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I bought gallon Tonite $45 at advance Auto, say on can use pressurized airless sprayer or brush on, clerk say ya for sure ur hand pump sprayer work an go thru orfice, I only had expensive cans aerosel spray before, open up earlier an pretty thick stuff even if mix, I can't see spray it, noway , so anyone know about this product, I post earlier that use it on rust under truck an was posted ya it works sprayer, it work great with brush , real good stuff but if don't mind spend a month of weekends at 3 hrs weekend, very time consuming brush an 3 hrs week is about all I want mess it
Ya another $50 bucks, probly take sprayer back Walmart refund get couple big paint brushes , it take some time to do job,I think 12 plus hrs but no way do all once, almost going need spray cans shoot places , up behind fenders way up , or inside frame channel mainly not go be able spray, just brush outside , is inside frame channels spray very important ? There lot metal beside frame do, leaf springs, shackles, suspension , axles, rear end differentianl , driveshaft, back side body , more spots then ever hit,tailgate hinges an around it an under tailgate inside, rust start good, up above donut real good all around , alot work out sprayer , only thing I do is set in sun an not heat enough
Ya another $50 bucks, probly take sprayer back Walmart refund get couple big paint brushes , it take some time to do job,I think 12 plus hrs but no way do all once, almost going need spray cans shoot places , up behind fenders way up , or inside frame channel mainly not go be able spray, just brush outside , is inside frame channels spray very important ? There lot metal beside frame do, leaf springs, shackles, suspension , axles, rear end differentianl , driveshaft, back side body , more spots then ever hit,tailgate hinges an around it an under tailgate inside, rust start good, up above donut real good all around , alot work out sprayer , only thing I do is set in sun an not heat enough
You forgot the most important parts-brake lines fuel lines trans lines and don’t be afraid to get it on rubber it’s good for that to!
My lines are plastic, not supposed put rubber, I guess advantage of using brush but lot work, maybe look into sprayer , not sure what go do yet but $11 for 14 oz can aerosel to much, got gallon, u use up 20 cans stuff an have $250 wrap up in it
Here in NH....there is a company called NH Oil.....that under coats vehicles with a fluid film type of product. Think 179.00. I even know the guy personally.
It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.
I gonna start on it this afternoon with paint brush an flashlite , lay cardboard under pickup , probly couple hrs weekly on it till done, also rust spot to fix, paint steel wheels again paint an wax by end month , wash yesterday first time in 2 months, looks terrible
Got above donut spare tire an slop in brush on top frame an all over, probly few more hrs for CPL weekends, , no sprayer, I think it be ok put on brush, on top donut , sone residue fluid film from last oct , good stuff I think an better nothing as rust apart, probly have 1/3 gallon for Oct an do again an buy few spray cans
Got all fluid film on by paint brush an 1 spray can, no sprayer for gallon it, I guess brush it on is as good, are CV boots an rubber part brake line oil resitant ? Got some overspray on them , still got 2/3 gallon left for fall
Re: Fluid film product
[Re: DWC]
#7265869 05/16/2109:31 PM05/16/2109:31 PM
Part of what I do to prevent rust on my ram, 436k miles, no real holes yet
I dont know whats more inpressive-no rust on a Ram or that many miles on one.
I put grease or oil on bare metal, one bare rock chip I have is more than 15 years old, it hasn't changed. I put roof flashing metal in the wheel well, take it off and clean , grease any bare metal Once a year I was it with liquid ice a couple times a year. I hope to get 6-700k miles out of the truck, idk