Re: Which state will the top Trapperman beaver...
[Re: beaverpeeler]
09/20/23 07:00 PM
09/20/23 07:00 PM
Joined: Aug 2011
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james bay frontierOnt.
Yes there are maximum and minimum quotas on beaver on some traplines. Quotas are line specific There is no limit on how many lines you can trap. Some lines have open quotas. On the 3 lines I trap on only one has a beaver quota,the other two are open. I could trap on 3 additional traplines but I am not physically able to properly manage that much country at my current age.
Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Which state will the top Trapperman beaver...
[Re: beaverpeeler]
09/20/23 07:01 PM
09/20/23 07:01 PM
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Re: Which state will the top Trapperman beaver...
[Re: jk]
09/20/23 08:59 PM
09/20/23 08:59 PM
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I do not want 5 EVERY day!! To old for those kind of numbers, I want a day off once in a while to go fishing.......jk Buck up buttercup, With a 2 month season there is still 10 months left to fish.
Re: Which state will the top Trapperman beaver...
[Re: beaverpeeler]
09/20/23 09:51 PM
09/20/23 09:51 PM
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I've rarely ever had the weather and water conditions stay stabilized enough to figure what my daily catch would be, Sometimes 10 beaver a day is pretty easy to accomplish. At other times I'm stuck at home with low water or hard freezes and having nothing to do but argue with my woman. (She always wins by-the-way).
My fear of moving stairs is escalating!
Re: Which state will the top Trapperman beaver...
[Re: beaverpeeler]
09/20/23 10:13 PM
09/20/23 10:13 PM
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I'm pretty certain that the top beaver guy on Trapperman would need to pull in at least 500.....probably more. I'm kind of thinking Minnesota. Would have said a southern state but we all know southerners are too lazy to get it done.  I would throw Rally Hess as a contender into the 500 mark. That guy is a beaver killing machine and 3 feet of ice and snow just makes him smile.
I have nothing clever to put here.
Re: Which state will the top Trapperman beaver...
[Re: beaverpeeler]
09/20/23 10:44 PM
09/20/23 10:44 PM
Joined: Aug 2011
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james bay frontierOnt.
I thought Rally retired from fur trapping a couple years ago.
Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Which state will the top Trapperman beaver...
[Re: beaverpeeler]
09/21/23 12:55 AM
09/21/23 12:55 AM
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There used to be an Arkansas trapper that was on here that went by "Arkmike". He would be a contender. I believe Eedup on here from Iowa does a beaver camp in Arkansas, and I'm sure he would be in the picture as well.
My fear of moving stairs is escalating!
Re: Which state will the top Trapperman beaver...
[Re: beaverpeeler]
09/22/23 05:02 PM
09/22/23 05:02 PM
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There used to be an Arkansas trapper that was on here that went by "Arkmike". He would be a contender. I believe Eedup on here from Iowa does a beaver camp in Arkansas, and I'm sure he would be in the picture as well. Eedup can hang with the best of them, for sure.
Re: Which state will the top Trapperman beaver...
[Re: BvrRetriever]
09/24/23 11:49 PM
09/24/23 11:49 PM
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Why would anyone want to advertise what they catch? Makes for hurt feelings no matter if you get more or less than the next guy. I could care less what you get and I’d prefer you don’t know what I get. I certainly respect folks that think the way you do and I'm sure you're not alone in the sentiment.
My fear of moving stairs is escalating!
Re: Which state will the top Trapperman beaver...
[Re: Kirk De]
09/25/23 12:22 AM
09/25/23 12:22 AM
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Kirk I caught over 11,000 beavers in 11 years the first years i trapped in South Georgia. That was about 26 Years ago. I trapped very little in the warm months. Everything has to be just right to catch that many. One of the biggest key factors that I found is the benefit that my wife was a school teacher. Income from a spouse really makes a difference how much time that you have to trap. Each of those 11 years I did not spend Thanksgiving with my family nor Christmas day. I worked seven days a week over fourteen hours a day 7 days a week. The trapper that I recommended to take my place, I talk to him yesterday. He said he’s got over 400 this last year on a 24hr check. His wife teaches school also. The first five years that I trapped fur prices for beaver or less than five dollars for a southern beaver. The counties paid me.I discarded the carcuses by burying them in pre season pits that were dug with a rubber tire backhoe. As a gift the main county that I trapped , send me copies of all The landowners that I had on file With their permission slips.They also sent me all of the Places locations I had on file to trap and how many beavers I caught at those places with copies of the original invoices. In the county I lived, there was over 350 landowners. They also included a very very nice letter thanking me for what I’ve done in the past. That was real fortunate they were very helpful and wanted me to do a good job. They worked with me very very well. They also did a really good job with the Roads department and they still are doing so. There are so many factors involved at the very best trapper may not ever be given the opportunity that I was given. Access to property rules and regulations are much greater now. I am 70 now . Every year Gets shorter very quick. I no longer have the websites that I had. I do have a record of what I did through professionally done videos. I was blessed with that and the grandchildren will get a chance to see the past. Kirk, do those numbers of beaver still exist in your area? Pretty dang impressive catches in those years by golly!
My fear of moving stairs is escalating!
Re: Which state will the top Trapperman beaver...
[Re: beaverpeeler]
09/25/23 12:48 AM
09/25/23 12:48 AM
Joined: Aug 2011
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Joined: Aug 2011
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james bay frontierOnt.
Should be a good contest BP. Be fun to follow along as guys post their weekly(or maybe daily)catches.
Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Which state will the top Trapperman beaver...
[Re: backroadsarcher]
09/25/23 07:41 AM
09/25/23 07:41 AM
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Even in Minnesota 500 would take a lot of equipment and plenty of land. 100 isn't to hard of a number to make but 500 you will still need to put on a lot of miles. Agreed.
Wind Blew, crap flew, out came the line crew
Re: Which state will the top Trapperman beaver...
[Re: beaverpeeler]
09/25/23 08:34 AM
09/25/23 08:34 AM
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 2,870 Beaver Bayou MN
Mike Kelly
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Beaver Bayou MN
500 beaver isn’t easy anywhere! It turns into work most reasonable individuals quit well before that! Traps are not light, or any of the other equipments (stakes, drowning rods, drowning weights, stabilizers…)
If selling on the carcass you handle the beaver 4 times. If you skin and put it up it’s 7+ times. I usually figure 12 time for me.
Thats 9+ tons of beaver from a trap, uphill to your truck, from your truck to your fur shed, to your skinning table, to your fleshing bean, then stretching, taking off the board and wipe down and store until you take it to a fur buyer!
Re: Which state will the top Trapperman beaver...
[Re: beaverpeeler]
09/25/23 09:50 AM
09/25/23 09:50 AM
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Alabama (Bama for short) 108 y...
Better be specific with the southern bunch and include 'during season' or else you'll have the whole summer adc numbers added to the final count. I know a couple guys who don't want to be known who killed 300 in one day so there's that!
Not my circus, not my clowns.