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Re: Dress culture and church [Re: Posco] #7368080
09/30/21 02:52 PM
09/30/21 02:52 PM
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Tailhunter Offline
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Originally Posted by Posco
It reminds me of how carefully the priests entered the tabernacle or handled the ark. No cavalier attitudes there. We're dealing with the same God.


Just wait until people burst into flames because they wore jeans to church.

Re: Dress culture and church [Re: Yes sir] #7368081
09/30/21 02:56 PM
09/30/21 02:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Yes sir
Originally Posted by Tailhunter
If you are worried what others are wearing to church, you actually have more problems than you know.


Can you have an opinion on what you think is appropriate without judging someone else?

Somethings just need to be made fun of to show how truly busybody they are.

Re: Dress culture and church [Re: BuckMink] #7368086
09/30/21 03:11 PM
09/30/21 03:11 PM
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Fisher Man Offline
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I don't worry about what others wear to church, but I do think the younger generation has deteriorated into a bunch of slobs. Wearing jeans, shorts, and baseball caps in church is inappropriate. I remember when women wore head covering and gloves to church. Men wore suits or a jacket and tie, Today you can hardly find a pregnant woman wearing a maternity dress.Styles? Paying good money for ripped jeans because they are in style. Our minister's wife is plastered with tattos.

Re: Dress culture and church [Re: Tailhunter] #7368097
09/30/21 03:30 PM
09/30/21 03:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Tailhunter

Just wait until people burst into flames because they wore jeans to church.

It's not the jeans that will be their undoing. I've seen many a time where pastors doubt if half their congregations are truly converted. That may be being generous. But as my pastor says every Sunday...if you're not sure if you truly know the Lord, today is the best day to find out. There may not be a tomorrow.

Re: Dress culture and church [Re: ] #7368098
09/30/21 03:37 PM
09/30/21 03:37 PM
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Yes sir Offline
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Originally Posted by CaptGus

Somethings I don't want to see and somethings I shouldn't see. I see big problems if ur a man and start sinning in your mind during a service. I bet more people bring their Bibles to church there for more than just covering their soul. I guess they didn't read the part in the Bible about dressing modestly....

Re: Dress culture and church [Re: BuckMink] #7368104
09/30/21 03:56 PM
09/30/21 03:56 PM
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Vernal, Utah, USA
Dan Barnhurst Offline
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I wear SONday best to church as does most of the congregation. But when someone comes in wearing less formal attire, I go out of my way to go over and welcome them and try to make them feel comfortable. We need to treat each other as Jesus would, no matter what anyone looks like.

I dress that way out of respect for Who I worship and because I feel (and perhaps behave) differently dressed in my SONday best.

United we stand.
Re: Dress culture and church [Re: Dan Barnhurst] #7368121
09/30/21 04:42 PM
09/30/21 04:42 PM
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An older cowboy took a job on a remote ranch
With no one close by it got lonely for him
He decided come the next Sunday he would go to church in the nearest small town
Come Saturday, he washed his jeans and denim shirt and took thread and a needle and patched the holes and nicks in them
He went in to church the next day and everyone there sat away from him
After the service the preacher was at the door and told the cowboy that he was glad to see him in church but he needed to respect God and wear better clothes when he went into the house of the Lord.
Come next Saturday and the old cowboy repeated the washing and patching and went to church the next day
People in the church still sat away from him
After the service the preacher once again met him at the door and told him he needed to wear a suit and tie or good slacks with a good shirt, coat and tie when he came to church to show respect for God
The week went by and the old cowboy repeated his routine and went in to church
Everyone sat away from him and again the preacher was there to meet him after the service. Once again the preacher confronted the old cowboy about the way he was dressed.

The old cowboy said " you know preacher I had a good talk with God this morning before I came in."
The preacher asked what he talked to God about ?
The old cowboy said " I told God about what you said as to how I should dress in order to respect and honor Him and he told me he didn't think he had been inside your church so I invited him to come with me this morning. "

Sit on your horse on top of a ridge, look out across the country and tell me there is no God.

Re: Dress culture and church [Re: BuckMink] #7368153
09/30/21 05:18 PM
09/30/21 05:18 PM
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grin ^^^^^

Re: Dress culture and church [Re: BuckMink] #7368512
09/30/21 11:22 PM
09/30/21 11:22 PM
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Vernal, Utah, USA
Dan Barnhurst Offline
Dan Barnhurst  Offline

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I love that story!

United we stand.
Re: Dress culture and church [Re: BuckMink] #7368745
10/01/21 08:39 AM
10/01/21 08:39 AM
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I do like the cowboy story.

wanna be goat farmer.
Re: Dress culture and church [Re: ] #7368770
10/01/21 09:05 AM
10/01/21 09:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Mark June
Acts 1-3 is the ushering in of the New Covenant to Gentiles (most of us). Thank God, the account we have of the 1st century church was not about how life "should be lived", but rather how believers after the Ascension "did live." Worshipping as a gathered group of believers, often in homes.

With the exception of chapter 17 of Acts, every chapter in Acts includes supernatural revelation of the Holy Spirit, all pointing to the fact that the ordained church is not a work of man, but of Jesus.
Jesus promised the disciples an advocate and He sent the Spirit as Promised.

To say Church is of little consequence is to cast off what Jesus ordained in the "Church Age" between His 1st and 2nd Coming.
Yep, church is full of sinners and people who are not who we would hang with given a choice, but we don't bring people in the doors of the Church.... God does.
We're called to love them as ourselves and it's great practice run for the real thing = Heaven and New Earth wink
Oh and please extend grace and love to the pastors and clergy who dwell among the broken 24/7/365.... and as a result many quit after 5 years on average.

Our Western churches are notoriously legalistic in application, application, and more application of Scripture and very shallow in the ecclesia (church) of the Body of Christ.
The Gospel was never meant to stop with "me."
In fact, quite the opposite.


^^^^LOVE LOVE THIS^^^^, I preached a message a few sundays ago about following the Jesus of the Bible and not the Jesus of American/Western Church

Re: Dress culture and church [Re: ] #7368777
10/01/21 09:17 AM
10/01/21 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Mark June
From the Book of Job, perhaps the 1st book written in terms of canonical timeline....

Naked I came from my mother’s womb and naked I shall return there.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away.
Blessed be the name of the LORD.

Job 22:6

Pretty much paints an accurate picture of what you wear as you worship God as not mattering one iota.


Mark, you have moved up on my favorites list. Right next to Tony Evans. I wish you were closer to NC, I would love to know your thoughts on this latest church deconstruction movement. It has taken me a few years to realize the American Church has been getting stuff wrong. I had this great awakening at Campbell Divinity School. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, BTW your lures are pretty good too!

Re: Dress culture and church [Re: bblwi] #7368799
10/01/21 09:53 AM
10/01/21 09:53 AM
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Originally Posted by bblwi
We seem to place a tremendous amount of our belief system and energy on our personal relationship with Christ and putting our own salvation above all else.

Follow on to know the Lord. That's something every Christian should strive for 24/7/365.

Re: Dress culture and church [Re: BuckMink] #7368821
10/01/21 10:16 AM
10/01/21 10:16 AM
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Growing up in a small rural ELCA church, nice jeans and a button up shirt were acceptable-some of the older folks wore suits. When id go my cousins MO synod church, everyone dressed up-mostly suits and dresses. I was comfortable in both. Ive been to one of the “new” churches where there is a band with guitars and the pastor wears a Hawaiian shirt and a few looked like they hadnt even showered recently. I was uncomfortable and will not return to that type of church.

Re: Dress culture and church [Re: TrapperTod] #7368823
10/01/21 10:20 AM
10/01/21 10:20 AM

Mark June
Mark June

Originally Posted by TrapperTod
Originally Posted by Mark June
From the Book of Job, perhaps the 1st book written in terms of canonical timeline....

Naked I came from my mother’s womb and naked I shall return there.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away.
Blessed be the name of the LORD.

Job 22:6

Pretty much paints an accurate picture of what you wear as you worship God as not mattering one iota.


Mark, you have moved up on my favorites list. Right next to Tony Evans. I wish you were closer to NC, I would love to know your thoughts on this latest church deconstruction movement. It has taken me a few years to realize the American Church has been getting stuff wrong. I had this great awakening at Campbell Divinity School. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, BTW your lures are pretty good too!

Tony Evans is here at DTS quite often as he's one of the alums... and he is also one of my favorite preachers. Chuck Swindoll will be here speaking at the DTS "Preview Day" chapel later this morning and Chuck, like Tony, and all of us are taught foundationally; 2 Tim 4:1-3;

I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine.

The American church is part of a greater fallout from Europe that has largely emaciated the Gospel of Christ on that continent. Our academia has ALWAYS followed Europeans, most notably the well educated Germans. So here we are. God is in charge and there is a renewed revitalization of churches, one by one, occurring here in America but it's not merging gods as one. As many churches calling themselves Christian merge with the secular gods, a remnant of Godly Gospel Churches do remain.

We are confident God will work His Will always in that remnant.

And thanks for using our lures. Tuition here ain't cheap!

Blessings and continue to Preach Truth and Love Well,

Re: Dress culture and church [Re: BuckMink] #7368977
10/01/21 02:14 PM
10/01/21 02:14 PM
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Tailhunter Offline
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A band with guitars?

Re: Dress culture and church [Re: Posco] #7369000
10/01/21 02:36 PM
10/01/21 02:36 PM
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HobbieTrapper Offline
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Tambourines and cymbals are percussion.

Pianos and guitars are stringed instruments.

Get over yourselves.

Re: Dress culture and church [Re: HobbieTrapper] #7369077
10/01/21 04:17 PM
10/01/21 04:17 PM
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Originally Posted by HobbieTrapper
Tambourines and cymbals are percussion.

Pianos and guitars are stringed instruments.

Get over yourselves.

No offense since I assume you play in the church band.... but I would be fine with churches having bands for special occasions like Christmas, Easter, summer festivals, youth camps, etc. But if an electrified band was part of the weekly service, I'd find a new church. For me, church should be solemn. Reverent. Anything outside an organ/piano would be too much for me.

Just give me one thing, that I can hold on to. To believe in this livin' is just a hard way to go.
Re: Dress culture and church [Re: BuckMink] #7369093
10/01/21 04:50 PM
10/01/21 04:50 PM
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Cmon Ang. I’m not religious and this song makes me wish I could sing

Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Re: Dress culture and church [Re: BuckMink] #7369094
10/01/21 04:55 PM
10/01/21 04:55 PM
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I bet you like this one too

Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
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