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Re: For those of you with trapline dogs [Re: kurtansky] #7462307
01/16/22 09:50 AM
01/16/22 09:50 AM
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bandy Offline
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1/2 blue healer 1/4 cur 1/4 Airedale she is unlike any dog I have ever had the pleasure of sharing life with and there's many out there that can attest to that.

No matter where you go there you are.
Re: For those of you with trapline dogs [Re: Dirt] #7462430
01/16/22 12:10 PM
01/16/22 12:10 PM
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western Oklahoma
Davisfur Offline
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Originally Posted by Dirt
Originally Posted by Yes sir
I know a guy on here that posting a pic like this cost him a seat on a wildlife advisory committee if I remember the story correct. Good guy that I'm sure was a great representative for all trappers and hunters. I personally don't have issue with it but it can be viewed a little negative by the general public that are not educated on what's going on. Just a little food for thought.

extra food from Peska

Pics and video are fine….keep in your on circle of friends ….be mindful to keep pics rated PG and tasteful…those less than tasteful pics are not helpful from a PR perspective for our industry. However regardless of how careful you think you are… pics you share invariably find there way into the hands of individuals who would use them against us to further infringe on our rights….basically you are providing ammunition for your opponent."

Hiding what we do from the rest of the world gives them just as much ammunition if not more than sharing it. Every time you refuse to discuss dispatch or any other aspect of everyday life for a trapper it just tells the rest of the world you have things to hide and if you are hiding it then its most likely just as horrible as they think it is. Then thier imagination runs wild from there.

Last edited by Davisfur; 01/16/22 12:11 PM.
Re: For those of you with trapline dogs [Re: Boco] #7462743
01/16/22 05:03 PM
01/16/22 05:03 PM
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South Dakota
TravC Offline
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I use dogs just about everyday year round alot on drags they do a heck of alot more then bark at coyotes for me
They have a job they are working animals
If you take offence to that i cant help that you cant grasp a concept as simple as working dogs have a job to do as well and when useing drags its quicker easier and more efficient then just tracking a drag by sight my dogs cut that down to a quarter of the time and to recover wounded animals

you can continue to beleive you are gods gift to ethics or whatever your fancy is those of us that do this for more then a hobby could care less what some frozen rat choker in rubber boots and a catch pole stuck in his behind thinks in all honesty

I will continue to use my dogs to recover coyotes on drags decoy find sighn recover wounded animals etc when most hobby guys wouldnt invest the time money or work in there system to make sure they have a efficient ethical system even when staking fails my dogs can find the coyotes you probably never would find when stuff happens
Theres alot more reason to use dogs then just barking at coyotes

If you want to continue to be against it fine
But you have no clue what you are talking about

Last edited by TravC; 01/16/22 05:12 PM.

There i said it....
Re: For those of you with trapline dogs [Re: kurtansky] #7462777
01/16/22 05:55 PM
01/16/22 05:55 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
Boco Offline
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james bay frontierOnt.
Your the one with no clue,
There is a Huge difference using a dog for hunting and tracking wounded game than having one harassing a pinned trapped animal for your sick entertainment,and photo op,then posting it so antis can use it to sway public opinion against what we do for a living.The first thing an ethical trapper does is respect the animalls that are given to us.

Sad there are people so dumb out there that dont have the IQ to comprehend public perception and what it has done to cripple trapping.

Now shove that up your butt and smoke on it.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: For those of you with trapline dogs [Re: kurtansky] #7462786
01/16/22 06:05 PM
01/16/22 06:05 PM
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"After You See These Pictures, You’ll Return Your Canada Goose Jacket"

I wonder where they got them pictures? smile

Who is John Galt?
Re: For those of you with trapline dogs [Re: Boco] #7462792
01/16/22 06:09 PM
01/16/22 06:09 PM
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TravC Offline
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Like i said pull that catch pole out your butt its building gas allowing crappy thaughts hit your brain
You really don't have the slightest clue on the topic or why dogs are used
Ive fought for trapping harder then you fought for air with your head so far up your rat choking arse

I use dogs for revovery its one of there jobs one of many at that
You got some notion dogs are only used to bark at trapped animals
Thats your ignorance and lack of iq showing
Take your own advice

Now go pull that out of your butt and smoke it
If you are against pictures thats one thing but dont trash talk those of us who useworking dogs for a liveing
Not my fault your a rat choker
Go pee n moan at the houndsmen while your at it
Do you think they kiss lions or bears before they go up the tree or cone down?

Last edited by TravC; 01/16/22 06:11 PM.

There i said it....
Re: For those of you with trapline dogs [Re: Dirt] #7462797
01/16/22 06:12 PM
01/16/22 06:12 PM
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TravC Offline
TravC  Offline

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Well dirt

Probofly also from the trappers who keep trying to let the world think we dont exist
I dont recall i posted any pictures of my dogs

If you two want to be useful idiots go join the wildearth guardians they hire ex trappers to divide the ranks yall is doin a good job

Last edited by TravC; 01/16/22 06:16 PM.

There i said it....
Re: For those of you with trapline dogs [Re: kurtansky] #7462799
01/16/22 06:14 PM
01/16/22 06:14 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
Boco Offline
Boco  Offline

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james bay frontierOnt.
Your gums are flappin but nothing of any sense coming out.Working dogs in the North a way of life.You are clueless.
There is a reason you have to always fight a losing battle all the time for trapping down there.
Because you're braindead.

Last edited by Boco; 01/16/22 06:15 PM.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: For those of you with trapline dogs [Re: Boco] #7462810
01/16/22 06:23 PM
01/16/22 06:23 PM
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TravC Offline
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Look here taco
You do your thing choke rats whine on trapperman your killin it
You are a good example of destruction from within
You have no idea what we use dogs for speculate all you want you are a fine specimin of why we should use contraception

Last edited by TravC; 01/16/22 06:24 PM.

There i said it....
Re: For those of you with trapline dogs [Re: kurtansky] #7462812
01/16/22 06:25 PM
01/16/22 06:25 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
Boco Offline
Boco  Offline

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james bay frontierOnt.
10-4 Einstein.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: For those of you with trapline dogs [Re: Boco] #7462814
01/16/22 06:26 PM
01/16/22 06:26 PM
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South Dakota
TravC Offline
TravC  Offline

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South Dakota
I gotta go your mom said its dinner time

There i said it....
Re: For those of you with trapline dogs [Re: Boco] #7462845
01/16/22 06:59 PM
01/16/22 06:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Boco
Thats unethical.The animal should be dispatched immediately or released.
Not sic your dog on it for entertainment.
That is totally against the Trappers code of ethics.

Well, I see the canuck ethics board has weighed in. Guess everybody should get rid of their dogs. Trudeau's biggest fan thinks they're wrong.

Sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand
Re: For those of you with trapline dogs [Re: kurtansky] #7462905
01/16/22 07:52 PM
01/16/22 07:52 PM
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bandy Offline
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Glad I'm not from up north next he will be saying cow dog's working in a pin separating cow is wrong you should do that in the pasture. God forbid they get stressed what about the poor sheep this has got to end before some animal gets it feeling hurt before it goes into the slaughter house. [Linked Image]

No matter where you go there you are.
Re: For those of you with trapline dogs [Re: kurtansky] #7462914
01/16/22 08:01 PM
01/16/22 08:01 PM
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Wheaton Ks
lee steinmeyer Offline
lee steinmeyer  Offline

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Yeah, I looked up his real name, it’s loco instead of boco. What a karen!

Re: For those of you with trapline dogs [Re: lee steinmeyer] #7462924
01/16/22 08:16 PM
01/16/22 08:16 PM
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Outlaw99 Offline
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Originally Posted by lee steinmeyer
Yeah, I looked up his real name, it’s loco instead of boco. What a karen!

Funniest thing I’ve read all day, lol

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Re: For those of you with trapline dogs [Re: kurtansky] #7462927
01/16/22 08:20 PM
01/16/22 08:20 PM
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Outlaw99 Offline
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Maybe they just do things different up there on those lonely northern trap lines

[Linked Image]

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Re: For those of you with trapline dogs [Re: kurtansky] #7463044
01/16/22 10:22 PM
01/16/22 10:22 PM
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bandy Offline
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[Linked Image]

No matter where you go there you are.
Re: For those of you with trapline dogs [Re: kurtansky] #7463045
01/16/22 10:22 PM
01/16/22 10:22 PM
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beartooth trapr Offline
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Excellent , this is getting good

Let me sugar coat this
Re: For those of you with trapline dogs [Re: kurtansky] #7463062
01/16/22 10:41 PM
01/16/22 10:41 PM
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bandy Offline
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[Linked Image]
Ok I'm sorry now it the livestock harassing the trapped poor defenseless animals this has to end. What if someone gets ahold of this picture the livestock industry is finished. I think boco said they shoot animals that do this to trapped animals. I'm going now to stock up on beef there's going to be a shortage I just know it.

No matter where you go there you are.
Re: For those of you with trapline dogs [Re: bandy] #7463095
01/16/22 11:09 PM
01/16/22 11:09 PM
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Originally Posted by bandy
1/2 blue healer 1/4 cur 1/4 Airedale she is unlike any dog I have ever had the pleasure of sharing life with and there's many out there that can attest to that.

Mine has aerdale, border collie, wire haired terrier

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