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All-time best April Fool's jokes played out here #8110678
03/29/24 05:08 PM
03/29/24 05:08 PM
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Northof50 Offline OP
Northof50  Offline OP

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Lets hear them, so we don't get spoofed in a couple of days.

Re: All-time best April Fool's jokes played out here [Re: Northof50] #8110682
03/29/24 05:13 PM
03/29/24 05:13 PM
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Northof50 Offline OP
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Boco made me do this because he says I'm coming down with Alzheimer's disease.
so far I just put it down to cabin fever

Re: All-time best April Fool's jokes played out here [Re: Northof50] #8110694
03/29/24 05:24 PM
03/29/24 05:24 PM
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Eau Claire Wi
Trap Setter Offline
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My favorite was copying a paperclip and putting the paper back into the paper tray on a printer, and watching the other people trying to figure out where the paper clip is stuck in the machine.

No harm no foul kinda prank.

Life sure is tough when you don't learn from the mistakes of others.
Re: All-time best April Fool's jokes played out here [Re: Northof50] #8110701
03/29/24 05:30 PM
03/29/24 05:30 PM
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St. Louis Co, Mo
BigBob Offline
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My Mom was telling me about how the Geese were becoming a problem in the city park, so I got up before light and filled her front yard with decoy's and hid in bushes blowing a Goose call till she came out in robe and hair curlers with some bread trying to feed them. She was whizzed, but got over it. Eventually.

Every kid needs a Dog and a Curmudgeon.

Remember Bowe Bergdahl, the traitor.

Beware! Jill Pudlewski, Ron Oates and Keven Begesse are liars and thiefs!
Re: All-time best April Fool's jokes played out here [Re: Northof50] #8110726
03/29/24 05:58 PM
03/29/24 05:58 PM
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Northof50 Offline OP
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there was one a few years back when racoon prices were < 75$ each...not what was on the table
That NAFA had lost a shipment..........well the squeeling pigs on here
The phone lines blew up at all the agents places and the main line went down in Toronto all 500 lines
as the story progressed;
seems it was only one bag that blew out on a delivery truck coming from Saskatchewan, but still 800$ worth
thus forward those guys that pick up bottles in the ditches have what is called now "Traplines" and you better not poach on them.
the bag was never recovered, but producer was paid

Re: All-time best April Fool's jokes played out here [Re: Northof50] #8110737
03/29/24 06:08 PM
03/29/24 06:08 PM
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Marion Kansas
Yes sir Offline
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Marion Kansas
You guys must some of those fun haters to bring up April fools three days before April 1st....... I suppose u go around 3 days before Christmas telling little kids Santa isn't real because your suppose to tell the truth too

Re: All-time best April Fool's jokes played out here [Re: Northof50] #8110759
03/29/24 06:52 PM
03/29/24 06:52 PM
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Yes Sir got that right, my hunting buddy said to his parents Xmas eve there was no -----a. So come Xmas day he comes down and finds 34 presents to his sister and one for him from mom and dad
That next week he converted
My kids had 2 Santa's or a Santa and a St Nicholas
and Easter came twice depending on the moon cycle so more eggs

Re: All-time best April Fool's jokes played out here [Re: Northof50] #8110769
03/29/24 07:05 PM
03/29/24 07:05 PM
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foxhunter52 Offline
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Loaded a coworkers cigarette with gun powder, replaced the top 1/4" of tobacco. Looked like he had a rocket hanging off his lip. 45 years ago. Boy those were the good old days.

Re: All-time best April Fool's jokes played out here [Re: foxhunter52] #8110773
03/29/24 07:12 PM
03/29/24 07:12 PM
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Originally Posted by foxhunter52
Loaded a coworkers cigarette with gun powder, replaced the top 1/4" of tobacco. Looked like he had a rocket hanging off his lip. 45 years ago. Boy those were the good old days.

We put comic book loads in our mom's cigarette and it blew up. We were laughing so hard we could not run away.

Re: All-time best April Fool's jokes played out here [Re: Northof50] #8110827
03/29/24 08:22 PM
03/29/24 08:22 PM
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Champaign County, Ohio.
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3 minutes, 24 seconds in is a great prank to play on an ADC business.


Re: All-time best April Fool's jokes played out here [Re: Northof50] #8110837
03/29/24 08:44 PM
03/29/24 08:44 PM
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trapped4ever Offline
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Re: All-time best April Fool's jokes played out here [Re: Northof50] #8110903
03/29/24 10:15 PM
03/29/24 10:15 PM
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Foot Tickler Offline
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Once when I was probably 11 or 12 I decided I really wanted to play a trick on the old man for April Fools. I couldn't come up with anything but somehow found myself over at my uncles house the day before. I mentioned my dilemma to him and he proceeded over to his cat's litter box and plucked a fresh turd out with a baggie and said here do something with this. Of course at that age I didn't have the sense to realize this already may be going too far so I grabbed that dook and headed for the house. The next morning I got up before dad and I placed the goods right inside his deck shoes he always wore (with no socks). I sat on the couch near the shoes and waited patiently. I heard him get up and then start his daily weekend routine which was take a shower and then head down to the local carry out to get his coffee, shoot the breeze with the owner, and grab a paper. I heard that bathroom door open and I knew the moment was upon me. He walked out to the living room sockless as usual, and mumbled good morning. I'll never forget that moment when I watched his right foot go up in the air destined for that shoe like it was in slow motion. As soon as he sunk his foot in there he said "what the".... and pulled his foot back out. By this time I had moved to the edge of the couch quiet as a mouse. And in that moment he reached his shoe up to his nose for a whiff, and I saw that bewilderment in his eyes, mainly because we didn't even have a cat so clearly the source of the turd was a mystery. But in that moment I went from a feeling of about to laugh my butt off to I'm dead. Realizing my inevitable fate should I decide to stick around for the final chapter of the old man figuring the source of the turd I jumped up off that couch and flew past the old man like my pants were on fire. I headed straight for the only room in the house with a lock on the door, the bathroom. He was hot on my heels and I made it just in the nick of time. The sound of all the commotion woke mom up as he was about to kick that door in and she came out of the bedroom hollering away as she was just as confused as to how a cat turd from a cat that doesn't exist winds up in the old man's shoe and why he's ready to kill his only son. She talked him off the ledge eventually but just to be safe I didn't come out of that bathroom for what seemed like hours lol. And that was the one time I played a prank on dad. The wife and I got the kids really well last year but that's another long story that I'm sure nobody has time for! But it was a good one too.

Re: All-time best April Fool's jokes played out here [Re: Northof50] #8111418
03/30/24 06:18 PM
03/30/24 06:18 PM
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Northof50 Offline OP
Northof50  Offline OP

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Dont give up Foot Tickler we would enjoy another one.
speaking of which, has anyone played one on 160user ?

Re: All-time best April Fool's jokes played out here [Re: Northof50] #8111449
03/30/24 06:58 PM
03/30/24 06:58 PM
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Supergoose Offline
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Put Jell-o -- the powder-- in a bottle of shampoo..........needs to be colored though -- like lime or strawberry flavored

Put those adhesive floor tiles sticky side up next to bed on a buddy's side of the bed...... he couldn't run to catch me either.........

A goose may honk....but he won't wave
Re: All-time best April Fool's jokes played out here [Re: trapped4ever] #8111474
03/30/24 07:30 PM
03/30/24 07:30 PM
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Originally Posted by trapped4ever

You gotta hand it to Porky Bickar. That's one heck of a stunt. I was only in Sitka a few years, but every spring I heard the story, often from Porky himself.

Books for sale on Amazon, Barnes & Noble etc.
Poetic Injustice
The Last Hunt
Wild Life
Long Way Home
Re: All-time best April Fool's jokes played out here [Re: Northof50] #8111787
03/31/24 09:38 AM
03/31/24 09:38 AM
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I would buy a dozen doughnuts for the guys at NAPA every once in a while. Walked in with a box and set it on the counter. Looked at them and said I'm getting mine first. Reached in and got one and started eating it. Closed it back up and stood back. Steve comes over a few moments later to get one. When he opens it he starts a laughing. They said what's wrong? He pulls out a paper with April Fools on it. To this day they still remind me about it whenever I bring a dozen in. I did go out to my truck and got their dozen donuts to enjoy.


U.S.ARMY(76-80) Member OSTA
Re: All-time best April Fool's jokes played out here [Re: Trap Setter] #8112397
04/01/24 10:24 AM
04/01/24 10:24 AM
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garymc Offline
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Originally Posted by Trap Setter
My favorite was copying a paperclip and putting the paper back into the paper tray on a printer, and watching the other people trying to figure out where the paper clip is stuck in the machine.

No harm no foul kinda prank.

Trap Setter, thanks for the idea. I pulled this one off this morning and it worked great. I'm always the first one in the office so I made 20 copies with 3 paper clips laid on scanner. Placed the copies back in the paper drawer with some good sheets mixed in. It had my boss going crazy as luck would have it everything he printed had the paper clips on it but others that printed had regular sheets.

Re: All-time best April Fool's jokes played out here [Re: Northof50] #8112479
04/01/24 02:33 PM
04/01/24 02:33 PM
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Northof50 Offline OP
Northof50  Offline OP

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Got one going on Boco today cause Walleyed told me to

Re: All-time best April Fool's jokes played out here [Re: Northof50] #8112481
04/01/24 02:43 PM
04/01/24 02:43 PM
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Henderson, N.Y. Jefferson Co.
walleyed Offline
walleyed  Offline

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Henderson, N.Y. Jefferson Co.
Originally Posted by Northof50
Got one going on Boco today cause Walleyed told me to

Not an April Fools joke but BOCO was indeed spotted
Taking fur up to the Groeny Rat Wagon truck in Amish country
in Lancaster County, P.A. to sell green, frozen beaver & otter.

Wish I could get that video to post & play !!! shocked


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Re: All-time best April Fool's jokes played out here [Re: walleyed] #8112482
04/01/24 02:49 PM
04/01/24 02:49 PM
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Northof50 Offline OP
Northof50  Offline OP

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Originally Posted by walleyed
Originally Posted by Northof50
Got one going on Boco today cause Walleyed told me to

Not an April Fools joke but BOCO was indeed spotted
Taking fur up to the Groeny Rat Wagon truck in Amish country
in Lancaster County, P.A. to sell green, frozen beaver & otter.

Wish I could get that video to post & play !!! shocked


my God he lets his beaver turn green, there was a time the video went outside was that his cameo appearance we missed

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