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Well, it finally happened… #7828134
03/24/23 10:03 AM
03/24/23 10:03 AM
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Northern MN
Osky Offline OP
Osky  Offline OP

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Yesterday I received an e-mail concerning some coaching issues from a woman in the education system.

It was signed very obviously by a woman yet behind her name immediately printed was “she,her,hers”
Really? I know she is a woman by her name, I have the utmost respect for all women, I don’t need an explanation!
I know I’m a dinosaur but do all women succumb to this idiocy? All people period? Can we not leave the “mars,bunion,trans,fiddlef..,nonsense to those who call Mother Nature a liar? Can the rest of us not cow toww to this insanity? Particularly the women who tend to be the back bone of most families?

Of all things upsetting in this world and the everyday challenges we all face, we are told we have to be insulted and denigrated because someone used a term or pro noun the recipient doesn’t like?
Can someone please re-start the woman hear me roar movement, re sanctify title 9 (if I see one frigging trans on a college girls fast pitch softball team I’m going postal) bring back ladies night, and hey burn a bra or two again, I’ll donate money to the cause!

In a nutshell can you women stand tall and take back womanhood? Its yours given very specially and individually to you by nature. It wasn’t “manufactured”. Take back the special places in our male lives you’ve so rightly earned, the respect you inspired, and the patient guidance you are blessed with when quietly telling a guy like me, you have a stain on that shirt.
So much of you is being stolen.


"A womans heart is the hardest rock the Almighty has put on this earth, and I can find no sign on it"

Jabless in Minnesota
Re: Well, it finally happened… [Re: Osky] #7828154
03/24/23 10:36 AM
03/24/23 10:36 AM
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Every kid needs a Dog and a Curmudgeon.

Remember Bowe Bergdahl, the traitor.

Beware! Jill Pudlewski, Ron Oates and Keven Begesse are liars and thiefs!
Re: Well, it finally happened… [Re: Osky] #7828175
03/24/23 11:08 AM
03/24/23 11:08 AM
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Lugnut Offline
Lugnut  Offline

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Our public education system has been brain-washing the nation's youth with this woke bullcrap for at least two generations and we are seeing the rotten fruits of their labor. The main stream media is on board too.


Re: Well, it finally happened… [Re: Lugnut] #7828207
03/24/23 11:56 AM
03/24/23 11:56 AM
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Osky Offline OP
Osky  Offline OP

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Originally Posted by Lugnut
Out public education system has been brain-washing the nation's youth with this woke bullcrap for at least two generations and we are seeing the rotten fruits of their labor. The main stream media is on board too.

To what end? All this ridiculous pandering to the smallest percentage of our population begging for special attention?


"A womans heart is the hardest rock the Almighty has put on this earth, and I can find no sign on it"

Jabless in Minnesota
Re: Well, it finally happened… [Re: Osky] #7828226
03/24/23 12:33 PM
03/24/23 12:33 PM
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Lugnut Offline
Lugnut  Offline

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It's not just the pandering to the LGBTQ+ community Osky, that's only a small part of the liberal agenda. The rest of the message includes things like "all white folks are bad", minorities can't be racist", Islam is the religion of peace", "the US Constitution and Bill of Rights are outdated and flawed", capitalism and industry are bad, guns, hunting, trapping, and fishing are all things neanderthals do and enlightened folks should never participate in, cops are bad and it isn't the criminals fault they commit crimes...the list goes on and on.

The end is to keep themselves in power. That's why they cater to minorities and illegal aliens and continue to brainwash our kids (and adults too) with their propaganda using the two most powerful tools at their disposal: our education system and the mainstream media. Liberals also seem to have the DOJ and federal courts on their side.


Re: Well, it finally happened… [Re: Osky] #7828234
03/24/23 12:43 PM
03/24/23 12:43 PM
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meadowview, Virginia
EdP Offline
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Well said Osky, but we need the ladies to hear it and we are predominantly men here. The feminist movement should be screaming bloody murder over what is going on, but not a peep. Bruce (now Caitlyn) Jenner is more outspoken against Trans in women's sports than the entire feminist movement.

Re: Well, it finally happened… [Re: Osky] #7828235
03/24/23 12:43 PM
03/24/23 12:43 PM
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Grandpa Trapper Offline
Grandpa Trapper  Offline

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There are trappers that succumbed to this Woke crap.

Re: Well, it finally happened… [Re: Osky] #7828241
03/24/23 12:55 PM
03/24/23 12:55 PM
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Cragar Offline
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I look at it this way , if someone tells you their pronouns up front , it is like those that are still wearing their masks driving alone in their car.

Froot loops crazy

In nature a lot of brightly colored animals are like that to warn you to stay away. Same thing.

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Re: Well, it finally happened… [Re: Grandpa Trapper] #7828245
03/24/23 12:59 PM
03/24/23 12:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Grandpa Trapper
There are trappers that succumbed to this Woke crap.


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Re: Well, it finally happened… [Re: Osky] #7828250
03/24/23 01:03 PM
03/24/23 01:03 PM
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I was thinking the other day that all the women of TMan seemed like normal conservative women . Refreshing

But the men on here are all over the place ...... some are liberal , brainwashed , and even castrated maybe ......

What gives ?

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Re: Well, it finally happened… [Re: Osky] #7828260
03/24/23 01:18 PM
03/24/23 01:18 PM
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BernieB. Offline
BernieB.  Offline

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All communications within the Minnesota DNR and I suppose other agencies now have those identifiers.

Re: Well, it finally happened… [Re: Osky] #7828266
03/24/23 01:23 PM
03/24/23 01:23 PM
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grumley701 Offline
grumley701  Offline

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I miss the days when the identifier's were Mr. Mrs. or Miss....

Pure Blood
Re: Well, it finally happened… [Re: Osky] #7828275
03/24/23 01:36 PM
03/24/23 01:36 PM
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Nessmuck Offline
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Sometimes I see a name tag on an employee...Pat....and the game is on,trying to figure it out.

It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.
Re: Well, it finally happened… [Re: BernieB.] #7828276
03/24/23 01:37 PM
03/24/23 01:37 PM
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Originally Posted by BernieB.
All communications within the Minnesota DNR and I suppose other agencies now have those identifiers.

The Federal Government is the same way. That was one of the reasons I got out of there. This nonsense is over the top.

I have nothing clever to put here.

Re: Well, it finally happened… [Re: grumley701] #7828279
03/24/23 01:39 PM
03/24/23 01:39 PM
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BernieB. Offline
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Originally Posted by grumley701
I miss the days when the identifier's were Mr. Mrs. or Miss....

No kidding. I guess that is too simple for todays alphabet people LGBTQRSTLMNOP

Re: Well, it finally happened… [Re: Osky] #7828280
03/24/23 01:40 PM
03/24/23 01:40 PM
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Diggerman Offline
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The govt already controls 50% of the population, They know this. The litmus test is who votes democrat. Just like gun control, They already control the minds of the majority, They only NEED to control Conservatives.
Democrats mindsets are a mystery to me. They will vote against everything they hold dear, just to hold the line. What could a woman possibly find attractive in the democrat party? The dems are openly cancelling Woman, its unbelievable.

Re: Well, it finally happened… [Re: Osky] #7828379
03/24/23 04:02 PM
03/24/23 04:02 PM
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Osky Offline OP
Osky  Offline OP

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So when then did simply shaking hands or tipping your hat become a guessing game rather than a sign of respect?

The alphabet is now someone’s private domain?

A lady’s clothing now has a good chance of hiding a jack in the box?
It’s giving me a headache.


"A womans heart is the hardest rock the Almighty has put on this earth, and I can find no sign on it"

Jabless in Minnesota
Re: Well, it finally happened… [Re: Lugnut] #7828415
03/24/23 04:48 PM
03/24/23 04:48 PM
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w side rd 151 Offline
w side rd 151  Offline

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Originally Posted by Lugnut
It's not just the pandering to the LGBTQ+ community Osky, that's only a small part of the liberal agenda. The rest of the message includes things like "all white folks are bad", minorities can't be racist", Islam is the religion of peace", "the US Constitution and Bill of Rights are outdated and flawed", capitalism and industry are bad, guns, hunting, trapping, and fishing are all things neanderthals do and enlightened folks should never participate in, cops are bad and it isn't the criminals fault they commit crimes...the list goes on and on.

The end is to keep themselves in power. That's why they cater to minorities and illegal aliens and continue to brainwash our kids (and adults too) with their propaganda using the two most powerful tools at their disposal: our education system and the mainstream media. Liberals also seem to have the DOJ and federal courts on their side.

What he said word for word . The old fashioned thought that you get what you earned and worked for is no longer a major part of our culture Now the golden rule is Hurray for me !!!!! And add your own word everyone else !!!!! What I have seen time after time is that responsible, ADULT MEN AND WOMEN are the backbone of society And many of them are knowledgeable hard working skilled people that have spent their lifetime doing the right thing because it was the right thing to do But in spite of the efforts made by the many good people they are minimized into being called everything that is wrong with the world today .They say we are bloodthirsty killers ,rednecks ,inhumane jerks. gun nuts We even where accused of being people that cling to their bibles and guns . I have no problem with people that want to live their life in whatever manner they decide what they want or are , But I have a very low tolerance of those that feel I am the bad guy where I do not agree with their opinion. Just by reading the many posts on this site many of us had a Mother that was the center of the family And her will and strength where the reason the family existed and thrived no matter what problems she faced A strong good woman is the greatest complement any female could ever receive and the same goes for a man that puts his family first .At the end of our life time all the other designations that some now think are required to give them their proper respect will be empty and of no point in even saying them

Last edited by w side rd 151; 03/24/23 04:52 PM.
Re: Well, it finally happened… [Re: Osky] #7828424
03/24/23 05:08 PM
03/24/23 05:08 PM
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meadowview, Virginia
EdP Offline
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"They" and "them" are plural pronouns. Using plural pronouns to refer to singular men or women or even a trans individual is grammatically wrong.

Re: Well, it finally happened… [Re: Osky] #7828435
03/24/23 05:27 PM
03/24/23 05:27 PM
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tomahawker Offline
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If Ben Franklin came back today he’d say, What’s this I hear about women voting?

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