Tomatoe plant question
05/06/21 10:40 AM
05/06/21 10:40 AM
Joined: Jan 2021
Posts: 752 Westvirginia
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If i plant tomatoe seeds outside in a fertile garden bed after the frost will they produce tomatoes before the fall frost.
"You reap what you sow" Im 15 and still the best trapper in glenwhite
Re: Tomatoe plant question
[Re: Ethan1234]
05/06/21 11:25 AM
05/06/21 11:25 AM
Joined: Sep 2013
Posts: 21,429 Green County Wisconsin
Joined: Sep 2013
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Green County Wisconsin
it all depends how long between last and first frost ?
WI55 are a short season 55days to maturity tomato I would put them about 55 days from a 6 inch transplant to having tomatoes ready to eat
when does your soil temp get over 70 degrees
I live at the edge of zone 4 and i have plants ready to go in the ground but need to wait a few more days , we may still have a frost this week.
May 10 +55 days I am looking at July 4th before I can even think about having a tomato in hand to eat
there are parts of Wisconsin where you could get a frost on June 1 and late August
WV you should be able too fine although you may want to start them in some starter mix or well composted compost so that they are not immediately competing with weeds
many of the old timers would make a big tray broadcast the seeds around it then let them get to about 4 inches tall and separate the plants they would pull out a dozen plants wrap them in news paper , get it wet and sell them to you like that , you would go home and plant the same day.
America only has one issue, we have a Responsibility crisis and everything else stems from it.
Re: Tomatoe plant question
[Re: Ethan1234]
05/06/21 11:36 AM
05/06/21 11:36 AM
Joined: Dec 2006
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I used to plant wild cherry tomatoes in the Ecuadorian amazon by gathering up a few quarts and dropping a tomato and stepping on it. Seeds squirted out several feet take another step stomp another tomato. Come back in 2 months and there would be a tomato thicket as far as you could see. Used to do that in the slash and burn.
But in Oregon if you plant by seed with our cooler nights you likely will have to settle for green tomatoes by frost.
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Re: Tomatoe plant question
[Re: Ethan1234]
05/06/21 01:53 PM
05/06/21 01:53 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
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Wright Brothers
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Mine do from compost and I might be a zone North of him. They fruit later than started plants and go right into the sauce.
Re: Tomatoe plant question
[Re: Ethan1234]
05/06/21 08:08 PM
05/06/21 08:08 PM
Joined: Jan 2018
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New York
If i plant tomatoes seeds outside in a fertile garden bed after the frost will they produce tomatoes before the fall frost. What I did this year was get 50 pack of chinese-brand solo cups at Walmart. That will plant 25 plants. Poke 1/4" (or whatever. some big hole) hole in one cup, place in the other. This video helped me. I don't have a grow light, but I did have someone put them outside for me almost every day. Works well so far. After they got like 1-2" tall I started watering with "compost tea" made from worm castings. Cup video: tea video: I plan on using the MIGardner (second video guy) Single-Stem method this year, and every 2-weeks hitting them with baking soda/oil solution. Check out MIGardner on youtube. Search for "MIGardner Tomatoes."
Re: Tomatoe plant question
[Re: 3togo]
05/07/21 07:41 PM
05/07/21 07:41 PM
Joined: Mar 2018
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You have enough time. I used to transplant volunteer plants that came up in the garden from the previous season and always got tomatoes. That was in central NYS, way farther north than you. Same here....volunteers by the hundreds come up every year. I move some, they somehow catch up to the plants I put in at the end of May.
Re: Tomatoe plant question
[Re: Ethan1234]
05/07/21 10:56 PM
05/07/21 10:56 PM
Joined: Aug 2015
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Most all plants/vegetables have an estimate "days to maturity" and the folks who sell the seed include that on the seed packet,,,,,, BUT,,,, its not calendar days, its growing degree days which is vastly different. So if you are wanting info on growing and harvesting tomato fruit (yes its a fruit) punch the keyboard and get some background on the hours of temperature above the threshold of a minimum degree day needed for your variety of tomato. Then you will have a better idea on your chances of success................................ the mike