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Re: Future sight of where His feet will stand [Re: ] #7083527
12/10/20 10:30 PM
12/10/20 10:30 PM

Mark June OP
Mark June OP

I feel like Karl Barth in 1940-1960's, who had a difficult time with his fellow countrymen & theologians Harnack, and Schleiermacher, BOTH marinated in their Kantian theory of philosophy.

Unike the philosophers and theologians of his time; Barth was a stanch defender of orthodox Christianity in the face of mounting liberalism in theology, philosophy, AND society.
His core tenet never changed; "The gospel is not a truth among other truths. Rather, it sets a question mark against all truths."

There you go. That's an orthodox answer I would agree with 100%.

As an unbeliever, Scripture will not be illuminating to you if that's what you seek sir.
Read Barth. I think you'd appreciate his quest in post-WW German and Swiss culture. He was a brilliant theological apologist in a sea of humanism and liberal theologians both.


Re: Future sight of where His feet will stand [Re: ] #7083660
12/10/20 11:33 PM
12/10/20 11:33 PM
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silkyplainscoyot Offline
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I feel like James asks some sincere questions that should be explained in a direct way. You can see he is using his power of reason and wants an explanation. Weather he choses to accept the correct answer or not is up to him. We all have free will after all.

James, Zechariah foretold what action the nations would take against true Christians, so the nations are basically Satan's agents doing the horrible injustices described in those verses.

The 22nd chapter of Dueteronomy gives God's thoughts on rape. “If, however, the man happened to meet the engaged girl in the field and the man overpowered her and lay down with her, the man who lay down with her is to die by himself,  and you must do nothing to the girl. The girl has not committed a sin deserving of death." God does not condone rape.

Hope this helps answer your questions, James.

Re: Future sight of where His feet will stand [Re: ] #7083672
12/10/20 11:45 PM
12/10/20 11:45 PM
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Coeur d' Alene, Idaho
James Offline
James  Offline

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Coeur d' Alene, Idaho
Thanks for the answers, Silkyplainscoyot. I see I may have been misinterpreting the first passage.

Your second point is that an engaged girl cannot be raped with impunity. But what about an unmarried woman? A widow? A child? Does the Bible forbid raping them?


Forum Infidel since 2001

"And that troll bs is something triggered snowflakes say when they dont like what someone posts." - Boco
Re: Future sight of where His feet will stand [Re: ] #7083676
12/10/20 11:48 PM
12/10/20 11:48 PM
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Central IA
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Thanks mark for posting this......God gets the victory in the end

Re: Future sight of where His feet will stand [Re: ] #7083708
12/11/20 12:10 AM
12/11/20 12:10 AM
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silkyplainscoyot Offline
silkyplainscoyot  Offline

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I can't think of any verses that specifically address each one individually but the principles of certain verses would be all inclusive no matter the individual. Such as stated in Colossians the 3rd chapter: "Deaden, therefore, your body members that are on the earth as respects sexual immorality, uncleanness, uncontrolled sexual passion, hurtful desire, and greediness, which is idolatry.  On account of those things the wrath of God is coming."

Re: Future sight of where His feet will stand [Re: James] #7083719
12/11/20 12:18 AM
12/11/20 12:18 AM
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otterdog Offline
otterdog  Offline

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Originally Posted by James
I'll take that as a no.

Mark, every time I start feeling neutral about the Bible, someone goes and quotes what it says.

It's modern secularism that proscribes rape, not the Good Book. As we both know (I assume), in Zechariah's time (whether or not he was a real individual) rape was considered part of warfare. Even to those who wrote the Bible. But times have changed. We now have secular humanism to help with morality.

One of the reasons I'm skeptical the Bible is divinely inspired is because it is never ahead of its time. No real testable, unambiguous predictions. No prediction of human flight or the United Nations. In fact the idea of a UN is contrary to Bible predictions, no? No mention of rape being evil.


Genesis 21:4 says that Abraham circumcised his son Isaac on the eighth day of his life as commanded by God.
Why specifically the eighth day? Why not 5 days old or 20 days old?
In 1948 two Doctors published an article in the journal of American medicine stating that the chemical needed for proper blood clotting is more abundant in a person’s body at 8 days old than at any other time in his life. Plus Vit K also needed for proper blood clotting is not formed in the body until the eighth day.

Sounds to me like the Bible was ahead of times in that case.

Re: Future sight of where His feet will stand [Re: ] #7083723
12/11/20 12:24 AM
12/11/20 12:24 AM
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Coldspring Texas
Savell Online crying
Savell  Online Crying

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Coldspring Texas
... hey Mark... when you fire up that church... are you going to have square bales for pews.... or those fancy hardwood jobs like the Pentecostal’s lucky enough to get a preacher from the city have?lol

Insert profound nonsense here
Re: Future sight of where His feet will stand [Re: ] #7083736
12/11/20 12:32 AM
12/11/20 12:32 AM
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cat daddy Offline
cat daddy  Offline

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The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing. 1 Corinthians 1:18

Re: Future sight of where His feet will stand [Re: ] #7083748
12/11/20 12:47 AM
12/11/20 12:47 AM
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Coldspring Texas
Savell Online crying
Savell  Online Crying

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Square bales are more comfortable than bodark fence rails ... 1 savellians 2:16

... sorry to those that are zealous... but I can’t pass up an opportunity for shock humor... it’s just in me lol

.. probably end up in a lake of fire devoid of catfish because of it

Insert profound nonsense here
Re: Future sight of where His feet will stand [Re: otterdog] #7083843
12/11/20 06:52 AM
12/11/20 06:52 AM
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Coeur d' Alene, Idaho
James Offline
James  Offline

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Originally Posted by otterdog
Originally Posted by James
I'll take that as a no.

Mark, every time I start feeling neutral about the Bible, someone goes and quotes what it says.

It's modern secularism that proscribes rape, not the Good Book. As we both know (I assume), in Zechariah's time (whether or not he was a real individual) rape was considered part of warfare. Even to those who wrote the Bible. But times have changed. We now have secular humanism to help with morality.

One of the reasons I'm skeptical the Bible is divinely inspired is because it is never ahead of its time. No real testable, unambiguous predictions. No prediction of human flight or the United Nations. In fact the idea of a UN is contrary to Bible predictions, no? No mention of rape being evil.


Genesis 21:4 says that Abraham circumcised his son Isaac on the eighth day of his life as commanded by God.
Why specifically the eighth day? Why not 5 days old or 20 days old?
In 1948 two Doctors published an article in the journal of American medicine stating that the chemical needed for proper blood clotting is more abundant in a person’s body at 8 days old than at any other time in his life. Plus Vit K also needed for proper blood clotting is not formed in the body until the eighth day.

Sounds to me like the Bible was ahead of times in that case.

Hmm. Or it could be the result of trial and error over many generations.


Forum Infidel since 2001

"And that troll bs is something triggered snowflakes say when they dont like what someone posts." - Boco
Re: Future sight of where His feet will stand [Re: Savell] #7083844
12/11/20 06:53 AM
12/11/20 06:53 AM

Mark June OP
Mark June OP

Originally Posted by Savell
... hey Mark... when you fire up that church... are you going to have square bales for pews.... or those fancy hardwood jobs like the Pentecostal’s lucky enough to get a preacher from the city have?lol

Hey there Savell! Well, I won't lead a church. I'm old and worn out partner. Simply put I'm kinda weird. Well, all of us trappers are really kinda weird. We kill animals in a world that now more and more calls us murders for that.

And as the growing leagues of smarty pants of this world march forward (they claim), I thought before I returned to the dust, I'd head to a conservative seminary which happens to be in our state, and I'd intentionally dedicate myself to much learning. For myself. For my family. For wherever doors may open. Been a planner all my life, and in this instance I figured I'd let the Big Guy whisper if He wants instead of me always turning up my radio to the music I like.

So, I'd say no bales at my church as I have no desire (but our ways are not His Ways) to pastor in the stay in one spot sense. I have an interview Monday for next summer internship in a Hospice Hospital setting. I have checked out ministry for the native population in the Arctic. I will be going to Panama as ministry aid when Covid lets up. And a list of places to go, short term ministry aid and effort like that pard.

I enjoy your humor pard! A lot! Some on here smile as they think they make the follower of Christ dance their jiggity jig and that's ok. Just as the anti-trapper smiles as they type in "You are a murderer and I hope the same thing you do to animals gets done to you," (usually with a while bunch of exclamations !!!!!!!!!! or ???????????? after their sentence.
Some sadly here have that same mindset. Only against people of our faith. It's been that way a very long time.

You use humor brother. They use a false sense of "show me" as a cloak for their persecuting spirit but while we try to answer, they care not for what we attempt.
When Herod asked Christ, "Are you the King of the Jews as they claim?" there were three groups in that question.

The religious self-righteous who aided in Jesus' capture.
Herod the Great, king of Judea, who was JINO.

And while the first two groups said, "Show me Prove it. Where does it say... notice - I didn't end these as questions - but rather as statements. They weren't questions then and some on TMan (and more and more in America) don't mean them as questions now. They were, and still are, the "statements" of the self-righteous, whether religious or otherwise.

And to the unbeliever, "how" could I God not have zapped them all? Killed them all if he were God? I would have! We are glad those people are not our god.
To many, like me, that's our faith. God as man, being put to death as one who was perfect for all who are not.
As today's smarty pants still boast, "Ya right" the believer says "Ya right." Two different opinions on one world stage scene and I guess God must have that scene as His plan because here we are.

The Beatles didn't invent "Let it Be." That's been a "Amen" synonym for millennia. The Beatles meant - let the way I like it be - while followers of Christ pray for help with our sinful action by saying - let God's Will be done first.
The reason the two are polar opposites, and the atheists hate God directive is because they know it all best anyway.
Fine. Then let it be. Amen. We insert Father at the end of that sentence. Most don't.
We believe that has implications here on earth and certainly after we return to the adam.

Not much has changed in men's hearts, all over Creation, in 2,000 years.
I don't think Mr. Darwin was right.

We are a really smart bunch ain't we Savell? So smart, we know best.
By Grace I'll live to keep helping a few orphans, widows, and aliens among us who Americans and the world does not care much about anymore. Sad, how people can use people for their own pleasure and their own gain and fell real good about all of it. So we persevere to persevere brother. More and more, against the odds.

In a way, being a business owner, where we get threatening calls and emails from all over the world (thank you internet) about how anti-trappers wish we would burn in Hades, being a follower of Christ is sorta like that now in the "new" American culture.
They hate trappers. They hate Christians.
Oh well.
Some of us have been practicing against haters a very long time and we don't mind a good parlor game of lions, tigers, and bears oh my.
Besides, these ant-trappers have really bad hermeneutics on the Hades episode and how that all goes down, and we smile often with all the rest of it.

Yee-Haw bro.
I do love round bales more prolly.

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