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Beaver Back Toe Catches #7245481
04/17/21 01:02 PM
04/17/21 01:02 PM
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NE Wisconsin
DecoyMacoy Offline OP
DecoyMacoy  Offline OP

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NE Wisconsin
Setup: MB750's on short chain attached to 10' drowning rods (1/2" rebar + Hagz locks) in from of castor mounds.

Situation: Spring beaver trapping, mostly targeting travelers on river systems. Dealing with moderate water fluctuations. Every set and shoreline spot has different depth and bottom composition challenges.

Trap placement: I prefer to target back foot catches with deeper trap placement and further back away from shore. When the conditions allow this I have good solid deep catches. My issues arise when all I have is shallow, say less than 3" or 4", for trap placement with the shoreline setup.

My issue: When under water conditions dictate my trap placement is very close to waters edge, like say a short shallow shelf then instant deep drop off, I'm forced to target front foot catches and this is when I run into issue. Sometimes it works out but other times I end up with toe catches that I barely get or I lose.

Summary: I target back foot catches, I get good back foot catches. When I'm forced to target front foot catches, I sometime get front foot catches or I get back toe(s). Anything I can try to do different beside seek out better/different shoreline?

Any guidance on this would be great. Thanks in advance.

Re: Beaver Back Toe Catches [Re: DecoyMacoy] #7245489
04/17/21 01:14 PM
04/17/21 01:14 PM
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100 Mile House, BC Can
bctomcat Offline
bctomcat  Offline

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Are you using a breasting stick when going for a front foot catch?

The only constant in trapping is change so keep learning.

Re: Beaver Back Toe Catches [Re: DecoyMacoy] #7245492
04/17/21 01:18 PM
04/17/21 01:18 PM
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The Beav Offline
The Beav  Offline

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When dealing with shallow water conditions I will target a front foot. You need to get that beaver walking. I will sometimes built up a earthen berm or have placed a good sized stick so the beaver has to step over It to get to the trap. It's not 100% but It does reduce toe catches and most of your sprung traps.

The forum Know It All according to Muskrat
Re: Beaver Back Toe Catches [Re: DecoyMacoy] #7245493
04/17/21 01:19 PM
04/17/21 01:19 PM
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the Blak Spot  Online Content

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Build up a shelf of mud before the trap. If you miss front foot, they usually step over the mound and plant back foot more into the center of trap.

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Re: Beaver Back Toe Catches [Re: DecoyMacoy] #7245546
04/17/21 03:03 PM
04/17/21 03:03 PM
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Turtledale Offline
Turtledale  Offline

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Make sure your trap is offset left or right

NYSTA, NTA, FTA, life member Erie county trappers assn.,life member Catt.county trappers
Re: Beaver Back Toe Catches [Re: DecoyMacoy] #7245619
04/17/21 05:04 PM
04/17/21 05:04 PM
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bearcat2 Offline
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make sure it is offset, and you want their feet down, if it is on a shelf that drops off right at your trap jaw either try and build the shelf out or use a breasting stick.
Also if you are fighting too much water fluctuation you may be getting the water rising enough that they are going over the trap before putting front feet down and just catching the pan with the toenail of a hind foot. Try setting your traps on land (if this is legal there) or in just a half inch or so of water and covering them with leaves or mud. I don't normally cover beaver traps, but if they are out of the water I always do, and if I am trapping rivers where the water fluctuates a lot I tend to set up at the high water line, so it will either be out of the water and the beaver is walking or if the water is high it will be just under water but not too deep.

Re: Beaver Back Toe Catches [Re: DecoyMacoy] #7245689
04/17/21 06:40 PM
04/17/21 06:40 PM
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Law Dog Offline
Law Dog  Offline

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Are they backing up to mark the spot maybe.

Was born in a Big City Will die in the Country OK with that!

Jerry Herbst
Re: Beaver Back Toe Catches [Re: DecoyMacoy] #7245712
04/17/21 07:01 PM
04/17/21 07:01 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
Boco Offline
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Probably part of their foot is on a jaw when the trap fires.
Check trap placement/guiding.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Beaver Back Toe Catches [Re: DecoyMacoy] #7245738
04/17/21 07:35 PM
04/17/21 07:35 PM
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backroadsarcher Offline
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I have the same problem. I have always used 330's and I can count on 1 had the beaver I have caught in foothold. This morning again had a trap snapped and half way down the drowner cable empty. I use bresting sticks and offset the traps. This happens more often then is doesn't. Am I setting to shallow. I don't want hi jack this thread but sounds like my problems also.

Re: Beaver Back Toe Catches [Re: DecoyMacoy] #7245748
04/17/21 07:50 PM
04/17/21 07:50 PM
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The Beav Offline
The Beav  Offline

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I never messed with those sticks. Set the trap so you have about 2" of water over the trap and get them to naturally walk Into your trap. If you can target a front foot you wont have any part of the foot on the jaw and pan at the same time.

The forum Know It All according to Muskrat
Re: Beaver Back Toe Catches [Re: DecoyMacoy] #7245765
04/17/21 08:13 PM
04/17/21 08:13 PM
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NE Wisconsin
DecoyMacoy Offline OP
DecoyMacoy  Offline OP

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Thank you guys. I have definitely been setting offset but have not done any breasting sticks or stepping sticks or much guiding. Gonna have to experiment but I have a place to start and I thank you again

Re: Beaver Back Toe Catches [Re: DecoyMacoy] #7245773
04/17/21 08:31 PM
04/17/21 08:31 PM
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NE Wisconsin
DecoyMacoy Offline OP
DecoyMacoy  Offline OP

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NE Wisconsin
Also my self imposed penance will be re-reading the Dobbins open water Beaver and Otter book because now that I think of it I believe he covers "breasting" a bit.

Re: Beaver Back Toe Catches [Re: Turtledale] #7245822
04/17/21 10:07 PM
04/17/21 10:07 PM
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traprjohn Offline
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Originally Posted by Turtledale
Make sure your trap is offset left or right

This for trap mods and gear
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Re: Beaver Back Toe Catches [Re: Turtledale] #7245881
04/18/21 01:03 AM
04/18/21 01:03 AM
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Goldsboro, North Carolina
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Paul Dobbins  Online Content
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Goldsboro, North Carolina
Originally Posted by Turtledale
Make sure your trap is offset left or right

And make sure the trap dog is parallel to the bank.

John 14:6 Jesus answered, �I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

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Re: Beaver Back Toe Catches [Re: DecoyMacoy] #7245930
04/18/21 07:42 AM
04/18/21 07:42 AM
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nimzy Offline
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Freds theory. With castor the beaver instinctively gathers mud. What happens on the approach with mud? Their hands are full and they hop up thus the shallow water hind foot catch. Imo one should target that front foot. I think he’s on to something.

Re: Beaver Back Toe Catches [Re: DecoyMacoy] #7246026
04/18/21 10:19 AM
04/18/21 10:19 AM
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The Beav Offline
The Beav  Offline

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I've caught 1000s of beaver and I don't think a beaver when It's approaching a castor set made by a trapper Is carrying a load of mud. The initial response Is one of curiosity. The mud hauling If It does happen would probbaly come after first contact. And I've watched a few beaver get caught and I didn't see them carrying any mud on first contact with the set.

And for the most part my castor sets are just a smear on the bank and not actually a pile of mud with some castor added to It. And I believe that's how a beaver starts out placing It's sign. And over a period of time builds on It.
Paul could probably shed some light on this.

Last edited by The Beav; 04/18/21 10:21 AM.

The forum Know It All according to Muskrat
Re: Beaver Back Toe Catches [Re: DecoyMacoy] #7246052
04/18/21 11:09 AM
04/18/21 11:09 AM
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Central, SD
Law Dog Offline
Law Dog  Offline

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If your having snapped traps bump sticks will be a game changer for you, just use dead stick to avoid other issues.

Was born in a Big City Will die in the Country OK with that!

Jerry Herbst
Re: Beaver Back Toe Catches [Re: DecoyMacoy] #7246055
04/18/21 11:15 AM
04/18/21 11:15 AM
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The first response by a lot of beavers, where the mound has been lured with a castor base lure, is to charge the mound and tear it up. The beaver is enraged. Then it will go get the mud and place it on the mound. A lot of the time they take the most direct approach to the mound, which isn't always on the normal entry point where the beaver usually comes to refresh the mound. When they take that direct approach, they will usually exit the mound via the normal approach, which is why you'll see that some beavers will be caught by the wrong foot. By this I mean when they approach the mound as you expect them to with the trap offset to the right, and end up catching they by left foot, it's because you caught the beaver leaving the mound.

When the beaver approaches a mound that hasn't been lured, the beaver will bring mud and leaves on it's first approach. I like setting these mounds when I have a wise beaver that is still freshening up a mound. I will set this trap for a back foot catch and use no lure. Right after the next rain, the beaver will refresh the mound.

These have been my observations. Y'all may have seen something different? There is no absolutes with beavers, just what happens normally. I can never say always and never say never when it comes to beavers.

John 14:6 Jesus answered, �I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

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Re: Beaver Back Toe Catches [Re: Paul Dobbins] #7246110
04/18/21 12:33 PM
04/18/21 12:33 PM
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bearcat2 Offline
bearcat2  Offline

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Originally Posted by Paul Dobbins
Originally Posted by Turtledale
Make sure your trap is offset left or right

And make sure the trap dog is parallel to the bank.


Re: Beaver Back Toe Catches [Re: DecoyMacoy] #7246285
04/18/21 05:41 PM
04/18/21 05:41 PM
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Frazee, MN
backroadsarcher Offline
backroadsarcher  Offline

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Still having problems had another trap all the way to the anchor down the drowner cable. I know I am doing something that is just off a bit. 3 breasting sticks on the front side of the trap and it is set offset. Today it was on a crossover. Enlighten me trappers. I dont want to rely on my 330's only..

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