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Wisconsin weasel trappers #7274749
05/28/21 07:39 PM
05/28/21 07:39 PM
Joined: Apr 2021
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All33 Offline OP
All33  Offline OP

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I need to add a long tail weasel mount to my short tailed and least weasel mounts. The only long tailed that I've caught was tanned. Looking for any advice on where I'd be more likely to run into a long tailed weasel as opposed to a short tailed one. Not looking to step on any toes. When I do head to Wisconsin it'll be a focused weasel trip. One specimen is all that's needed. I have yet to decide when to head north but it'll probably be after I finish off my lifetime list. I've got thirty three species on that list with seven to go. One left in the arctic north and six in the desert.
I have a camper and snow machine if needed. Thanks for any input. Feel free to PM.
Jim in north Missouri

Re: Wisconsin weasel trappers [Re: All33] #7274757
05/28/21 07:46 PM
05/28/21 07:46 PM
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Alberta,Canada 71
Bushmaster Offline
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Alberta,Canada 71
This guy is living in my back yard.

[Linked Image]

Or are you looking for the winter version?

[Linked Image]

Sounds like you have an interesting collection. Pictures?

Last edited by Bushmaster; 05/28/21 07:58 PM.

Re: Wisconsin weasel trappers [Re: All33] #7274758
05/28/21 07:46 PM
05/28/21 07:46 PM
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Northern Wisconsin,Rhinelander
Hodagtrapper Offline
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Northern Wisconsin,Rhinelander
Not many in Northern Wisconsin. Perhaps Western or Southwestern Wisconsin. North Dakota and South Dakota I believe would be better bets to catch one.


>>In God we trust<<
Re: Wisconsin weasel trappers [Re: Hodagtrapper] #7274776
05/28/21 08:01 PM
05/28/21 08:01 PM
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East-Central Wisconsin
bblwi Offline
bblwi  Offline

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East-Central Wisconsin
The Porters from Northeast WI used to run long lines and some years caught 200 or more weasels. I have an old number for George which is 715-759-5706 (the number is an old one from my files). George has had some health issues and for many years trapped with his son William. Don't know if they do the long winter, weasel, coyote, beaver lines anymore or not.
Putting a post on trap shed should get you responses pretty quick as to who may get one or some for you. I had one I gave away last fall that had been frozen for a few seasons.

Re: Wisconsin weasel trappers [Re: All33] #7274779
05/28/21 08:04 PM
05/28/21 08:04 PM
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lumberjack391 Offline
lumberjack391  Offline

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Big ol weasel killed 1/4 mile from my house today. 1st roadkill weasel I seen in a while.

Re: Wisconsin weasel trappers [Re: Bushmaster] #7274799
05/28/21 08:32 PM
05/28/21 08:32 PM
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All33 Offline OP
All33  Offline OP

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Too bad I can't trap in Canada. I've got the DVD from the Porters. I figured they live far enough north that they mostly have short tails. I should call tho' and see what advice I might get. Don't want to buy or be given one. Gotta catch it myself. Probably going to key in on the southern third of Wisconsin. Might look at other states but spent time as a kid in Wisconsin and would like to trap there once in my life. I have a couple pics of most of my mounts on my Facebook page. You can check it out over there.
Keep the advice coming and take care. Oh... if you like my facebook pics let me know. I can post more as I get them back from the taxidermist. Waiting on a wolf and still need to hang up a lynx.
Jim Palmer

Re: Wisconsin weasel trappers [Re: All33] #7274926
05/28/21 10:38 PM
05/28/21 10:38 PM
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nightlife Offline
nightlife  Offline

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Originally Posted by All33
I need to add a long tail weasel mount to my short tailed and least weasel mounts. The only long tailed that I've caught was tanned. Looking for any advice on where I'd be more likely to run into a long tailed weasel as opposed to a short tailed one. Not looking to step on any toes. When I do head to Wisconsin it'll be a focused weasel trip. One specimen is all that's needed. I have yet to decide when to head north but it'll probably be after I finish off my lifetime list. I've got thirty three species on that list with seven to go. One left in the arctic north and six in the desert.
I have a camper and snow machine if needed. Thanks for any input. Feel free to PM.
Jim in north Missouri

Lots of them in areas of Minnesota and being unprotected I believe trapping is open to anyone, never had to check

If you decide on MN I can definitely point you to a few good possible areas, used to put up a good number of them, and some areas they were all you would catch, were never very many in any one area but a little ways down the road there would be another area with some more

�Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks.�
― Robert A. Heinlein
Re: Wisconsin weasel trappers [Re: bblwi] #7274988
05/29/21 12:17 AM
05/29/21 12:17 AM
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The Beav Offline
The Beav  Offline

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Originally Posted by bblwi
The Porters from Northeast WI used to run long lines and some years caught 200 or more weasels. I have an old number for George which is 715-759-5706 (the number is an old one from my files). George has had some health issues and for many years trapped with his son William. Don't know if they do the long winter, weasel, coyote, beaver lines anymore or not.
Putting a post on trap shed should get you responses pretty quick as to who may get one or some for you. I had one I gave away last fall that had been frozen for a few seasons.

George has passed. But I believe that William Is going to do a weasel trapping trip as a auction prize for the Fur Harvesters.

The forum Know It All according to Muskrat
Re: Wisconsin weasel trappers [Re: All33] #7275072
05/29/21 07:43 AM
05/29/21 07:43 AM
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Northeast Wisconsin
NE Wildlife Offline
NE Wildlife  Offline

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Northeast Wisconsin
George didn’t pass away. I know the family well as they only live a few miles away. Unfortunately William his
Son passed away in April.

Re: Wisconsin weasel trappers [Re: All33] #7275129
05/29/21 08:56 AM
05/29/21 08:56 AM
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The Beav Offline
The Beav  Offline

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Ok I knew one of them had passed.

The forum Know It All according to Muskrat
Re: Wisconsin weasel trappers [Re: nightlife] #7275177
05/29/21 10:13 AM
05/29/21 10:13 AM
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All33 Offline OP
All33  Offline OP

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Thanks for the offer and help! Unfortunately the nonresident issue rears it's controversial head once again. As far as I can tell even tho' the little buggars are not protected I still can't trap them unless it's on land that I own. I visited with the furbearer biologist a couple years ago before heading out on a weasel trapping trip to northern Iowa. Since I planned on trapping literally on the MN and IA boarder I thought that maybe I could give MN a go. Let's just say No was the answer. While I should have asked a Warden for further clarification, I just stayed on the south side of the gravel roads and caught the weasels traveling back and forth.

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