Ok my friends, here you go - the best tick prevention ever!
I live in an area that has loads of ticks.
I trap, hunt, fish, and work in the outdoors nearly everyday, almost year round.
And I used to get my share of ticks.
14 years ago I tried a new approach and since then - not one tick on my carcass!
On days turkey hunting with a buddy, he gets 10-20 ticks. I GET NONE!
You may be asking what is it and what does it cost?
Well, it is very inexpensive, available nearly anywhere to anyone.
Is it difficult to use? Nope.
Here goes -
Each year on the 1st of March I put one size large canine flea and tick collar around the ankle of each high-top outdoor hunting/work boot. I adjust it loose enough that I can get the boots on and off without adjusting or even touching the collars. I clip off the excess leaving about one inch overlap through the buckle. Then I wrap the buckle area with electrical tape to prevent the buckle from failing. Adjusting so there is not much slop prevents weeds or other debris from getting tangled.
The collars say they protect for 7 months. Since I want protection from March 1 to through the end of December, that means a total of 10 months. One collar does not last 10 months. So, dividing 10 by 2 equals 5 months. Therefore at the end of 5 months, on August 1st, I replace the collars.
That gives me 10 months of protection using 4 collars. This year the collars cost $4.00 each. So for $16 plus tax I get total freedom from ticks.
Now here is the concern. The collars are not intended for use on people - only dogs. There are instructions that say not to handle the collars without gloves. For 35 years I used those collars on our dogs - both labs and hounds. We were always hunting, training, petting, brushing, wrestling, and playing with the dogs. We touched the dog collars frequently. With the collars on my boots, I touch them twice - installation and removal.
If anyone tries this, please let me know how it works for you. Best wishes!