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Boreal Forest Cats #7432842
12/15/21 10:46 PM
12/15/21 10:46 PM
Joined: Sep 2014
Posts: 301
Southern Minnesota
K9man Offline OP
K9man  Offline OP

Joined: Sep 2014
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Southern Minnesota
I’m a flat lander from the prairie and am struggling with location in the forest as I always do. Where I’m from “structure” and “travel corridors” stick out like a sore thumb to me but when I get in the forest I struggle to see the subtle nuances.

The obvious ones like base of a cliff or a couple of two tracks intersecting or a beaver dam and so on, I need to know what else to look for in a vast forest area that looks as though there is no difference in any of the 2000 acres

Help………Where should I look for cats when a very large area all looks the same? PM or reply here which ever you prefer please

Re: Boreal Forest Cats [Re: K9man] #7432877
12/15/21 11:14 PM
12/15/21 11:14 PM
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Aliceville, Kansas 44
Yukon John Offline
Yukon John  Offline

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Aliceville, Kansas 44
I would think that you would want to find some game trails, and go from there. Speaking from inexperience though.

Act like a blank, get treated like a blank. Insert your own blank!
Re: Boreal Forest Cats [Re: K9man] #7432887
12/15/21 11:19 PM
12/15/21 11:19 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
Boco Offline
Boco  Offline

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james bay frontierOnt.
Not sure about bobcats but for lynx-find their hunting pockets.Lynx hunt pockets of rabbits for several days,sometimes in family groups,then move on to the next rabbit pocket for a few more days and so on.The pockets themselves are good places to snare cats,and their travel routes between pockets are predictable,and sets made along these travel routes will produce when they move.
All these areas are identifiable thru tracking in the snow and being familiar with your trapping grounds over several years and many miles of travel out on the land yourself.
depending on the movements of the cats your sets may produce overnight or may not produce for a couple weeks.

Regardless the cats always return to the good hunting areas along predictable travel routes.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Boreal Forest Cats [Re: K9man] #7432927
12/16/21 12:20 AM
12/16/21 12:20 AM
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100 Mile House, BC Can
bctomcat Offline
bctomcat  Offline

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100 Mile House, BC Can

The only constant in trapping is change so keep learning.

Re: Boreal Forest Cats [Re: K9man] #7433103
12/16/21 08:56 AM
12/16/21 08:56 AM
Joined: Apr 2012
Posts: 7,362
Northern Mn
rick olson Offline
rick olson  Offline

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Northern Mn
I dont know your area that you and your kids trap,clear cuts regrowth 5 to 10 year old can be good,are ridges and valleys,edge features pinch points necked down areas.You all ready talked about two tracks logging roads check those places for edge features in valleys and ridges water ways beaver colonies can be very good locations it all comes down to where the food is find the RABBITTS you'll find the cats if there in the area deer yards are good also those 30 + lbs bobcats kills a fair amount of deer,but rabbits and grouse are their main food source,good luck looking forward to your adventure.

Re: Boreal Forest Cats [Re: K9man] #7433136
12/16/21 09:31 AM
12/16/21 09:31 AM
Joined: Sep 2014
Posts: 301
Southern Minnesota
K9man Offline OP
K9man  Offline OP

Joined: Sep 2014
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Southern Minnesota
Ok, I know of a handful of areas that are loaded with rabbits and I was going to set those areas, will focus on edges near them and see what happens.

Re: Boreal Forest Cats [Re: K9man] #7444279
12/28/21 11:28 PM
12/28/21 11:28 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
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Coldspring Texas
Savell Offline
Savell  Offline

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Coldspring Texas
.. thickets ... edges of the nastiest tangles you come across... grown over open areas in mature timber ... that’ll hold the prey

Insert profound nonsense here
Re: Boreal Forest Cats [Re: K9man] #7444703
12/29/21 12:49 PM
12/29/21 12:49 PM
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Northof50 Offline
Northof50  Offline

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So when did Minnesota get some boreal forest.?
In a boreal forest a red squirrel has to have a back-pac to carry it's food from one tree to another.

How has your search turned out so far?

Re: Boreal Forest Cats [Re: Northof50] #7444870
12/29/21 04:58 PM
12/29/21 04:58 PM
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sw pa
powderfinger Offline
powderfinger  Offline

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I believe it's a more northern ecosystem as well....

Re: Boreal Forest Cats [Re: K9man] #7444878
12/29/21 05:07 PM
12/29/21 05:07 PM
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Northof50 Offline
Northof50  Offline

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powerfinger I'm just yanking the chain of those southern Minn guys,
when they see two trees together,
they swear they are in the deep woods
wait for it
and have to pull out their GPS to backtrack out of the woods. blush

Re: Boreal Forest Cats [Re: K9man] #7445400
12/30/21 06:52 AM
12/30/21 06:52 AM
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sw pa
powderfinger Offline
powderfinger  Offline

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lol... i believe it. it is open country there. large tracks of timber really do require locating funnels/ choke points. Takes time to scout such an area. Good luck and keep us posted.

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