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Last week I found an active bear den off our new logging road, two cubs and a sow left some tracks, probably came out to defecate during our one 40-degree day. It got me thinking about the upcoming bear season and how early do individuals start baiting. I usually start on 4th of July weekend and continue to the start of the season- the regulations say you can start baiting on April 15th. It seems like a costly proposition to start in April but wondering what others do? Bernie what’s your thought process?
Here in Minnesota we can start baiting about two weeks before the season so most everyone rushes out and baits their sites on the opening day of baiting.
In Wisconsin, I get asked this at seminars all the time and my strategy would be, (And will be when I draw a WI tag) that it's not a bad idea to get a bait site established early so the bears know where it is, and check back from time to time. Maybe only bait a couple times a month during the summer, but then 2-3 weeks prior to the season, I would be sure to always have bait there so each time the bears check they are rewarded with something to eat, then they will be a lot more consistent.
Anyway, that's what I would do based on my experience which is mostly in other states and Canada.
When I lived in Oconto County we always started in June but then 3 weeks before season we Baited at least every other day but the week before we made sure it was baited daily.
God please keep they 19 fallen UBB miners out of trouble up there.
In Northern Idaho we can start 15 April. I used to rush right out and bait on the 15th, but generally my first bear on the bait will be the last couple of days of April. Usually by the time my first bear shows up my bait is all moldy and needs to be replaced. I don't put my bait out now until the last weekend of April, unless we have an early spring. By the first week in May my baits are usually getting hammered. I start hunting a bait site as soon as I get consistent night after night bears coming in.
When things are Grim, become the Grim Reaper! Fred Moyer
We have a fall season as well. Personally i would not start a bait until 3 or 4 weeks before the start of the season. One thing, if you bait the same spot each year they will come by when you start baiting. I don't bait in the fall as the shorten days and berry crop make the visit less consistent and they start just waiting for dark before coming in.
When things are Grim, become the Grim Reaper! Fred Moyer
I hunted Minnesota years ago and actually prefer their baiting rules over WI. As a DYI bear hunter who can't run out to my back yard every day to feed a bear. Trying to compete with people who can run a bait every day for months is hard. Then add that we are on public land where can be hard to know there is another hunter several hundred yard away. Unless you happen to be in the area at same time. Sprinkle in private land around public and you have no idea what's going on sometimes. We will probably do like Bernie stated. Put out bait and camera probably just after the 4th July see what shows up. No need to feeds a sow and cubs. We have places that we ran baits in past so at least have some starting points. Closer guy get to the opener still can be any bodies guess.
Here in Minnesota we can start baiting about two weeks before the season so most everyone rushes out and baits their sites on the opening day of baiting.
In Wisconsin, I get asked this at seminars all the time and my strategy would be, (And will be when I draw a WI tag) that it's not a bad idea to get a bait site established early so the bears know where it is, and check back from time to time. Maybe only bait a couple times a month during the summer, but then 2-3 weeks prior to the season, I would be sure to always have bait there so each time the bears check they are rewarded with something to eat, then they will be a lot more consistent.
Anyway, that's what I would do based on my experience which is mostly in other states and Canada.
In Minnesota you can bait whenever you want. You cannot hunt over any bait placed before mid August. You can relocate early baits a certain distance after the mid August “opener” and use them. It’s not enough of a required move to bother any bears hitting it.
Osky “ I said I don’t have much use for traps these days, never said I didn’t know how to use them.”
Contrary to what most people think, bears don't just roll out of bed in the spring and take off, it's often a long process over weeks. At the risk of getting blamed for promoting my YouTube channel, check out this video it is very revealing.
Yep, it happens. Here are a few that wouldn't go to bed. Great pic though Posco, bet that was a fun hunt!
Other than the fact the plane was five days late picking me up, and I got the worst sunburn of my life, it was great. It missed B&C All-Time by 3/16ths of an inch. I was just a kid.