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OnX or Hunt Stand? #7937026
08/25/23 10:20 PM
08/25/23 10:20 PM
Joined: Aug 2016
Ken Smith Offline OP
Ken Smith  Offline OP

Joined: Aug 2016
I'm thinking about getting one of these services for contacting folks for trapping permissions. I used to use AcreValue but it no longer tells you the owners for free. Figured if I had to pay for a service might as well be one of these hunting ones so I could use it for everything.

Which service do you use, or recommend?
Pros and cons?


Matthew 7:6 KJV
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine....
Re: OnX or Hunt Stand? [Re: Ken Smith] #7937033
08/25/23 10:33 PM
08/25/23 10:33 PM
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Mediocre Trapper Offline
Mediocre Trapper  Offline

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I have onx and really like it has always done me well never have used hunt stand there is plenty of discount codes to get $20 year off onx

Don’t waste the day
Re: OnX or Hunt Stand? [Re: Ken Smith] #7937034
08/25/23 10:34 PM
08/25/23 10:34 PM
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grumley701 Offline
grumley701  Offline

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OnX is what I'm familiar with, no complaints.

Pure Blood
Re: OnX or Hunt Stand? [Re: Ken Smith] #7937046
08/25/23 10:47 PM
08/25/23 10:47 PM
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la4wd54 Offline
la4wd54  Offline

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I use Onx, never tried huntstand. My buddy has it and likes it tho.

Last edited by la4wd54; 08/25/23 10:48 PM.
Re: OnX or Hunt Stand? [Re: Ken Smith] #7937052
08/25/23 10:56 PM
08/25/23 10:56 PM
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Ken Smith Offline OP
Ken Smith  Offline OP

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So from what I understand the difference between the two is OnX has two price points 1 is for a year with only one State, and a higher price point for all states

Hunt stand gives you much the same features but access to information from all states for the same price as the lower tear of OnX

I figured I'd watch and see who all uses what and maybe what features they use the most

I also wonder if any of you folks using either apps have had issues with information not being accurate or updated.

Matthew 7:6 KJV
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine....
Re: OnX or Hunt Stand? [Re: Ken Smith] #7937056
08/25/23 10:58 PM
08/25/23 10:58 PM
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SW Georgia
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I’ve used both and liked both. I disliked OnX at first because I didn’t understand how to really use it, but I eventually came around and that’s what I pay for now. I get the yearly Elite member status with every state. I’m sure Hunt Stand has it as well, but Offline maps on OnX are worth it to me. I can sit in my recliner this very minute and download areas in Oregon I want to hunt next year and load maps. I did it last year for Montana and had a game plan almost 9 months before ever setting foot out there. Contacted DNR and landowners closer to the season and verified what I was seeing and whatever other questions I had.
Heck, I’ve shared spots in other States with folks on here that have OnX and some were successful. By sharing spots I mean sending them my pins I had marked and they show up on their maps and can save them.
Another benefit is some sporting manufacturers give discounts to OnX members. It’s $99 a year well spent to me.

Re: OnX or Hunt Stand? [Re: Ken Smith] #7937057
08/25/23 11:01 PM
08/25/23 11:01 PM
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SW Georgia
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Also OnX shows you public land. Not just State public land, but every public land opportunities there are. That’s huge for out of State hunting. In a lot of cases they even show parking areas.
I think the app has way more potential than I’ve unlocked too.

Re: OnX or Hunt Stand? [Re: Ken Smith] #7937059
08/25/23 11:03 PM
08/25/23 11:03 PM
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grumley701 Offline
grumley701  Offline

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I don't hunt out of state so take this for what its worth, ND was at one time a great freelance state but since the interdiction of e-posting a digital app is needed, OnX has been accurate..

Pure Blood
Re: OnX or Hunt Stand? [Re: Ken Smith] #7937086
08/26/23 12:11 AM
08/26/23 12:11 AM
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jalstat Offline
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I don’t use it but know plenty of people who use both with no complaints

Re: OnX or Hunt Stand? [Re: Ken Smith] #7937137
08/26/23 06:55 AM
08/26/23 06:55 AM
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DaveP Offline
DaveP  Offline

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I use HuntStand, it's cheap, like me, and works for my purposes.
I probably use 10% of its capabilities, I'm a Luddite when it comes to tech.

Re: OnX or Hunt Stand? [Re: Ken Smith] #7937183
08/26/23 08:10 AM
08/26/23 08:10 AM
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East Texas
BTLowry Offline
BTLowry  Offline

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I used the free version of Hunt Stand for years. They slowly started taking features away until they decided to charge for keeping what i had worked to build (points, routes, boundaries, etc) so I backed up all my info and went to OnX and started over.

I think OnX is the better of the 2.
More layer options, more users which makes it more likely someone can share info with you

I doubt I have tapped into half of the potential of it

I will say this, and it may be true for HS as well, the property owner info takes months to update. Place down the road from me sold and it took a good 6 months for the info on OnX to change. It also takes a while for the info on our county appraisal district (CAD) site to update owner info so I am sure that is part of it

Re: OnX or Hunt Stand? [Re: Ken Smith] #7937318
08/26/23 11:52 AM
08/26/23 11:52 AM
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New Mexico
coytrpr Offline
coytrpr  Offline

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As a retired public lands wildlife biologist I would advise anyone who uses OnX to use it with a great deal of caution. Here in southern New Mexico there are numerous errors with OnX. I have written them before about errors around our property and on the National Forest with no resolution. I am currently writing another complaint with accompanying photographs and official maps to try to correct errors but have little hope they will do anything. They are another example of a company strictly interested in the profit side and not the ethical side in my opinion. I keep a subscription just to see what errors they are putting out to hunters so we know what we will have to deal with each season. I really felt sorry for some of the out of state turkey hunters using it this past spring. They even show old two tracks closed for decades on the National Forest here as equivalent to paved state highways. Buyer beware.

Re: OnX or Hunt Stand? [Re: coytrpr] #7937377
08/26/23 01:36 PM
08/26/23 01:36 PM
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silkyplainscoyot Offline
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Originally Posted by coytrpr
As a retired public lands wildlife biologist I would advise anyone who uses OnX to use it with a great deal of caution. Here in southern New Mexico there are numerous errors with OnX. I have written them before about errors around our property and on the National Forest with no resolution. I am currently writing another complaint with accompanying photographs and official maps to try to correct errors but have little hope they will do anything. They are another example of a company strictly interested in the profit side and not the ethical side in my opinion. I keep a subscription just to see what errors they are putting out to hunters so we know what we will have to deal with each season. I really felt sorry for some of the out of state turkey hunters using it this past spring. They even show old two tracks closed for decades on the National Forest here as equivalent to paved state highways. Buyer beware.

Have you compared OnX with Hunt Stand? Which is more accurate as far as property boundaries?

Re: OnX or Hunt Stand? [Re: Ken Smith] #7937401
08/26/23 02:14 PM
08/26/23 02:14 PM
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Ken Smith Offline OP
Ken Smith  Offline OP

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Yes that's a good question?

I have used hunt stand for years but the free version, and it works pretty good. I have no idea which is best. Seems like is some areas OnX takes the cake and in others it's a toss up. I never leave the state to hunt or trap but I may do that one day. At this point if OnX is better then I might just get the 1 State version and enjoy it.

I've thought alot about making my own app for this purpose. But just thinking lol

Matthew 7:6 KJV
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine....
Re: OnX or Hunt Stand? [Re: coytrpr] #7937416
08/26/23 02:35 PM
08/26/23 02:35 PM
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SW Georgia
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Originally Posted by coytrpr
As a retired public lands wildlife biologist I would advise anyone who uses OnX to use it with a great deal of caution. Here in southern New Mexico there are numerous errors with OnX. I have written them before about errors around our property and on the National Forest with no resolution. I am currently writing another complaint with accompanying photographs and official maps to try to correct errors but have little hope they will do anything. They are another example of a company strictly interested in the profit side and not the ethical side in my opinion. I keep a subscription just to see what errors they are putting out to hunters so we know what we will have to deal with each season. I really felt sorry for some of the out of state turkey hunters using it this past spring. They even show old two tracks closed for decades on the National Forest here as equivalent to paved state highways. Buyer beware.

Not defending them, but they get their info from the States themselves.
Whereabouts in Southern NM? I hunted there 3 years ago and it seemed accurate.
And is it true, if it’s not posted it’s open to hunt? Pretty sure I read that in your regulations, because without an app, you’d have absolutely NO idea where the property lines are.

Re: OnX or Hunt Stand? [Re: Ken Smith] #7937502
08/26/23 04:56 PM
08/26/23 04:56 PM
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Piscataquis County, ME
Mainelogger Offline
Mainelogger  Offline

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I used On X for trap locations and bigwoods deer hunting. No complaints.

Re: OnX or Hunt Stand? [Re: Ken Smith] #7937519
08/26/23 05:09 PM
08/26/23 05:09 PM
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West Virginia
Sshaffer Offline
Sshaffer  Offline

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Used both.
Prefer Huntstand
I’ve seen some landowner status be wrong on both. Funny thing is it’s my property!! Shows my neighbor owns it (they never did. Then shows my property on the land of another neighbor!!
I like being able to add parcels to a property on Huntstand.
Used it for creating properties in 4 states.
I don’t have the pro version of Huntstand $29.99 a year I believe and does all I need of it

Re: OnX or Hunt Stand? [Re: Ken Smith] #7937526
08/26/23 05:24 PM
08/26/23 05:24 PM
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Ken Smith Offline OP
Ken Smith  Offline OP

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I wonder what features OnX has that hunt stand doesn't.

Matthew 7:6 KJV
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine....
Re: OnX or Hunt Stand? [Re: Ken Smith] #7937532
08/26/23 05:37 PM
08/26/23 05:37 PM
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Sshaffer Offline
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Ken Smith
Honestly don’t remember.
Just know I like Huntstand was better.
Especially for creating properties with only the parcels I want in it
Attached are to pics.
One zoomed in and is only 58 acres. If I wanted I could have added other surrounding parcels that I cannot hunt. But why would I? Property lines are correct to within 2-30 ft.
Other one not zoomed in. Probably about 5-6 thousand acres of National Forest.
The “balloons” (pins) on it are trap locations. All trap checking on foot.

Re: OnX or Hunt Stand? [Re: Ken Smith] #7937534
08/26/23 05:38 PM
08/26/23 05:38 PM
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Sshaffer Offline
Sshaffer  Offline

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Well pics are black.
Don’t know why

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