He is Risen is the blessed news of Easter week
04/17/22 07:44 AM
04/17/22 07:44 AM
Mark June
Mark June
All 4 Gospel writers, Mark written first, followed by Matthew, followed by Luke and then John record the Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, a Jewish man crucified in April, 33 Anno Domini (year of our Lord). The Gospels were written to the Jews of Israel so they would know that Jesus fulfilled all of the writings of both the Law and the Prophets... given to Moses and the Holy ambassadors by God Himself. The odds that one man could fulfill the over 300 prophecies is a mathematical number of miraculous proportion, so the Gospel narrative account writers took great care, inspired by the Spirit, to be accurate, though they only record about 50 weeks of Jesus' ministry among us. The Resurrection is recorded in all 4 Gospels because it is the event that changes all of human history forevermore. Praise God for recording His Word, through these common no-status Jewish men, so that all of could know about the blessed gift of God's only Son, who came not to be serve but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many (Mk 10:45).
On the first day of the week, when Sabbath was over, women were heading to Jesus' tomb with spices and for anyone who knows what a human body would smell and look like after three days, these women were no question on a mission of love. The fact that women would be the first to discover Jesus was not in the tomb, is not by accident, but it is incredible to think women had no status in this 1st century world of Rome, the 4th Gentile kingdom of Daniel's prophecy. Yet, these women's account to the disciples would begin the mission of Christ's good news for sinners that is why we're reading this right now.
Who was at the tomb on that Sunday morning? The Gospel writers give slightly different accounts, but whoever it was, the tomb was empty, Jesus was not there. He had Risen!
Joanna (wife of Chuza) was among the first women to discover the empty tomb (Luke 24:10). Chuza was the household manager of King Herod Antipas. She was a follower of Jesus (Luke 8:3). Mary was a very common name in Jewish culture at that time.
Mary Magdalene was there. She was a woman of the streets who Jesus delivered from 7 demons, and she was probably from the town of Mandala on the Sea of Galilee (80 miles north of Jerusalem). She was witness to the crucifixion and burial. She was the first person to see Jesus alive (Mark 16:9) and told the other disciples (Luke 24:10; John 20:18).
Mary (mother of Jesus, widow of Joseph of Nazareth). She gave birth to Jesus, raised him, was present at his execution and burial, and witnessed his resurrection life. On the cross Jesus entrusted his widowed mother to John’s care, and she went to live in his home ( John 19:25-27)—perhaps because Mary’s other sons were not yet believers. (they would be after the Resurrection. Mary's other sons were James (author of the biblical book of James), Joseph/Joses, Simon, Judas/Jude (author of the biblical book of Jude) and she had at least two daughters (Mark 6:3).
Mary, a witness of Jesus’s crucifixion, burial, and resurrection appearances. Her sons were named James the Younger (her husband was named James) and Joses/Joseph. Mary (wife of Clopas). A Galilean witness of Jesus’s crucifixion, she may be identified as Jesus’s “mother’s sister” ( John 19:25). The church historian Eusebius wrote that Clopas was the brother of Joseph of Nazareth. So, Mary and Clopas were Jesus’s aunt and uncle. Their son Simeon (Jesus’s cousin) became a leader of the Jerusalem church succeeding James the brother of Jesus.
Salome (mother of James and John). One of Jesus’s followers from Galilee, she witnessed the crucifixion and went to the tomb on Sunday (Mark 15:40; 16:1). Matthew 27:56 writes she is the mother of the sons of Zebedee (James and John).
So we have all women, who are followers and relation to Jesus and/or his disciples there at that empty tomb on Sunday morning. What a amazing morning that must have been. Where the faithful one minute are grieving and then in one moment in history, they will not be stopped by threat of death in spreading the good news of Christ's Gospel first to Judea, then to Samaria, and then finally to the ends of the earth because we know, Jesus is Immanuel - God With Us.
Blessings! Mark
Re: He is Risen is the blessed news of Easter week
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04/17/22 08:27 AM
04/17/22 08:27 AM
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Thanks Mark…He is risen indeed!! Happy Easter to all!
Last edited by Coonman300; 04/17/22 08:28 AM. Reason: Typo
War Eagle!
Re: He is Risen is the blessed news of Easter week
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04/17/22 10:21 AM
04/17/22 10:21 AM
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Re: He is Risen is the blessed news of Easter week
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04/17/22 10:55 AM
04/17/22 10:55 AM
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He has risen indeed, happy resurrection Sunday !
Pure Blood
Re: He is Risen is the blessed news of Easter week
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04/17/22 03:30 PM
04/17/22 03:30 PM
Mark June
Mark June
The Resurrection guarantees Peace.
We reflect on that today especially. In a world where humans oppose God and misery erupts everywhere as a result, the Resurrection guarantees Peace.
It's a deep proposition but those who are at that spot where they have no peace in their life, where voices around them tell them what to do, and yet they have no peace, they realize what this Peace could look like.
Thank God for the Suffering Servant who died for God opposers like us, to bring us guaranteed Peace.
Blessings, Mark
Re: He is Risen is the blessed news of Easter week
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04/17/22 05:18 PM
04/17/22 05:18 PM
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Peace be with all of you, enjoy and embrace both your faith and family today and every day.
NYSTA, NTA, FTA, life member Erie county trappers assn.,life member Catt.county trappers
Re: He is Risen is the blessed news of Easter week
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04/20/22 08:28 AM
04/20/22 08:28 AM
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