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Businesses need to stop demonizing white men. You can't end racism by picking on another race. It's past time for people to be judged on their own merits.
your gear heads are not the same in 2022 as they were in 1976 85 90
racing didn't start off a sport of Multi Millionaires it needs to go back to it's roots in stock car racing , cars have changed some but peoples desire to go fast hasn't you get fans by bringing more people to racing by getting more people racing.
the problem is multi millionaires don't remember how poor folks work and think
America only has one issue, we have a Responsibility crisis and everything else stems from it.
The kids' race cars on the streets in Florida are riceburners with the mufflers torn off.
yup , figure out how to get them on a track and make a sport out of it and you might have something.
nascar started with guys building cars to outrun revenuers
guys who loved American muscle cars of the 60s and 70s came in as fans
but you need to follow the interests of people and get them involved not just a media company making entertainment there is a lot of other things to entertain people these days
America only has one issue, we have a Responsibility crisis and everything else stems from it.
yeah just read today the top speed at that joke of a track in Cal. will be 44 MPH. 44 miles an hr. !!!!! LOL Now who in their right mind would pay the price of a ticket to watch a bunch of 3500 lb cars run around a football field doing 44 mph? And for what? " to get a younger generation of fans to watch our sport"
I have loved motor sports for most of my life. I will not even watch NASCAR anymore. Just like the NFL, MLB, and the NHL they have sissified it all to dearth.
Thats fine, let them implode, the small local tracks around here are going big time. If you like racing, you can sure get your fix at the dirt tracks, in person.
The kids' race cars on the streets in Florida are riceburners with the mufflers torn off.
I do find amature drag racing weather it be rice burners , diesel trucks , mud trucks , or loaded semis a little more entertaining than 500 miles of left turn
I take it you “left turners” have never taken one in the slide alone much less with somebody else right there with you 12 inches apart. lol
I took a 3/4 ton in the side t boned at 65 mph according to the people behind him he never hit the breaks. My wife and kids were right there with me. My 16 month old son was killed. Darn sure nothing exciting about it.
Nothing exciting about 40 cars in a pack making left turns either.
I take it you “left turners” have never taken one in the slide alone much less with somebody else right there with you 12 inches apart. lol
I took a 3/4 ton in the side t boned at 65 mph according to the people behind him he never hit the breaks. My wife and kids were right there with me. My 16 month old son was killed. Darn sure nothing exciting about it.
Nothing exciting about 40 cars in a pack making left turns either.
That’s not relevant to what I said. That you mistook “slide” for side tells me you haven’t been there, the very reason you don’t understand the excitement.