Re: People are weird.
[Re: Scuba1]
12/12/20 12:51 PM
12/12/20 12:51 PM
Joined: Sep 2013
Posts: 10,414 Northeast Oklahoma
Mike in A-town
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My wife's cousin lives in CA and she told us the other day that one of her son's classmates killed himself during one of the online distance learning classes. 12 years old. Shot himself. He couldn't handle the isolation anymore.
Tell me more about common sense and reason with this stupid $%&#.
One man with a gun may control 100 others who have none.
Vladimir Lenin
Re: People are weird.
[Re: Mike in A-town]
12/12/20 04:24 PM
12/12/20 04:24 PM
Joined: May 2016
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Southern Illinois
My wife's cousin lives in CA and she told us the other day that one of her son's classmates killed himself during one of the online distance learning classes. 12 years old. Shot himself. He couldn't handle the isolation anymore.
Tell me more about common sense and reason with this stupid $%&#.
Mike There is no legitimate reason for suicide nor a legitimate reason for hacking the covid on someone. I won't try to dissolve the tragedy by calculating away his importance by saying he is only a small percent. Any % of suicide is tragic. When we impersonalise people by replacing with a # then we do humanity a disservice. Actually mask still lets you be more social than complete isolation. I have been coughed on and sneezed on before covid and I didn't like then and for sure don't want it now. Possibly one of the reasons for all the closures is people will not even consider other people and just maybe if everyone was more careful then all the businesses wouldn't have to close. The hospitals are getting maxed out, where can you put any more sick people. Lay them on the streets so maybe a passing stray dog may minister to them? Do you have a better solution than just letting the disease keep multiplying and depending on destiny and fate?
Re: People are weird.
[Re: tjm]
12/12/20 04:45 PM
12/12/20 04:45 PM
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Don't forget about all the people driving around by themselves wearing a mask - Absolutely crazy Not crazy; if your hands haven't been washed and you use them to adjust or remove the mask, you have just stuck all that vile hand garbage and a zillion germs in your mouth and nose. worse if you will have to put the now contaminated mask back on in few minutes for another stop with your still contaminated hands. So do you just never take it off then? Seems to be the only way you can guarantee your absolute safety.
Re: People are weird.
[Re: tjm]
12/12/20 04:58 PM
12/12/20 04:58 PM
Joined: Dec 2008
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Don't forget about all the people driving around by themselves wearing a mask - Absolutely crazy Not crazy; if your hands haven't been washed and you use them to adjust or remove the mask, you have just stuck all that vile hand garbage and a zillion germs in your mouth and nose. worse if you will have to put the now contaminated mask back on in few minutes for another stop with your still contaminated hands. And there lies the problem. Its impossible for people to walk around with a mask on all day and not touch their face. They are constantly adjusting their mask etc. I always ask the store clerks about that very thing. They always say that they find they are touching their face way more often when they have the mask on. It itches, falls down, and on and on. How is the teller at the grocery store supposed to wash her hands before touching her face. The whole idea is preposterous and I dont believe anyone who is standing at a till all day believes its doing one ounce of good. Its probably helping to spread the virus if anything. I get a kick out of the stupidity in restaurants. You have to wear a mask to walk in the door, but you can take it off once you sit down to order. The virus is airborne they say but I guess when you sit down it will go over your head?? If I can sit at a table for an hour without a mask and not spread the virus then I can certainly walk in without spreading it. Just total insanity. We were taught how to put all the PPE on wear it, and take it off. If you think the public is going through those steps you are delusional.
Last edited by yukon254; 12/12/20 05:00 PM.
Re: People are weird.
[Re: ]
12/12/20 05:15 PM
12/12/20 05:15 PM
Joined: Nov 2015
Posts: 1,500 Kenai AK
Joined: Nov 2015
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Kenai AK
In all honesty, the human face is hard to see with a mask. Good luck to all you boys and girls who are looking for dance partners. I sit with folks here I've never seen the lower portion of their face ever. The part I hate is not recognizing people I know! I don't usually wear one, so people recognize me and say hi, and I look at them and have to figure out who it is. Usually they'll pull the mask down to chat. Very few true mask believers here. Another thing I noticed is the liquor stores card people less. Whats the point of checking photo ID if you can't see their face anyway?? I wonder how many minors are taking advantage of this with borrowed or stolen IDs.
Boco couldn't catch a cold. But if he did, it would be Top Lot.
Re: People are weird.
[Re: Scuba1]
12/12/20 05:20 PM
12/12/20 05:20 PM
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Had to get some small parts from Tractor Supply and on my way home I drove past a house where a woman was doing something in the garden wearing a mask. Not another house for a mile or two and no one else to be seen. It explains a lot of things I encounter these day on the rare occasions that I go out into the world. Is that any more eccentric than somebody living on top of a hill in a boat? Right, its none of my business !
Re: People are weird.
[Re: Scuba1]
12/12/20 05:30 PM
12/12/20 05:30 PM
Mark June
Mark June
Well now we know how the old lepers felt. Each time I go down a hall, belly up to a sales counter, or walk toward people now >75% wait/stall/step/boot scoot boogie to keep 6'0.121" away from me.
Do I smell like a trapper? You folks noticing this fear in others now that you are potential carrier?
Re: People are weird.
[Re: Foxpaw]
12/12/20 07:42 PM
12/12/20 07:42 PM
Joined: Jun 2007
Posts: 16,150 Tennessee
"color blind Kraut"
"color blind Kraut"
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Is that any more eccentric than somebody living on top of a hill in a boat? Right, its none of my business !
I read in a popular book that if ya have a lot of pets, its the right thing to do.
Let's go Brandon
"Shall not comply" with morons who don't understand "shall not infringe."
Re: People are weird.
[Re: Scuba1]
12/12/20 07:49 PM
12/12/20 07:49 PM
Joined: May 2016
Posts: 4,362 Southern Illinois
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Southern Illinois
Is that any more eccentric than somebody living on top of a hill in a boat? Right, its none of my business !
I read in a popular book that if ya have a lot of pets, its the right thing to do. Only if its looking rainy !
Re: People are weird.
[Re: wissmiss]
12/12/20 08:10 PM
12/12/20 08:10 PM
Joined: Sep 2012
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She might be wearing a mask for another reason than covid. Allergies.
I know people that were wearing masks for various reasons way before all this covid stuff started.
You shouldn’t jump to conclusions. Just saying......... X2 I have a neighbor that has been wearing a mask ever since I've known her...
Re: People are weird.
[Re: Scuba1]
12/12/20 08:27 PM
12/12/20 08:27 PM
Mark June
Mark June
The small sign on what's left of a 12 X 15 foot log cabin says that a mother and her two children died in a very remote area of the CO mountains one year (1919) after the initial outbreak of the Spanish flu virus worldwide. That virus had it's way with 5% of the world population and faded from view in 1920. Donna and I came across this remote spot a year ago as we were out gold panning. Perhaps this family had done similar 100 years ago. Let's pray that C-19 fades soon as well but if remote log cabin occupants can't be quarantined from a virus, I sure wouldn't harbor ill will against someone who does or doesn't do what you think should be done with a mask. We're pretty much all wearing them. And they are not stopping a virus. I don't care how many people say they do this or they don't do that, medical science is based on observation, documentation, and if necessary implementation. Who's observing? Who's documenting? Whole boat load of implementation though. Whole world is shut down so does group X with masks 24/7 fair better than group Y with no mask wearing 24/7? Where's the data? We can develop a vaccine they say to trust but no protocol assessment to be found and shown publicly? Medicine assesses EVERYTHING they do! It's what they do. Where is the data after 10 months? Show us Dr. Fauci. You earning the big bucks. Show the people. Some of you can get irritated with trapper X because he doesn't have a mask over his nose? Show him the data - that'd be medical data - opinion is worthless, on the outcome based on observation and documention. Well we don't have it. Why? Call the CDC. Call the NIH. But don't bust the President or trapper on a website because lazy beauracratic hacks aren't doing anything but "chalking up another one." Covid Bill? Sure. Put it down as Covid. Who cares. Observe it. Document it. Then show it to the light of day for review = medical protocol. He can not. They aren't studying it. Why? Blessings, Mark
Re: People are weird.
[Re: Scuba1]
12/12/20 09:56 PM
12/12/20 09:56 PM
Mark June
Mark June
We live in an age when our eye is off the ball. The medical community at high levels.... the same personnel we'd place our single payer health hopes on, is absent. Kaput. Why is that. Because physicians are "federal employees." What you say? Yep.... they "work" for the government. Here's a few factoids for us as to how efficient this is all going down because some assume most at high levels are scrambling to find answers. Really? What gives us that impression?
The business of medicine is honestly carrying the yoke of government on its back. Has been more the last decades so welcome to "single payer" health service. I’m not talking about only the doctors that work in the VA or hospitals run by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. You'd say sure to those working for the gov. Nope, I’m not talking about the training centers known as county hospitals. I’m talking about all doctors—because the government contributes about 50 percent of all health care dollars to physician pay. And 40 percent more is contributed by third-party payers that are themselves highly regulated by government and routinely follow the government’s lead in pricing."
When uncle Fauci and company says "jump," too many say "how high?"
Bottom line, live your life, don't look at the other human as the enemy. They are not. The virus is. And today's government run health care will not deliver to you all that you want done when you want it done. It can't. The private guy and gal trying to run a practice of medicine now have their hands tied in tight bundles.
Hug a local doc. They're frustrated and scrambling for answers too. They can't step out of the crayon marks on the floor or they get fired by HR's they've never met.
Blessings, Mark
Re: People are weird.
[Re: Scuba1]
12/12/20 10:10 PM
12/12/20 10:10 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 12,807 Coldspring Texas
Joined: Dec 2006
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Coldspring Texas
... dang Mark... you’re about the typinist son of a gun I’ve ever seen... I’d read all that if readin wasn’t so hard on my head lol
Insert profound nonsense here
Re: People are weird.
[Re: Savell]
12/13/20 12:55 AM
12/13/20 12:55 AM
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... dang Mark... you’re about the typinist son of a gun I’ve ever seen... I’d read all that if readin wasn’t so hard on my head lol You need to get the cliff-notes.
Re: People are weird.
[Re: Jasper69]
12/13/20 01:11 AM
12/13/20 01:11 AM
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I didn't wear a mask to the bank the other day and still got all the money I asked for. Our ATM don't require a mask, as long as your account has money in it.