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Re: Anyone else glad your grandparents are dead? [Re: Providence Farm] #7540308
03/27/22 12:23 AM
03/27/22 12:23 AM
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U.P. Michigan
Grey squirrel Offline
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My grandmother is still alive , 86 year’s old now, she loves the casino and making bread. But I grew up hearing stories of truly hard times I’ve never experienced.

Re: Anyone else glad your grandparents are dead? [Re: FairbanksLS] #7540309
03/27/22 12:31 AM
03/27/22 12:31 AM
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Originally Posted by white dog
Where is Sidney Powell?

I bet she is a grandmother.

Re: Anyone else glad your grandparents are dead? [Re: Providence Farm] #7540320
03/27/22 12:57 AM
03/27/22 12:57 AM
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Grey squirrel Offline
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She certainly is , and a wealth of knowledge and common sense wich this world is seriously lacking.

Re: Anyone else glad your grandparents are dead? [Re: Providence Farm] #7540392
03/27/22 06:49 AM
03/27/22 06:49 AM
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HobbieTrapper Offline
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As a grandparent myself, I’m glad I’m alive. I look forward to enjoying the days ahead, I shouldn’t, but I am.

Re: Anyone else glad your grandparents are dead? [Re: Providence Farm] #7540401
03/27/22 07:03 AM
03/27/22 07:03 AM
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Rat_Pack Offline
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Lawyers making laws that benefit lawyers instead of their constituents is the heart of the problem. It's nothing more than a big club that only cares about making more money for themselves and each other. They all talk with conviction and how they are going to fight the good fight to defend or challenge the laws. The system is set up for both the winning and losing lawyers to make their money, at our wallets and society's expense. That's where we are at.

And our grandparents had the same sleezy lawyers lurking around. The difference was they weren't as well organized or entrenched in everything like they are today. More laws made by more lawyers made that possible

Re: Anyone else glad your grandparents are dead? [Re: aknome] #7540466
03/27/22 08:32 AM
03/27/22 08:32 AM
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Providence Farm  Offline OP

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Originally Posted by aknome
Some of you must be too young to remember history, or were sleeping in school or refuse to believe anything not found on Fox, or YouTube.
Some members of Every generation for 200 years has thought the US was finished. Yet we continue to survive and evolve.

Just a few historical things to think about:
1860's Civil War. The End of Slavery
1916 World War 1
1918 Infuenza Epedemic (No it didn't come from Spain)
1929 Stock Market crash leading to ...
1929- 39 Great Depression
1930- 36 Dust Bowl Years
1941- 45 World War 2
1947-91 The Cold War
1950-53 Korean War
1950-54 Joe McCarthy Red Hunt
1950-75 Vietnam (Truman sent first US advisors)
1963 Kennedy Assassination
1965 Voting Rights Act
1965 Rioting in Watts
1968 King & Kennedy Assasinations
1969 First landing on the Moon
1970 Kent State
1973 Watergate - Nixon resigns
1979 3 Mile Island
1980 Abscam
1980-81 Iran Hostage Crisis
1983 Grenada Invasion
1983 Internet Invented
1986 Challenger explodes
1987 Iran-Contra Scandal
1989 Exon Valdez
1989 Bush bails out savings and loans
1989 Panama Invasion
1990 Kuwait Invasion begins Persian Gulf War
1991 Break up of Soviet Union
1992 Rodney King Riots
1992 US troops to Somali
1993 World Trade Center Bomb
1993 Waco
1995 Oklahoma City Bombing
1995 US troops to Bosnia
1998 US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania
1998-99 Clinton Impeachment
1999 Columbine
1999 US & China Trade Agreement
2000 Election turmoil between Bush & Gore (Bush wins electorial college but not majority vote)
2001 9/11
2001 Airstrikes against the Taliban in Afghanistan
2003 Iraq War begins
2003 Columbia explodes
2005 Hurricane Katrina
2008 Economy crashes Bush bails out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
2008 Obama & McCain win Presidential primaries. Obama wins
2009 AIG loses 99.3 Billion
2010 Deppwater Horizon
2010 Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
2011 US Credit rating lowered
2012 Hurricane Sandy
2012 Sandy Hook
2013 Government shutdown for 16 days. NSA Surveillance Program
2013 Boston Marathon Bombing, Black Lives Matter movement begins
Supreme Court Strikes down Defense of Marriage Act
2014 VA Scandal, Common Core Standards Debate
2015 Same Sex marriage legalized in all 50 states.
2015- 16 Roof kills 9, Faros & Milak kill 14, Mateen kills 49
2016 Trump elected President
2017 Hurricanes Harvey, Irma & Maria
2017-18 Shootings in Las Vegas, Texas, Florida
2019 US Government shut down for 35 days.
2019 Trump Impeached the first time over Ukraine Scandal
2020 First US patient diagnosed with coronavirus
2020 George Floyd killed. Protests and Riots followed.
2020 Joe Biden elected President
2020 First covid vaccinations
2021 Trump Impeached second time for "Incitement of Insurrection"
2021 Trump supporters storm US Capitol
2021 Major Winter Storm kills 58. Power Outage
2021 98 killed in Miami condominium collapse
2021 Shootings in Atlanta, Boulder, CO, Orange, CA., SC, Indianapolis, Colorado Springs, San Jose, Michigan
2021 US with draws of last troops from Afghanistan

Obviously far from complete but all are major events for those involved whatever year. Our Grandparents were much tougher than we are. We sit at computers and whine. They went and did what they had to do to survive.

You infact make the point. Add the US going off the gold standard and you have many things on your list that have been moving us to where we are today.

Mark people have changed society has changes in my short 41 years if your being honest in your 60 you have seen it also.

25 years ago things done and openly pushed today would have got you locked up in prison or the mental hospital. But your right nothing has changed.. I did not take you for a bury your head in the sand type especially considering how it supports biblical writings.

No evidence at all of election fraud? Guess there is no since wasting time on this one with anyone that believes this one. Just wow.

Re: Anyone else glad your grandparents are dead? [Re: Providence Farm] #7540581
03/27/22 10:19 AM
03/27/22 10:19 AM
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AKAjust Offline
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My grandparents were 200 and 300 miles away.
Didn't see them much.
But mom and Dad both WWII vets are gone.
I keep wondering what they would think and say about current and not so current happenings.
I'm sure they would be anti Trump and his followers and Dad would like to have been in DC on jan 6. He would want to be in his truck driving thru that crowd

Re: Anyone else glad your grandparents are dead? [Re: Providence Farm] #7540601
03/27/22 10:45 AM
03/27/22 10:45 AM
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I knew all four of my grandparents and both my greatgrandparents on my mother's side. They're all gone now. But they would have gone about their lives just like they always did. They lived through a lot worse. Four out the the six migrating from Germany. They let people be people and went on about their lives taking care of business. Family and God came first. Hard work and paying bill was met with enthusiasm. Positive attitudes and a strong faith made them the Grandparents that I wish were still here.

NYSTA, NTA, FTA, life member Erie county trappers assn.,life member Catt.county trappers
Re: Anyone else glad your grandparents are dead? [Re: AKAjust] #7540616
03/27/22 11:04 AM
03/27/22 11:04 AM
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Oakland, MS
yotetrapper30 Offline
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Originally Posted by AKAjust
My grandparents were 200 and 300 miles away.
Didn't see them much.
But mom and Dad both WWII vets are gone.
I keep wondering what they would think and say about current and not so current happenings.
I'm sure they would be anti Trump and his followers and Dad would like to have been in DC on jan 6. He would want to be in his truck driving thru that crowd

It boggles my mind that any WWII vets could support communism in this country. I have seen it before, but rarely. Sounds like your parents were part of that rare breed.

Just give me one thing, that I can hold on to. To believe in this livin' is just a hard way to go.
Re: Anyone else glad your grandparents are dead? [Re: Providence Farm] #7540658
03/27/22 11:50 AM
03/27/22 11:50 AM
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AKAjust Offline
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Obviously you do not know what communisim is Angella.

Re: Anyone else glad your grandparents are dead? [Re: Providence Farm] #7540677
03/27/22 12:05 PM
03/27/22 12:05 PM
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beaverpeeler Online content
beaverpeeler  Online Content

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Providence blows my mind that anybody would still insist on the BIG LIE. Trump's own republican AG, Barr says there was no wide spread election fraud. Nothing that would have changed a single election result. Every single court case was dismissed for lack of evidence. Evidence is not that you just have a feeling because you don't know anybody that voted for Biden.

My fear of moving stairs is escalating!
Re: Anyone else glad your grandparents are dead? [Re: yotetrapper30] #7540685
03/27/22 12:13 PM
03/27/22 12:13 PM
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AKAjust Offline
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Q angella It boggles my mind that any WWII vets could support communism in this country. I have seen it before, but rarely. Sounds like your parents were part of that rare breed./Q
it took me a minute to think about what you said.
If Mom were here she would march right down to Mississippi and give you a good tongue lashing. And believe me you ain't been thru anything like that in your life.
Bet you've never had your butt chewed by a female army sergeant.


Last edited by AKAjust; 03/27/22 12:42 PM.
Re: Anyone else glad your grandparents are dead? [Re: beaverpeeler] #7540718
03/27/22 12:41 PM
03/27/22 12:41 PM
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Providence Farm Offline OP
Providence Farm  Offline OP

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Originally Posted by beaverpeeler
Providence blows my mind that anybody would still insist on the BIG LIE. Trump's own republican AG, Barr says there was no wide spread election fraud. Nothing that would have changed a single election result. Every single court case was dismissed for lack of evidence. Evidence is not that you just have a feeling because you don't know anybody that voted for Biden.

Trump had a problem finding people that were not part of the swamp you just pointed out one of many.

Find where I said I didn't know anyone that voted for Biden. I know a few brain dead people after all. But there is no way possible that brain dead man that could not get anyone to show up at his very few appearances when they let him out of confinement relieved more votes than anyone in history. People were not excited about Biden heck no. They were 100x more excited about Obama yet Biden got more votes?

That's not even bring up Trumps energized base. If you belive Biden got 81 million votes ther is no helping you. . But you do live in Oregon so that probably zapped you ability to reason and think critically. Then there is the age factor. I'm guessing you are older and still believe the news and media has some truth or facts.

It's not it is 100% agenda driven Propaganda.

I saw Bars interview I also saw what t was going on. What he claimed and what was visible did not line up. Gas lighting but it obviously works.

Re: Anyone else glad your grandparents are dead? [Re: Providence Farm] #7540732
03/27/22 12:51 PM
03/27/22 12:51 PM
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My dad (born 1910) used to say never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.

I'll leave it at that.

Last edited by beaverpeeler; 03/27/22 12:58 PM.

My fear of moving stairs is escalating!
Re: Anyone else glad your grandparents are dead? [Re: beaverpeeler] #7540755
03/27/22 01:02 PM
03/27/22 01:02 PM
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Providence Farm Offline OP
Providence Farm  Offline OP

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Originally Posted by beaverpeeler
My dad (born 1910) used to say never argue with a fool. Bystanders can't tell which is which.

I'll leave it at that.

You got my point clearly then. I prefer don't wast my limited time nothing will be accomplished. Never worried or cared much about what bystanders think but I guess some people need that social acceptance.

Re: Anyone else glad your grandparents are dead? [Re: yotetrapper30] #7540759
03/27/22 01:04 PM
03/27/22 01:04 PM

Mark June
Mark June

[/quote] I'm not going to waste time on this digging for proof because I don't think you really need it. Can you honestly look around you and say people haven't changed since you were a kid? Did the kids you went to school with not know what bathroom to go in or whether they were a boy or a girl? Did the Junior high kids not know if they were human or feline? Did the athletes you watched on TV kneel in disgrace of the flag of their country, or refuse to sing it's national anthem? Did you know people who BRAGGED about how much money they get in food stamps, or would the people you knew back then have died in shame if their friends or neighbors knew they were getting assistance? Most importantly, would the people you knew back then allow these things to happen?

Come on, Mark... you know people have changed.[/quote]

We're bumping up against context.
I think you're typing about the definitions of morality which people follow, agree to, or believe in has changed. I'd say for sure. 100%. People's actions always change.

I was referring to people as the group. "Humanity." And how they can not change their nature >>>>> which steers behaviors.
Humans are still thinking the way humans think, acting the way humans act, and doing what people do.
Human depravity as it's known.

There are no exceptions according to God's Word to us and for us.


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