a kid and he is just a good guy fun to talk to about farming and where he sees coyotes from time to time. I've never asked these guys to hunt deer or fish their ponds, they've always offered it to me. All I've ever done is trspped their farms and stopped by to pick them up to ride along once and awhile too. Done this for better part of 40 years now with couple of them. The letter is nothing special but I've been consistent in writing and sending it each year to all 10 of the landowners. I also send them Christmas cards and thank them in that card too. It doesn't take much time and effort but has built me some great relationships around here. I can shoot some of you a copy of one from last month if you would like. Jim
Money cannot buy you happiness, but it can buy you a trapping license and that's pretty close.
Re: It's getting that time of the year...
[Re: rendezvous]
08/19/20 06:52 AM
08/19/20 06:52 AM
Joined: Aug 2014
Posts: 195 Austin Minnesota
Joined: Aug 2014
Posts: 195
Austin Minnesota
Conniber stands made in February, Traps were died and waxed in April, Got new permission in May and June after field work was done, grass clippings in July, 200 gallons of waxed dirt in early August. Pre-season scouting and bait testing going on right now, Everything is ready to roll. Cant come soon enough.
Life is short, tomorrow is promised to none of us. Make the best of every day you have
Re: It's getting that time of the year...
[Re: rendezvous]
08/19/20 02:02 PM
08/19/20 02:02 PM
Joined: Aug 2013
Posts: 9,055 Firth, Nebraska
Joined: Aug 2013
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Firth, Nebraska
Copy of a typical letter...I send 10 of these but each are different and personalized of course to each of my 10 landowners where we trap. Nothing special, just a friendly letter saying thanks and asking for another season of fun. As mentioned, they each get Christmas cards too. Not Facebook ones but real cards in mail with hand written notes.
Last edited by jabNE; 08/19/20 02:12 PM.
Money cannot buy you happiness, but it can buy you a trapping license and that's pretty close.
Re: It's getting that time of the year...
[Re: rendezvous]
08/19/20 03:06 PM
08/19/20 03:06 PM
Joined: Jan 2014
Posts: 610 Wyoming
Joined: Jan 2014
Posts: 610
Jab I like the letter you have there. Very personable not just cookie cutter for every land owner and heartfelt. I know there are folks from an older generation that would really find a lot of value in the letter. Younger folks as well i am sure. I find each landowner to be very spcifically different and approach each one differently. Lately I have been looking for a lot of new land to trap in certain areas. I have found a local thing here that really rings true is finding locals selling things like hay feed or truck parts whatever really. I connect with them on the purchase and then usually bring up that I am a trapper in conversation right away. At some point in the conversation I will bring up about who or if anyone helps control predators or beaver or whatever might apply. Sort of in passing. There is something about relating to them on a seperate level away from land permissions and then getting to that. It is very interesting. I have a few of those landowners that would relaly appreciate a letter like this after the season is over just to update them formally on what the year has brought. I like it.
Owner Wind River Trapping Supplies
Re: It's getting that time of the year...
[Re: rendezvous]
08/19/20 05:27 PM
08/19/20 05:27 PM
Joined: Nov 2017
Posts: 6,181 West Central MN
Joined: Nov 2017
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West Central MN
Personal letters are golden, especially to the older generation as mentioned. I too prefer to talk to them in person at first and get to know them. Later I will send out a short letter but still follow up with a visit shortly before season. Trapping nuisance animals during the off season is also and excellent way to make brownie points. Visiting with the LO while making notes to what fields to stay out of, where are the cattle, have they seen any (your target animal) as well as any other small but important item that may make the difference of being able to trap there again next year. Talk about things they like or are doing and less about yourself. Little things like that can also get you permission from neighbors and relatives. People talk and I can't begin to tell you how much property I have added because of "So and so said you where trapping over at his place and you caught... Would you be interested in trapping on my land?" Christmas cards are a great idea and I may start doing that as well this year!
Common sense is a not a vegetable that does well in everyone's garden.
Re: It's getting that time of the year...
[Re: rendezvous]
08/20/20 05:06 PM
08/20/20 05:06 PM
Joined: Sep 2012
Posts: 2,115 NY
Joined: Sep 2012
Posts: 2,115
Place an order with Hoosier Trapper Supply on the 18th, received it today on the 20th! Awesome service, great products and great videos on YouTube, Hoosier Trapper Outdoors. Just wanted to pass this info along.