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Why not start a US fur auction house? #7252984
04/27/21 03:24 PM
04/27/21 03:24 PM
Joined: Jan 2007
north Idaho
wissmiss Offline OP
wissmiss  Offline OP

Joined: Jan 2007
north Idaho
Serious question.

NAFA is out of business. Many folks are unhappy with Fur Harvesters. Lots of empty buildings from businesses going under. Lots of trappers with fur they want to sell. Seems like the perfect time.

Many states have small sales already. Get them all together and have one big sale. Should be a piece of cake to make it happen.

So who’s going to get the ball rolling?

Please check out my updated inventory of Native American books.

Re: Why not start a US fur auction house? [Re: wissmiss] #7252998
04/27/21 03:39 PM
04/27/21 03:39 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
MN, Land of 10,000 Lakes
Trapper7 Offline
Trapper7  Offline

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MN, Land of 10,000 Lakes
Good idea. Maybe the place to start would be with all the trapping associations.

So Biden didn't have to listen to SCOTUS about student loan forgiveness, but Trump has to obey a lower court judge on illegals aliens?
Re: Why not start a US fur auction house? [Re: wissmiss] #7253000
04/27/21 03:41 PM
04/27/21 03:41 PM
Joined: Aug 2011
Northern MN
atrapper Offline
atrapper  Offline

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Northern MN
I like where you're going with this. "Beggars can't be choosers" comes to mind when I hear what some people say about marketing fur at FHA. I think it's true that FHA hasn't been completely upfront with trappers this past year but I also think that they're doing what they can with the situation they're in. With that in mind, I think the answer to your question has a few factors. First off, there is a ton of uncertainty throughout the fur market right now. Sure it appears that things have hit rock bottom and are going to bounce back but then again, who saw the pandemic coming? Who would have thought international borders would be closed this long? Who would have imagined the ranch mink industry going the direction it has? What direction is the fur fashion trending? Quite honestly, I'd be very hesitant to put my neck out there with all of these uncertainties that have occured in only a year or so. The fur industry is notoriously volatile but all of the things that have happened in just the past year have really made for an interesting industry. No thanks, I'm fine with sending my few pelts to FHA and complaining about watching them sit there for a sale or two.

Re: Why not start a US fur auction house? [Re: wissmiss] #7253008
04/27/21 03:50 PM
04/27/21 03:50 PM
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Marty B Offline
"arbitrary noob"
Marty B  Offline
"arbitrary noob"

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Well.......first you would need an actual demand for fur.

There's better places to make money, If you have access to that kind of capital.

Re: Why not start a US fur auction house? [Re: wissmiss] #7253018
04/27/21 04:11 PM
04/27/21 04:11 PM
Joined: Dec 2020
WyFurHarvesters Offline
WyFurHarvesters  Offline

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I think it would be a great Idea and seems like a lot folks are not happy with selling to Groney, small buyers or fur harvesters let them all pitch in come up with a business plan and get what they feel would be a fair price even start a coop which is somewhat what fur harvesters is. Anyway I'm thinking they would soon find out how tough it is in any business let alone the fur business. If you don't like things change them! maybe a lot of folks need to get into politics see how they can change things. There are a lot of things we can never change in this world, a lot we can, even gender now. Again if you don't like it change it, still upsetting how many folks make money trapping or love it to be outdoors or even trap 4 dollar coons for fun but wont join associations but will complain when its gone.

Re: Why not start a US fur auction house? [Re: wissmiss] #7253030
04/27/21 04:30 PM
04/27/21 04:30 PM
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marathonman Offline
marathonman  Offline

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Easy to be an arm chair QB when it comes to spending someone else's money.When it [the market] returns many will jump back in and many of us here will respond by filling the need...sort of like corn and beans...

Re: Why not start a US fur auction house? [Re: wissmiss] #7253033
04/27/21 04:32 PM
04/27/21 04:32 PM
Joined: Aug 2010
Asheville, NC
charles Offline
charles  Offline

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Asheville, NC
Who is going to buy the fur? Are they willing to pay more? Can your reduce labor, storage, freight, and other overhead costs? Will you mown or rent your buildings? Will you incorporate?

Need a business model.

Re: Why not start a US fur auction house? [Re: wissmiss] #7253035
04/27/21 04:33 PM
04/27/21 04:33 PM
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beaverpeeler Offline
beaverpeeler  Offline

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I think Nancy is on to something here. One giant association sale that all the buyers can't afford to miss. Right now (in the west anyways) it is always a struggle for buyers who may have multiple sales happening at the same time and can only be at one.

The main problem is that the association sales that already exist aren't likely to want to give up their gigs for the betterment of all. They have too much invested to give it up.

My fear of moving stairs is escalating!
Re: Why not start a US fur auction house? [Re: wissmiss] #7253036
04/27/21 04:35 PM
04/27/21 04:35 PM
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Saskfly Offline
Saskfly  Offline

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Mentioned this before and think it would only help the industry. Even if its region specific to start, 2-3 state associations getting together and giving it a go.

Only one auction house is not good.....

Re: Why not start a US fur auction house? [Re: Saskfly] #7253040
04/27/21 04:41 PM
04/27/21 04:41 PM
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East-Central Wisconsin
bblwi Offline
bblwi  Offline

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East-Central Wisconsin
"skin in the game" to me is important and would slow down much of the blame game and finger pointing. As stated above lots of facility space available and probably not any shortage of persons with auction and fur experience that maybe looking at working in the industry again. My preference would be that we not have one large sale, maybe 2-3 per year. As to ownership and or investment etc.? Many state associations have successful sales and use those to fund their programs and organizations. We would need to work on enhancing those fund sources and not displacing them.


Re: Why not start a US fur auction house? [Re: wissmiss] #7253045
04/27/21 04:54 PM
04/27/21 04:54 PM
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WyFurHarvesters Offline
WyFurHarvesters  Offline

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Could maybe get the NTA or FHA to sponsor one or one east one west. Use proceeds to help associations and promote fur.

Re: Why not start a US fur auction house? [Re: wissmiss] #7253067
04/27/21 05:29 PM
04/27/21 05:29 PM
Joined: May 2009
Maryland's Eastern Shore
mud Offline
mud  Offline

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Maryland's Eastern Shore
I have a funny feeling lots of trappers would be appalled at an awful lot of fur that comes in. Grading with too many fingers and personal interests in the pie would be overwhelming to people only familiar with state auctions.

April is autism awareness month. Nearly 1 in every 100 children are born with an autism spectrum disorder.. 1 in 100. Stop and think about it...please
Re: Why not start a US fur auction house? [Re: wissmiss] #7253095
04/27/21 05:57 PM
04/27/21 05:57 PM
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saskatchewan canada
kingrat Offline
kingrat  Offline

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saskatchewan canada
Then you could keep all.your crappy coons down there, that would be awesome.

Re: Why not start a US fur auction house? [Re: wissmiss] #7253106
04/27/21 06:13 PM
04/27/21 06:13 PM
Joined: Jan 2008
Alaska and Washington State
waggler Offline
waggler  Offline

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Alaska and Washington State
I don't think the industry produces enough fur to support two North American auction houses in a way that both of them would be economically viable.
Also, who is going to finance such a risky enterprise at this time? Would you buy stock in a start-up like this?

"My life is better than your vacation"
Re: Why not start a US fur auction house? [Re: wissmiss] #7253180
04/27/21 07:36 PM
04/27/21 07:36 PM
Joined: Jun 2008
el vado, nm
Tom Fisher Offline
Tom Fisher  Offline

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el vado, nm
That sounds like the ghost of Ed Meredith! He spoke of an American Trapper Auction, I support a Trappers auction.

Re: Why not start a US fur auction house? [Re: wissmiss] #7253186
04/27/21 07:41 PM
04/27/21 07:41 PM
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WyFurHarvesters Offline
WyFurHarvesters  Offline

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It could be supported by all the folks that complain about low prices now matter where the sell.

Re: Why not start a US fur auction house? [Re: wissmiss] #7253217
04/27/21 08:02 PM
04/27/21 08:02 PM
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nimzy Offline
nimzy  Offline

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I’m in. Great opportunity to learn from all the mistakes that occurred the last few years. It takes tuff times to flush out weakness.

Trappers usually support one another this way.

Re: Why not start a US fur auction house? [Re: wissmiss] #7253232
04/27/21 08:17 PM
04/27/21 08:17 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
Boco Offline
Boco  Offline

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james bay frontierOnt.
The first thing you need to do is hire a good organizer that knows the right people internationally in the biz.
I think Herman Jansen may be available.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Why not start a US fur auction house? [Re: wissmiss] #7253283
04/27/21 09:06 PM
04/27/21 09:06 PM
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Marty B Offline
"arbitrary noob"
Marty B  Offline
"arbitrary noob"

Joined: Sep 2010
What's the first thing you learn in econ 101?

Supply, and demand .


Profits attract producers.

If there was any money in it, the auctions would still be kicking strong.

Typewriter manufacturers went through the same thing.

Re: Why not start a US fur auction house? [Re: wissmiss] #7253286
04/27/21 09:08 PM
04/27/21 09:08 PM
Joined: Nov 2012
Frazee, MN
backroadsarcher Offline
backroadsarcher  Offline

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Frazee, MN
I would be afraid that the fur just might not sell as much as some people would wish. Then there would be a lot of neg comments about that auction house also. But I am for a US fur auction house. But we definitely need the right people running it.

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