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The guy has no clue Steve. A few years ago the top lot of marten at nafa had pelts from Labrador,Northern Que,North east Ont,north west Ont,a couple of the western provinces and Alaska.
Last edited by Boco; 04/30/2107:02 AM.
Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Why not start a US fur auction house?
[Re: wissmiss]
#7255041 04/30/2107:05 AM04/30/2107:05 AM
Furs are sorted by grade and quality. So yeah, they can generally tell that the majority of this thin haired lot of beaver is from the south. But Boco might have a couple of them summer caught damage control beaver in that lot. FHA isn't going to lot stuff by area it is from and tell the buyers, "bid on this first, because it is Canadian fur."
If they were going to do something crooked to "take care of" preferred customers they would do it on the bookkeeping end, not on the sorting floor. I'm not saying they do this, but think about it, furs are lotted out by grade. Wouldn't it be a lot easier to put all the furs that look alike together and then just mark down that "preferred buddy's" furs are in these good lots and rp's furs are in these lots over here?
Re: Why not start a US fur auction house?
[Re: wissmiss]
#7255109 04/30/2108:57 AM04/30/2108:57 AM
wissmiss i thought the same thing when you started this thread you have 2 auction houses the biggest one is gone the other havnt had any luck moving much fur for several years or get good enough prices to average out what trappers dont sell or throw away because they know they wont make the grade theres a lot of milk that gets sold directly to consumers same with apples and the same with furs they dont all go through the auction and as fast as the last house is going south you better hope there is a more direct route and soon (not something you and others dream about at night)
Re: Why not start a US fur auction house?
[Re: wissmiss]
#7255138 04/30/2109:31 AM04/30/2109:31 AM
If you want it to happen you gotta believe in it. Many trappers(directors and members) put up everything they owned more than once. The first time to buy the OTA building on bond street and the second time to keep it from going into recievership in the early 90's(FHA).
Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Why not start a US fur auction house?
[Re: rpmartin]
#7255161 04/30/2110:01 AM04/30/2110:01 AM
Northwest Territories (NWT) fur harvesters, in partnership with the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT), are proud to confirm the continuation of the wild fur marketing program.
Under the brand label Genuine Mackenzie Valley Furs™ (GMVF), all NWT harvested fur that meets our standard for high quality, will continue to be offered in exclusive GMVF lots at auction and under private treaty by Fur Harvesters Auction in North Bay.
P.S. FHA definitely does things to benefit their Board of Directors, who are primarily Canadian. Has to do with what they concentrate their marketing on, and how they inter-sort. Maybe even deeper? It should be this way, since FHA was created to benefit the Board of Directors.
Last edited by Dirt; 04/30/2111:51 AM.
Who is John Galt?
Re: Why not start a US fur auction house?
[Re: wissmiss]
#7255210 04/30/2111:54 AM04/30/2111:54 AM