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Thank you USPS #7398304
11/06/21 04:55 PM
11/06/21 04:55 PM
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Leary Sink Offline OP
Leary Sink  Offline OP

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Got home today and in the mail was a formal envelope from the United States Postal Service Investigations Division informing me that my package l was waiting on to be delivered will not be delivered to me because it is in violation of USPS regulations regarding “perishable materials”.

It was a lure order l had placed with Mr. James Lucero.

I have in the past had several bait / lure orders opened and searched by Postal Inspectors as well as UPS for drugs due to the “smell” but I have never had an package which they flat out refused to deliver to me.

Couple weeks ago I got a order in and the flat rate envelope was torn open and I could tell the contents were stuffed back inside but it was not taped up or secured in any way. Just torn open.

Anyone else ever have this happen or is my good luck continuing to work overtime ??

Re: Thank you USPS [Re: Leary Sink] #7398317
11/06/21 05:24 PM
11/06/21 05:24 PM
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S.E. Ohio
M.Magis Offline
M.Magis  Offline

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Just depends on who opened it. Someone was probably pizzed because they got that stink on their hands.

Re: Thank you USPS [Re: Leary Sink] #7398339
11/06/21 06:05 PM
11/06/21 06:05 PM
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newhouse114 Offline
newhouse114  Offline

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If suppliers would pack better a lot of this could be avoided. I shipped 12 oz of pure quill to Canada, took over a week to get there and recipient said there was zero odor coming from the package.

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"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain
Re: Thank you USPS [Re: Leary Sink] #7398342
11/06/21 06:08 PM
11/06/21 06:08 PM
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Colbert, WA
johral Offline
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I just received a lure order from Paul, and the package was sealed in a vacuum sealed bag with a note on it from USPIS that said it could be delivered to the recipient. Obviously they did inspect it due to the smell. Sucks that yours will not be arriving.

Re: Thank you USPS [Re: Leary Sink] #7398345
11/06/21 06:17 PM
11/06/21 06:17 PM
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Central, SD
Law Dog Offline
Law Dog  Offline

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They will find ways to not pay you if you try to fight it they will jerk you around as they have all the time in the world to waste screwing you around. I did have a customer get lucky and ended up getting his package I believe he dealt with people on the phone and not the faceless web.

Was born in a Big City Will die in the Country OK with that!

Jerry Herbst
Re: Thank you USPS [Re: Leary Sink] #7398350
11/06/21 06:26 PM
11/06/21 06:26 PM
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The Count

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I got a note that I had a stinky package that I had to come pick up at the post office because it stunk too bad for the delivery driver. Was Catfish Stink Bait that had leaked a little and soaked out on the package.

Re: Thank you USPS [Re: Leary Sink] #7398371
11/06/21 07:00 PM
11/06/21 07:00 PM
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Fingerlakes New York
robert.d12 Offline
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I sent some raw skulls to Montana this year and it was pretty warm, like 70’s. It took five days and was a large flat rate packed full. I couldn’t believe it got delivered. I think it may depend a lot on what the driver is willing to put up with

The beauty of the second amendment is it wont be needed until they try to take it. -Thomas Jefferson
Re: Thank you USPS [Re: Leary Sink] #7398401
11/06/21 07:33 PM
11/06/21 07:33 PM
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Turtledale  Online Happy

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My driver laughs when it stinks and delivers it earlier than usual to get it out of the Jeep. I always remember him on Christmas

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Re: Thank you USPS [Re: Leary Sink] #7398413
11/06/21 07:41 PM
11/06/21 07:41 PM
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Oakland, MS
yotetrapper30 Offline
yotetrapper30  Offline

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we sent 2 packages to Bud in September and USPS lost both of them. frown

Just give me one thing, that I can hold on to. To believe in this livin' is just a hard way to go.
Re: Thank you USPS [Re: Leary Sink] #7398431
11/06/21 08:04 PM
11/06/21 08:04 PM
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Does anyone ever ask this government entity for a copy of the search warrant they obtained to search your package?

Re: Thank you USPS [Re: yotetrapper30] #7398432
11/06/21 08:05 PM
11/06/21 08:05 PM
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The Count

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Originally Posted by yotetrapper30
we sent 2 packages to Bud in September and USPS lost both of them. frown

Have you checked with Bud? Their tracking is VERY unreliable. I have packages that were delivered years ago that still show stuff like USPS is waiting to receive the package, or shows it last seen in some warehouse somewhere.

And to be fair, you did ship it into a hurricane disaster zone. laugh

Re: Thank you USPS [Re: Leary Sink] #7398505
11/06/21 09:05 PM
11/06/21 09:05 PM
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Leary Sink Offline OP
Leary Sink  Offline OP

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I need to clarify that this problem l’m having is with the US Post Office.
There is no problems with Mr. Lucero.

I was just contacted by Mr. Lucero who was very upset that I had made this post because he was contacted by someone who read this post and believed I was attacking his good character and reputation.

I apologized to Mr. Lucero and stated this was not intended to damage his good name or reputation as I was directing this towards the US Postal Service not him. I read the letter to him I received from the Post Office.

I will contact the USPS number in the letter on Monday and request the package be returned to him so he gets his lures back.

So therefore I apologize to Mr. Lucero for any misunderstanding. I hope nobody else will contact him causing more confusion. Bless his heart he’s like me hard of hearing and he had to pass the phone back and forth to his wife.

He assured me that he was going to send my lure order out to me again and I tried to explain that I was not worried about that. He is a good man and was very upset with me for posting anything about this matter.

Again I offer my apology to him for this was not his fault in any way.
As he said in over 25 years he had never had the Postal Service deny delivery of anything he mailed to any customers.

Last edited by Leary Sink; 11/06/21 09:28 PM.
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