Still at it. Got up this morning with the intention of heading back to the dove fields to try and call in coyotes. I drove in under moon and star light and parked. I checked the cameras on my phone (nothing but deer) and then started getting everything ready. I’d laid my phone on my seat as I got the rifle, tripod, and e-caller all situated.
As I went to pick up my phone it went off with a camera notification. I looked as I started walking and I had pigs!! I loaded everything back in the truck and drove to within a couple hundred yards and parked.
I made the 200 yards fairly quick and eased into the pines. With a good amount of rain during the Spring and Summer means we have a lot of brush. I moved three different times before finding a “clear” view and I was only 50-60yds away, lol.
I got the biggest in the thermal and dropped him.
I stayed in that spot and continued to scan. I heard grunting and saw two piglets. Not sure if that’s the appropriate name, but really small pigs, lol. I had to move a couple times and grunt and squeal to keep them around. I finally got a shot and dropped one and the other ran.
Again I stayed in place just scanning and heard some grunting to my left. I scanned left and could pick out heat in the plum thicket. I grunted a couple of times and it took a couple steps to give me the outline of a pig and squeezed the trigger for the third time.
It’s now real close to actual daylight and I realized it’s also opening day of archery season. I went and got the truck, took some pics, and sent them to the manager just incase people start calling telling him about the someone shooting deer with rifle during archery season, lol.
Sorry so long, just like to tell the story. Here’s this mornings take…
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What’s really cool is I get home and get a text from the manager and he asked how many critters do I think I’ve taken over the last several weeks? I told him I started with a brand new box of bullets and have 2 left. I had 1 miss and shot 1 pig twice. So I figure about 13 pigs and 3 coyotes. He said good, I’m gonna pay you for your time and critters, I’ll add it to your September check. Heck, I have free access 24/7 to do as I please. I’ve killed the biggest deer of my life there. I turkey hunt there. I catch fish whenever I want in any of the ponds. What more could anyone ask for? I do get paid to trap and when I help with the quail hunts, but never even thought about getting paid to go shoot critters, lol.