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Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21 [Re: HFT AK] #7175276
02/09/21 01:44 PM
02/09/21 01:44 PM
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Wasilla AK
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Wasilla AK
Thanks Rob smile

bfisch, that one was pretty bad in the hocks. Trying to get the yotes that are out there, I will probably shut that line down the end of next week.

Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21 [Re: HFT AK] #7175544
02/09/21 06:01 PM
02/09/21 06:01 PM
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Wasilla AK
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Getting a few furs ready to be dropped off for the online ATA fur auction. smile

[Linked Image]

Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21 [Re: HFT AK] #7175836
02/09/21 09:18 PM
02/09/21 09:18 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
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james bay frontierOnt.
Your fur looks great,HFT.
Still have your cats to put up or did you sell those already?

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21 [Re: HFT AK] #7175998
02/09/21 11:51 PM
02/09/21 11:51 PM
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Wasilla AK
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Boco they are all put up, have a few that still need sealed but waiting till the end of the season (Feb 29) then they will go off to Moyles for tanning. With what they brought at the past few auctions I make more money tanning and selling them. My wife is a good hustler when it comes to selling my fur smile

Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21 [Re: HFT AK] #7176448
02/10/21 11:49 AM
02/10/21 11:49 AM
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broncoformudv Offline
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Nice bunch of fur!

Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21 [Re: HFT AK] #7177296
02/10/21 10:48 PM
02/10/21 10:48 PM
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Thanks Rob, thought of you today smile

We got dumped on pretty good last night a little over a foot and in some areas the snow is waist deep off my trail now. Since I got this newer sled I have not really cared for the low windshield, kept thinking of replacing it and getting a higher one. I should have acted on that thought because today it totally kicked my butt, riding on one knee breaking trail through fresh powder over the hood is no fun says my back.

Spent the day digging gear out and reluring. Walked down to a kitty set by the creek and I could see fresh otter track on the other side!

[Linked Image]

Well I went to go over there and took 1 step and punched through above my knee! Looking at the hole the water is about8 inches down from the ice, a perfect spot for the Bronco set smile

[Linked Image]

Picked up this yote in a modified hayset, pee post/ dirt hole, little fox matrix urine, and tainted moose scrap down the hole. I love my Montana Specials!

[Linked Image]

Got the steel working today, but didnt have time to mess with the snares, next run I am going to start shutting things things down snare wise.

Be safe out there guys!

Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21 [Re: HFT AK] #7177912
02/11/21 11:46 AM
02/11/21 11:46 AM
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broncoformudv Offline
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Now I understand why you sent me that picture! LOL.

Nice looking yote.

Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21 [Re: HFT AK] #7178063
02/11/21 02:00 PM
02/11/21 02:00 PM
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bfisch Offline
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Another coyote down! You must walk in some scary places.

Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21 [Re: HFT AK] #7178136
02/11/21 03:04 PM
02/11/21 03:04 PM
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Yeah that creek is always sketch. My first year out there running it I felt the back of my sled drop, the ice gave out, gunned it turned around and the front dropped and the skies went under the ice. Thinking I was billy bad butt I tried lifting it out, the water was only above my knees. Long story short being wet at -20 is no freaking joke! A group out trail riders gave me a lift back to the truck 7 miles away. The wife hat to use hot water to unfreeze my laces to get my boots off, I was lucky that day. Went back the next day and with a chainsaw chisel come along and got it out.

Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21 [Re: HFT AK] #7179008
02/12/21 08:18 AM
02/12/21 08:18 AM
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Northof50 Offline
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Getting that machine out...Did you try the two extension ladders ? where you lift the machine on one then the other, then the ladder sides or raises sideways onto solid ground. Sorry no pics.

Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21 [Re: HFT AK] #7179356
02/12/21 01:41 PM
02/12/21 01:41 PM
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Northof50, that has been the one and only time I ever had a machine punch through and I take every precaution to never do it again smile We used spruce poles to leverage the front end out back onto solid ice after cutting and chipping around it. I pay attention to the stories here and how others recover their sleds because you never know smile Never heard of using ladders but that would be a concept that would work.

Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21 [Re: HFT AK] #7179381
02/12/21 01:57 PM
02/12/21 01:57 PM
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trapperbobs Offline
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I got the same foot of snow, can you describe your dig out a little bit. I pulled mine up packing a trap base to lift my canine traps this creates fairly large depression. i made effort to smooth over and leave no abrupt edges to cause as little disturbance, but hey don't look untouched. Open to any advice. What do you probe for trap with,
Thanks Bob

Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21 [Re: HFT AK] #7179406
02/12/21 02:37 PM
02/12/21 02:37 PM
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trapperbobs, I use one of those spades from F&T with the long handle to probe with. Right now I have probably a dozen sets out for the yotes and fox and after this last dump when I ran I found all but one set, I know where it is at general area just have to kick around more next run. All those sets are right beside my trail. I pull up so that my pull behind sled is right beside the set, take on step off my snogo opposite side of set and into my sled and work from it. When I go to leave I step in that same track and erase it when I hop on my snogo, the pull behind sled does the rest.

Everything I am running right now are hay sets, modified dirt hole/ pee post. Here is a pic of the set. The trap is right in front of the snow on the hay. The yotes and the fox love peeing on little spruce, so I took the top of on and planted it there. Moose scrap in the hole, matrix on the spruce along with pee. I try to keep the trap area level if not just a little lower ten my trail.

[Linked Image]

If they work the set I normally get em smile Now that pic was before the dump of snow. Out in the open I try and make the backing were the hole is higher then the snow level, kinda like a mound, that way when we do get a dump you can still see were the set is, I take my sifter and scoop the snow away from the hole and on top were I think the trap is. Then probe for the trap and lift it out of the bed, re pack the snow in the depression, add a little more hay were the trap will lay, place trap press down to bed it, cover with a little more hay, then take my sifter and tyr to blend it all in the best I can.

If your using snowholes, same concept except I dont sift the snow over the wax paper, I use one of those scoops from Teds Fur Shed and lay the snow over the wax paper. All the disturbance is right there at the set and the goal is to make it look like another fox or yote was there. I dont worry about abrupt edges or if it is smooth or not. Just need them to take that one step off of the trail smile

Hope that helps a little.

Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21 [Re: HFT AK] #7179792
02/12/21 09:37 PM
02/12/21 09:37 PM
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trapperbobs Offline
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That is all great info, and helps a lot. I have a ton of mushers around and the Ravens are crazy about hay. I can't keep them out of it. The dig out help is great. Thanks a lot.

Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21 [Re: HFT AK] #7179802
02/12/21 09:47 PM
02/12/21 09:47 PM
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Knock on wood I have not had that problem with the ravens this year, I know exactly what your saying though, ruins a good set.

Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21 [Re: HFT AK] #7185500
02/16/21 07:55 PM
02/16/21 07:55 PM
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Was some pretty weather up until today, we picked up another 2 inches of snow and it is beginning to get warm again.

[Linked Image]

Started pulling some gear and shutting down snare lines today. Came around a spruce tree to slip a snare and Mr Bunny was sitting there looking at me, Thought it was a cool pic smile

[Linked Image]

Picked up another yote running the wrong bunny trail smile

[Linked Image]

Poked around a little for otter. I know the jokers are there but under the ice shelf. Chipped in two holes just need them to pop their head out.

Be safe out there!

Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21 [Re: HFT AK] #7185689
02/16/21 09:41 PM
02/16/21 09:41 PM
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alaska viking Offline
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"Made it two years not being censored"

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What a cool pic of the hare!
Glad you are doing well.

Just doing what I want now.

Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21 [Re: HFT AK] #7185857
02/17/21 01:50 AM
02/17/21 01:50 AM
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bfisch Offline
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Good deal on the coyote! I haven't seen a hare all season, but they are around. Will you continue going after otter or will you be done the end of the month?

Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21 [Re: HFT AK] #7185866
02/17/21 02:37 AM
02/17/21 02:37 AM
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Thanks AV, that bunny knows were it is safe smile

bfisch, gonna keep after the otter, I got gear were they normally come through at, just a waiting game.

Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21 [Re: alaska viking] #7185919
02/17/21 06:38 AM
02/17/21 06:38 AM
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crosspatch Offline
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Originally Posted by alaska viking
What a cool pic of the hare!
Glad you are doing well.


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