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Full metal jacket #7150728
01/23/21 10:28 AM
01/23/21 10:28 AM
Joined: Dec 2006
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Eastern Iowa
PinkyP Offline OP
PinkyP  Offline OP

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Is there a way to remove it from traps? Gonna go back to the old dye and wax.

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Re: Full metal jacket [Re: PinkyP] #7150746
01/23/21 10:38 AM
01/23/21 10:38 AM
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The hammer Offline
The hammer  Offline

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Go to Walmart buy your self 10gallons of purple power and a large tote. Mix it 50/50 purple power/water. Can do a few dozen at one time let them soak for a day and it will literally wash off with a hose if you have a pressure washer even better but a hose and some kind of pressure will do the job just fine. If there’s paint under it let me soak for two days and it will come off to. Hope that helps.

Re: Full metal jacket [Re: PinkyP] #7150755
01/23/21 10:43 AM
01/23/21 10:43 AM
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Blaine County  Online Content

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Thank you. I have been considering the same question.

Re: Full metal jacket [Re: PinkyP] #7150831
01/23/21 11:52 AM
01/23/21 11:52 AM
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Arkansas87 Offline
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I boil mine in purple power or super clean either one works the same.will take it off in an hour if you boil it. I only use 5 gallons. Two of the 2.5 gallon jugs. I have a 55 gallon drum that is cut down to the first top ring.I fill almost to the top with traps and then pour in my 5 gallons of supper clean and fill the rest with water. Put a piece of plywood or whatever you have laying around over the top gets it boiling can do several batches in the same solution. Just dip traps out after they boil for about an hour and then add more traps while it's still hot.

Re: Full metal jacket [Re: PinkyP] #7150834
01/23/21 11:57 AM
01/23/21 11:57 AM
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Arkansas87 Offline
Arkansas87  Offline

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I also use that same barrel to dye in. For a drain I drill a half inch hole in the side and widle a stick down and shove in the hole. When it gets wet it will swell and seal off. I have gone back to dye and wax because I had issues with the full metal jacket

Re: Full metal jacket [Re: PinkyP] #7151754
01/24/21 12:47 AM
01/24/21 12:47 AM
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Central PA
RWdogline Offline
RWdogline  Offline

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buddy of mine just messaged me last week that he is struggling with canines this year. I questioned him about his prep process. He said this year he went with full metal jacket. Ive never went that route, but i told him go back to what works

Re: Full metal jacket [Re: PinkyP] #7151840
01/24/21 03:19 AM
01/24/21 03:19 AM
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s^s Offline
s^s  Offline

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what issues are you having with full metal jacket?? i used it this year and like it.
had no issues with coyotes.

Re: Full metal jacket [Re: s^s] #7152019
01/24/21 10:02 AM
01/24/21 10:02 AM
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Originally Posted by s^s
what issues are you having with full metal jacket?? i used it this year and like it.
had no issues with coyotes.

I never did either

NRA and NTA Life Member

Re: Full metal jacket [Re: PinkyP] #7152120
01/24/21 11:04 AM
01/24/21 11:04 AM
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canebrake Offline
canebrake  Offline

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I dip my footholds in Zep's floor polish. Works well and no issues with dug up traps.

Re: Full metal jacket [Re: PinkyP] #7152130
01/24/21 11:13 AM
01/24/21 11:13 AM
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The Beav Offline
The Beav  Offline

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FMJ is nothing but a commercial floor wax. In my opinion It adds little or no protection to your trap.

Last edited by The Beav; 01/24/21 11:13 AM.

The forum Know It All according to Muskrat
Re: Full metal jacket [Re: PinkyP] #7152218
01/24/21 12:19 PM
01/24/21 12:19 PM
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Arkansas87 Offline
Arkansas87  Offline

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I was having traps dug at or dug up. I went through every Cenario I could think of trying to figure out the the back of my mind I had a fealing it was the fmj causing the problem but didn't want that to be it since I had done ALL of my k9 traps in it! Sure I still made some catches with it but the number of dug up traps I was getting was way unecceptable to me.I had a week left of time off from work to trap so I let it ride.then a couple days later after I had pulled everything a young trapper I had been mentoring asked if he could barrow a dozen of my traps because he only had a dozen of his own already out and didn't have the money to buy any more at the time. I said sure no problem.well he calls me a few days later really frustrated and asked if I would come run traps with him and could tell him what he was doing wrong. He was having dug up we went through and he showed me all the ones that where having issues. I counted 11 traps that where either dug at or dug up and every one of them where my traps I let him barrow! His traps where fine and he was making catches and they where brand new traps nothing done to em.I asked if he wanted to learn how to dye and wax traps. He said right now? I said yes right now let's pull all the traps I let you barrow and I will show you how. So we pulled em all and finished the day taking the fmj off of those traps and the rest of mine in superclean then dyed and waxed em instead. I let him take the traps back home with him and he set em out the next day.I let him use em the rest of the season and he had no more issues and wound up with 17 yotes total his first trapping season. No more fmj for me ever again

Re: Full metal jacket [Re: PinkyP] #7152341
01/24/21 02:06 PM
01/24/21 02:06 PM
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iaduckhntr Offline
iaduckhntr  Offline

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Tis a cool movie!

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