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Deer hunting technique #7993989
11/14/23 12:18 AM
11/14/23 12:18 AM
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Maine, Aroostook
Posco Offline OP
Posco  Offline OP

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Maine, Aroostook
Treestand, blind, tracking...what's your go-to way of hunting deer.

Re: Deer hunting technique [Re: Posco] #7993990
11/14/23 12:21 AM
11/14/23 12:21 AM
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~ADC~ Offline
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Deer drives. Push them out where someone can shoot them. Setting around waiting for them is boring.

Re: Deer hunting technique [Re: Posco] #7993993
11/14/23 12:27 AM
11/14/23 12:27 AM
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Spot and stalk

Re: Deer hunting technique [Re: Posco] #7993994
11/14/23 12:30 AM
11/14/23 12:30 AM
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Moosetrot Offline
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Usually ladder stands overlooking a winding little creek that runs between thick cover on both sides. There's bedding areas just off the property we hunt and we usually catch them on their way in or out of there. Son and I are pretty limited in available area to hunt but we manage to do a few one-man pushes if nothing is moving. We ae both dedicated meat hunters so brown is down. We have gotten some nice ones with bones on their heads but ones without them are just fine by us. We are heroes and great warriors in my Grandsons' eyes and that is the only thing that is truly important to me.

Good luck and a safe, fun hunt to all!


Re: Deer hunting technique [Re: Posco] #7993995
11/14/23 12:31 AM
11/14/23 12:31 AM
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Over looking my food plot sitting In My tower blind.

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Re: Deer hunting technique [Re: Posco] #7993998
11/14/23 12:42 AM
11/14/23 12:42 AM
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Central Texas
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Down here, we have a lot of open fields the deer just naturally come out into to feed. A good high stand is fun here and you can get by with a lot of movement and such. We can feed corn here, and if you are hunting a treeline, road feed that treeline and you will see double the deer.

If I'm really hunting for a particular deer that seems to have gotten wised up, then I go hit the woods, crawl up in a tree stand about 30-50 yards from the woodline on a good trail that I know deer use. Sometimes by accident, a lot of corn gets scattered around those areas somehow. I hunt big deer just like I do squirrels, sit and wait where I know they have been. Always, no matter what hunt the wind. If the wind aint right, then don't even go.

Often, the good ones don't come out in the open if they smell a rat until it is dark. They'll just hang around in the woods until it gets dark, and then go out there. That's why you got to hit the woods and outsmart them. If I'm taking my little girl or some buddies and just want to have fun, we go to the high blind. Can cutup a little in there and get away with more movement. Shoot some does or something, and then again, you never know what might step out either.

I don't think deer become nocturnal, they just learn how to avoid hunters.

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Re: Deer hunting technique [Re: Posco] #7994005
11/14/23 12:52 AM
11/14/23 12:52 AM
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Central Texas
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Oh, forgot to mention,
I've smoked quite a few out of both a sitting tractor and a truck. Believe it or not, deer don't pay much attention to either one of them just sitting. Can get a good rest out of them too if you park it right.

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Re: Deer hunting technique [Re: Posco] #7994026
11/14/23 02:25 AM
11/14/23 02:25 AM
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"color blind Kraut"
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The most enjoyable way for me to get my venison is to take a 94 Winchester for a walk in my woods. But when I feel lazy I'll get one from my porch

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Re: Deer hunting technique [Re: Posco] #7994029
11/14/23 03:08 AM
11/14/23 03:08 AM
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Prefer to ground hunt but so many of my areas getting too thick in the understory I have to get elevated so I saddle hint most of the time.

Re: Deer hunting technique [Re: Posco] #7994047
11/14/23 06:20 AM
11/14/23 06:20 AM
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South Ga - Almost Florida
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I enjoy singling out one mature buck and focusing on just him. Taking any deer is much too easy. answer the question...I use Summit climbers a lot. Also, Primos ground blinds in the right spot.

Last edited by Swamp Wolf; 11/14/23 06:26 AM.

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Re: Deer hunting technique [Re: Posco] #7994249
11/14/23 10:30 AM
11/14/23 10:30 AM
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coastal ny
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My favorite way was tracking, find a big track after a few inches of snow and follow it, either it makes a mistake or you run out of patience...but you need a large territory and fresh snow.

Stand hunting on good trails is productive, but I've probably killed as many just still hunting, basically taking a slow walk, lol

Re: Deer hunting technique [Re: Posco] #7994257
11/14/23 10:39 AM
11/14/23 10:39 AM
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Muskrat Offline
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same as Moosetrot . . sit awhile, then one-man pushes to the fella down the finger of a couple of sloughs

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Re: Deer hunting technique [Re: ~ADC~] #7994258
11/14/23 10:41 AM
11/14/23 10:41 AM
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Green County Wisconsin

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Green County Wisconsin
Originally Posted by ~ADC~
Deer drives. Push them out where someone can shoot them. Setting around waiting for them is boring.


god I wish we could still do drives like we used to we get a couple in but man it was drives all day when I was a kid.

we do a slow drive and they would try and circle back about half the time and go right to the next driver down our drivers shot almost as many as standers on some drives.
take 3 steps stop look
you spend near as much time looking as walking.
when you got in stuff so thick you couldn't see you could spend a little more time getting around stuff and not looking.

ideal is when they walk into the standers not pushed hard enough to run.

Last edited by GREENCOUNTYPETE; 11/14/23 10:44 AM.

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Re: Deer hunting technique [Re: Muskrat] #7994259
11/14/23 10:42 AM
11/14/23 10:42 AM
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east central WI
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Originally Posted by Muskrat
same as Moosetrot . . sit awhile, then one-man pushes to the fella down the finger of a couple of sloughs

X3 here. Seems to be the WI meat hunter's go to technique.

Re: Deer hunting technique [Re: gcs] #7994283
11/14/23 11:18 AM
11/14/23 11:18 AM
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Posco  Offline OP

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Originally Posted by gcs
My favorite way was tracking, find a big track after a few inches of snow and follow it, either it makes a mistake or you run out of patience...but you need a large territory and fresh snow.

Stand hunting on good trails is productive, but I've probably killed as many just still hunting, basically taking a slow walk, lol

I've never tracked a deer although I've always wanted to. To me, that's the epitome of deer hunting. I know two or three guys who've killed a bunch of big whitetails tracking them on snow.

When I was younger, I had a gait where I could cruise through the woods but keep my eyes up scanning the timber looking for that horizontal line. I killed a few good deer that way. Treestands accounted for quite a few.

Re: Deer hunting technique [Re: Posco] #7994284
11/14/23 11:21 AM
11/14/23 11:21 AM
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49th State
mad_mike Offline
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Still hunting followed by spot and stalk.

Re: Deer hunting technique [Re: Posco] #7994286
11/14/23 11:24 AM
11/14/23 11:24 AM
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adam m Offline
adam m  Offline

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Tracking & fair chase

Re: Deer hunting technique [Re: Chancey] #7994287
11/14/23 11:25 AM
11/14/23 11:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Chancey
Oh, forgot to mention,
I've smoked quite a few out of both a sitting tractor and a truck. Believe it or not, deer don't pay much attention to either one of them just sitting. Can get a good rest out of them too if you park it right.

From a truck, I like the truck we use to haul feed barrels to our heifers and steers. 08 F150, the mirror folds inward and makes a perfect rest from the driver's seat. From a tractor, I like a cab tractor that the door hinge is on the rear, so when the door opens you're pointed ahead.

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Re: Deer hunting technique [Re: Posco] #7994289
11/14/23 11:25 AM
11/14/23 11:25 AM
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I spent years sitting in a LocOn stand from dark to dark. The older I get the more I like a nice tower stand.

Re: Deer hunting technique [Re: Posco] #7994291
11/14/23 11:30 AM
11/14/23 11:30 AM
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My favorite is still hunting . Slow walking and looking using the wind and terrain. Ut I live in a crowded eastern state and it takes a big area. I don't want to get shot doing it on crowded public land where about everyone uses stands. But the public land is about the only tracks large enough to do it. So if I do it's late muzzleloader during the week when the 2 weekend a year big deer hunters are at home.

Since I have been focusing on taking kids the last 14 years it's been tree stands or ground blinds or jus sitting on the ground with kids using a bi pod. But this year in our ky youth hunt we did do some driving the 3 of us. One of my boy would set up at one likely escape route and myself and the other one would walk around to the other side of woods and slow walk it with the wind to our back. It worked perfectly and was their first experience doing so.

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