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Re: Holding Ground, Losing War [Re: NonPCfed] #7682802
09/30/22 10:39 PM
09/30/22 10:39 PM
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rex123 Offline
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Some of you people on here are off your meds. I am old school so for give me if I don't use your proper terms but Putin is ex KGB and an old school commie. To be clear he is like something stuck to the bottom of your shoe. Please show me where I am wrong and I don't mean your You Tubers who will say or post anything to get you to click so they can make more money. Remember one thing if you lived in Putin land you wouldn't be saying what you do about his country. You would get that knock on the door you are always talking about.

Re: Holding Ground, Losing War [Re: NonPCfed] #7682809
09/30/22 10:55 PM
09/30/22 10:55 PM
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rex123- Sort of like this knock on the door? His attorney offered to have him voluntarily turn himself in but the DoJ dweebs said no because they wanted to send in Fat Boys International. More dramatic. Just wait until its "national emergency" time. Then they won't be so gentle.

"And God said, Let us make man in our image �and let them have dominion �and all the creatures that move along the ground".
Genesis 1:26
Re: Holding Ground, Losing War [Re: NonPCfed] #7682811
09/30/22 10:55 PM
09/30/22 10:55 PM
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Marty Offline
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like the knock on maralargos door?

'Honey Badger Militia'
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Re: Holding Ground, Losing War [Re: NonPCfed] #7682814
09/30/22 11:03 PM
09/30/22 11:03 PM
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walleye101 Offline
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Originally Posted by NonPCfed
rex123- Sort of like this knock on the door? His attorney offered to have him voluntarily turn himself in but the DoJ dweebs said no because they wanted to send in Fat Boys International. More dramatic. Just wait until its "national emergency" time. Then they won't be so gentle.

At least it wasn't an old school commie that sent those thugs. It's the new home grown commie wannabes we got running the show here.

Re: Holding Ground, Losing War [Re: rex123] #7682823
09/30/22 11:09 PM
09/30/22 11:09 PM
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warrior Offline
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Originally Posted by rex123
Some of you people on here are off your meds. I am old school so for give me if I don't use your proper terms but Putin is ex KGB and an old school commie. To be clear he is like something stuck to the bottom of your shoe. Please show me where I am wrong and I don't mean your You Tubers who will say or post anything to get you to click so they can make more money. Remember one thing if you lived in Putin land you wouldn't be saying what you do about his country. You would get that knock on the door you are always talking about.

Old school, there's your problem. Nothing on this side of the sod seems to fit nicely into cut and dried boxes.

Yes, Putin is ex KGB but is he currently a communist? Not by political party affiliation as of now. Looking back over his history I highly doubt he was ever a true believer as in Trotsky or Lenin. Party member, of course.

Do you happen to know just when and how his rise to the upper levels began?

No? He was Boris Yeltsin's right hand man following the failed party coup against Gorbachev. BTW, Yeltsin was a member of the communist party and politburo.

If I had to categorize Putin it would be an opportunistic oligarch without a firm economic philosophy such as socialism.

Now none of this is a defense of the man but more of a just what are we dealing with study of the problem.

If we are going to get out of these messes we the people are going to have to start studying and thinking rather than buying what we're told.

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Re: Holding Ground, Losing War [Re: NonPCfed] #7682824
09/30/22 11:10 PM
09/30/22 11:10 PM
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Chancey Offline
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Putin is no doubt ex KGB, but I don't think he is what you call a "commie."

Respectfully, to show you where you are wrong, you must look at how Putin treats and recognizes the Old Believers in his country. If he was a "commie" as you say, then he would never allow religious Christian doctrine with differing theologies to continue, if his country was still under Stalin/Lenin type rule that was tied to the Bolsheviks. Particularly sects of religion that were deemed unsuitable under his predecessors and sent into hiding. Not only has he allowed it; he is trying to promote religious diversity and nationalism to bring the people of Russian together.

He wears a cross on his chest that he never takes off. His mother traveled to the Holy land and in the past. He has tried to put his country and its resources into the global mix with also keeping strong nationalism. I think that is what a leader should do; rather than divide.

Resident Conspiracy Theorist
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Re: Holding Ground, Losing War [Re: NonPCfed] #7682825
09/30/22 11:13 PM
09/30/22 11:13 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
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Originally Posted by NonPCfed
I wonder how many confidential human sources are on this forum (or any such forums)? Make a good cover story or live the cover story and build lists. Hey, Blaine County, ever help a client file a FOIA on what data the fed gov has on them? If so, gives us a general synopsis of that situation. Thanks...

I believe there are Russian commie plants here too.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Holding Ground, Losing War [Re: Chancey] #7682826
09/30/22 11:17 PM
09/30/22 11:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Chancey
Putin is no doubt ex KGB, but I don't think he is what you call a "commie."

Respectfully, to show you where you are wrong, you must look at how Putin treats and recognizes the Old Believers in his country. If he was a "commie" as you say, then he would never allow religious Christian doctrine with differing theologies to continue, if his country was still under Stalin/Lenin type rule that was tied to the Bolsheviks. Particularly sects of religion that were deemed unsuitable under his predecessors and sent into hiding. Not only has he allowed it; he is trying to promote religious diversity and nationalism to bring the people of Russian together.

He wears a cross on his chest that he never takes off. His mother traveled to the Holy land and in the past. He has tried to put his country and its resources into the global mix with also keeping strong nationalism. I think that is what a leader should do; rather than divide.

All this is true. He claims the Russian Orthodox faith as his own.

Again not a defense but his public words are those of a Russian patriot. However one could have said the same of Hitler or Yamamoto. I fear Putin's form of patriotism would have Russia restored to empire status in the worst case.

In the present case he found a western/NATO puppet on his doorstep untenable.

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Re: Holding Ground, Losing War [Re: NonPCfed] #7682830
09/30/22 11:24 PM
09/30/22 11:24 PM
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Chancey Offline
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Excellent point Warrior.

And touche'

In the beginning I think he just wanted a place at the table, and when the powers that be decided to kick him out of the table space, I think it very well ticked him off.

I do believe he is (This word is unacceptable on Trapperman) bent on crashing the dollar. Which for this country and the peasants within it would be an act of war.

Resident Conspiracy Theorist
Accused Moron, Nazi, Low IQ, and Putin Fan Boy
Re: Holding Ground, Losing War [Re: NonPCfed] #7682859
10/01/22 01:24 AM
10/01/22 01:24 AM
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warrior Offline
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Yup, we in the west totally screwed up the end of the cold war.

Instead of welcoming and helping a free russia enter the modern world we allowed them to fall into an anarchy that gave rise to the oligarchs in both Russia and Ukraine. Then helped ourselves to the corruption of Ukraine while holding Russia at arms length.

To compound the issue instead of dissolving NATO in light of no longer having the Soviets to fight we instead expanded it right up to the very borders of Russia in Poland and the Baltic and then began playing in Ukraine.

What was Putin to think? Especially when all of his olive branches had been slapped down.

He asked to allow Russia to join NATO, he supported our Afghanistan mission by allowing transit through and use of Russian bases. Just to be treated so poorly.

Again, not a defense but an understanding.

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Re: Holding Ground, Losing War [Re: NonPCfed] #7682926
10/01/22 07:06 AM
10/01/22 07:06 AM
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Marty Offline
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14 years ago:

Last edited by Marty; 10/01/22 07:13 AM.

'Honey Badger Militia'
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Re: Holding Ground, Losing War [Re: NonPCfed] #7683068
10/01/22 10:38 AM
10/01/22 10:38 AM
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trapper les Offline
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This is a BS article. Z is just a puppet, and all this support we (give) is just lining the pockets of Globalists, it's a way to bleed us by way of our congress.

That place needs nuked.

Globalists dont share the same values as Americans, ....and no amount of dilution of our population by illegals will make it so either.

"Those who hammer their guns into plowshares will plow for those who do not."
Re: Holding Ground, Losing War [Re: NonPCfed] #7683129
10/01/22 01:23 PM
10/01/22 01:23 PM
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rex123 Offline
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First I don' need history lessons from any of you about your new hero Putin. Second some of you guys are like little kids in a tree house with your having all the answers but let me ask you one thing just how many times have you been wrong? First I remember talk about what the oath keepers were going to do turned out to be a nothing burger , then January 6th you all stayed home and fought it out on your computers. Then the big bad trucker strike nothing burger both of them Canada and U S. And then less we forget what about the three guys that hunted down and shoot that black guy in Georgia I believe was told by somebody then I didn't know what I was talking about wait until ALL THE FACTS were in. Ask those guys who were convicted how that turned out. One day I hope you get a chance to live under someone like YOUR HERO PUTIN.LOL

Re: Holding Ground, Losing War [Re: NonPCfed] #7683134
10/01/22 01:33 PM
10/01/22 01:33 PM
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warrior Offline
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I see now that TDS has progressed into a general hatred syndrome.

A perceived supporter of orangeman is hated in all of his ideas.

Hey here's one. I fully support Donald J Trump and believe that left wingers offing themselves is a very bad thing.

Run with it.

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Re: Holding Ground, Losing War [Re: NonPCfed] #7683153
10/01/22 02:09 PM
10/01/22 02:09 PM
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trapper les Offline
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I support Trump, too

"Those who hammer their guns into plowshares will plow for those who do not."
Re: Holding Ground, Losing War [Re: NonPCfed] #7683178
10/01/22 03:01 PM
10/01/22 03:01 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
Boco Offline
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Putin/Trump in 2024!

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Holding Ground, Losing War [Re: NonPCfed] #7683180
10/01/22 03:04 PM
10/01/22 03:04 PM
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Sharon Offline
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Stop it, Boco, you'll get another vacation.

The big freeze is coming soon and guys will want to see more of your freeze dried skinning need to be there to show them.

Re: Holding Ground, Losing War [Re: Sharon] #7683185
10/01/22 03:15 PM
10/01/22 03:15 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
Boco Offline
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Originally Posted by Sharon
Stop it, Boco, you'll get another vacation.

The big freeze is coming soon and guys will want to see more of your freeze dried skinning need to be there to show them.

A threat from Sharon cause I dont get in line?

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Holding Ground, Losing War [Re: NonPCfed] #7683186
10/01/22 03:20 PM
10/01/22 03:20 PM
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No, you miss my point , Boco. I've just been on here long enough to see the pattern that Mr Paul won't tolerate , and I'm TRYING to encourage you to be here to help others with those big freeze skinning techniques you have.

You know me better than that. I don't threaten anyone grin

Re: Holding Ground, Losing War [Re: Marty] #7683206
10/01/22 04:35 PM
10/01/22 04:35 PM
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warrior Offline
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Originally Posted by Marty
14 years ago:

Spot on.

Most of the current crop of politicians lack a Churchillian knowledge of history and understanding of national psyche.

Ask any historian worth his salt of the history of Russia and how that created the Russian mindset and you'll learn the from the very beginning of their national consciousness they are inextricably tied to the Ukraine and specifically the Kieven Rus as this period is the very origin of the Russian conscious as an entity.
You'll also learn of Sweden and the Great Northern War or the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the decades of conflict. Then there is the rise of Prussia and Frederick the Great and the conflicts to follow. All of these though horrific resulting in the deaths and destruction of millions of lives and infrastructure pale in comparison to what is to come. Napoleon, WWI and The Great Patriotic War, the latter still within living memory.

To the Russian mind only death and destruction can ever come from the west. Regardless of whether it is a Romanov, Politburo or Oligarch in power all threats lie to the west. And not just mild threats at that.

Couple this with the long history of political interactions with the west from before the time of Peter the Great to today. Peter as a leader was far far ahead of his time and knew the future lay in the west with the enlightenment mores and education and economies and pushed his nation kicking and screaming into the modern era and contact with the west just to be rebuffed and held at arms length. And again and again this would occur down the centuries, even after Russia plays a key role in the Coalition wars that ultimately defeated Napoleon at Waterloo. Just for Russia to be rewarded the short end of the stick by Metternich and The Congress of Vienna.

Just the above thousand years of history has shaped a psyche much different than that of the Anglo-American one or the Continental powers that trade with them. Russia has always been odd man out and has spilled far more of their own blood and treasure than any of us for it.

But to the orangeman mass psychosis types none of this matters as the current narrative fed spoon by spoon is the gospel truth.

Last edited by warrior; 10/01/22 04:46 PM.

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