Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21
[Re: HFT AK]
02/09/21 09:18 PM
02/09/21 09:18 PM
Joined: Aug 2011
Posts: 47,886 james bay frontierOnt.
Joined: Aug 2011
Posts: 47,886
james bay frontierOnt.
Your fur looks great,HFT. Still have your cats to put up or did you sell those already?
Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21
[Re: HFT AK]
02/10/21 10:48 PM
02/10/21 10:48 PM
Joined: Dec 2008
Posts: 2,118 Wasilla AK
Joined: Dec 2008
Posts: 2,118
Wasilla AK
Thanks Rob, thought of you today We got dumped on pretty good last night a little over a foot and in some areas the snow is waist deep off my trail now. Since I got this newer sled I have not really cared for the low windshield, kept thinking of replacing it and getting a higher one. I should have acted on that thought because today it totally kicked my butt, riding on one knee breaking trail through fresh powder over the hood is no fun says my back. Spent the day digging gear out and reluring. Walked down to a kitty set by the creek and I could see fresh otter track on the other side! Well I went to go over there and took 1 step and punched through above my knee! Looking at the hole the water is about8 inches down from the ice, a perfect spot for the Bronco set Picked up this yote in a modified hayset, pee post/ dirt hole, little fox matrix urine, and tainted moose scrap down the hole. I love my Montana Specials! Got the steel working today, but didnt have time to mess with the snares, next run I am going to start shutting things things down snare wise. Be safe out there guys!
Re: HFT_AK Journal 2020 -21
[Re: HFT AK]
02/12/21 02:37 PM
02/12/21 02:37 PM
Joined: Dec 2008
Posts: 2,118 Wasilla AK
Joined: Dec 2008
Posts: 2,118
Wasilla AK
trapperbobs, I use one of those spades from F&T with the long handle to probe with. Right now I have probably a dozen sets out for the yotes and fox and after this last dump when I ran I found all but one set, I know where it is at general area just have to kick around more next run. All those sets are right beside my trail. I pull up so that my pull behind sled is right beside the set, take on step off my snogo opposite side of set and into my sled and work from it. When I go to leave I step in that same track and erase it when I hop on my snogo, the pull behind sled does the rest. Everything I am running right now are hay sets, modified dirt hole/ pee post. Here is a pic of the set. The trap is right in front of the snow on the hay. The yotes and the fox love peeing on little spruce, so I took the top of on and planted it there. Moose scrap in the hole, matrix on the spruce along with pee. I try to keep the trap area level if not just a little lower ten my trail. If they work the set I normally get em Now that pic was before the dump of snow. Out in the open I try and make the backing were the hole is higher then the snow level, kinda like a mound, that way when we do get a dump you can still see were the set is, I take my sifter and scoop the snow away from the hole and on top were I think the trap is. Then probe for the trap and lift it out of the bed, re pack the snow in the depression, add a little more hay were the trap will lay, place trap press down to bed it, cover with a little more hay, then take my sifter and tyr to blend it all in the best I can. If your using snowholes, same concept except I dont sift the snow over the wax paper, I use one of those scoops from Teds Fur Shed and lay the snow over the wax paper. All the disturbance is right there at the set and the goal is to make it look like another fox or yote was there. I dont worry about abrupt edges or if it is smooth or not. Just need them to take that one step off of the trail Hope that helps a little.