I just messaged a diabetic friend with this info and thought I would also post it here. I used to take a natural healing newsletter. There was an article on diabetic skin ulcers that were failing to heal because of poor circulation (particularly in the feet). They advocated packing sugar (honey was also mentioned) in the wound with bandaging around it to contain the sugar. The idea was that sugar (and honey) actually has antibiotic properties. And Sugar is hydroscopic (water loving). Think what happens when you put sugar on cut up strawberries. The sugar in the wound draws fluid from the wound and creates an osmotic pressure gradient. This pulls bad stuff out and new oxygenated blood, and the cellular healing crew, in. It recommended changing the sugar and bandage several times a day. It said there was no effect on blood sugar. It gave numerous anecdotal stories of people who had suffered these type wounds finally getting healed. Including some that looked like they were headed for amputations.

Sneak the pan under his paw!