Help tweek contract
04/02/24 03:47 AM
04/02/24 03:47 AM
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So I'm working on getting everything set up to do ADC work on the side. I have read through the forums for awhile now and have put together a bunch of the information yall have given and think I have a good working contract. I will eventually have a lawyer and KDWP look over it to make sure everything is covered and legal. I would like for some of yall to look over it and give me some pointers or advice on what I have so far. I can email it to you. It is all in a word document. Any and all advice is welcome. Don't worry about hurting my feelings.... cuz u won't.
lassier les bon temps rouler!!!!!!!! CWC Wildlife Control
Re: Help tweek contract
[Re: DirtyD]
04/02/24 06:18 AM
04/02/24 06:18 AM
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Deleted pics... will email it though
Last edited by DirtyD; 04/02/24 06:41 AM.
lassier les bon temps rouler!!!!!!!! CWC Wildlife Control
Re: Help tweek contract
[Re: DirtyD]
04/03/24 02:53 AM
04/03/24 02:53 AM
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I'm trying to figure out some theoretical finances... what would yall say is an average #of jobs per year for a side hustle? 100.. 200... and what would be the average head per job... 2 head per job sound right??? I'm thinking a per mile fee.. per head fee... set up fee.. I'm just trying to come up with some theoretical expense numbers here. I know this can vary wildly..
Last edited by DirtyD; 04/03/24 02:55 AM.
lassier les bon temps rouler!!!!!!!! CWC Wildlife Control
Re: Help tweek contract
[Re: DirtyD]
04/03/24 05:30 PM
04/03/24 05:30 PM
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Those are questions that only other area operators can really answer. Is the area rural or urban. How many operators will you be competing with for work? How much hustle are you looking to put in to find jobs. What are you going to be trapping ... Ghogs, raccoon, skunk, rats, fox, coyote, pigs, opossum, moles, bats???
You can have: initial sight fees, refundable trap deposits ( to cover trap damage and /or loss ... collect those up front), how often is your trap checks ... everyday, 2 days ... mileage to and from (not just what the government allows) + your time + time on the property and supplies (bait, lures, traps), site restoration and cleanup fees, + business licences, record keeping, billing, collections, time with the accountant/taxes, insurance (cheapest starts at $400/yr here), cellphone, medical insurance, etc., etc., and PROFIT.
Per animal ... Relocation if allowed ( time and distance), dispatch (costs for whatever equipment and supplies needed) ... avoid letting the customer see or hear you dispatch an animal, removal and disposal fees, reporting and/or animal sample fees.
Or set job fees ( inclusive of all the above) for a specified duration, Any warrantee of total animal removal, for how long?
Run your side hustle from day one as a business or you'll invariably loss money. Need help with the business side of things, see if there is someone from the organization, SCORE in your area that can assist/ mentor you in setting up your business.
I don't want to discourage you from your thoughts, hopefully these are things you have already considered in starting your venture. Good luck to you!
Megapredator ... top of the food chain! Member of WTA Member of U.P. Trappers Member of NTA Member of FTA
Re: Help tweek contract
[Re: Scott__aR]
04/04/24 02:28 AM
04/04/24 02:28 AM
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I am working it as a proper business from the start. It cost me $0.79 per mile to run my truck for any number of reasons.. that's fuel, wear and tear, insurance, truck payment, etc.... I'm currently working on making contract, logs, and permits from the state. I have on my permit application furbearers, small game, non game mammals, coyote..... for now I won't do rodent, bats, snakes, birds... I know my limits and won't dive head first.. leave that for the terminix or orkin man for now..they are mostly what's near me...there is a couple other pest control guys around too, but mostly bug guys..there is some urban areas and a lot of rural area.. I'm only putting about a 4 county area on my permits for now to keep it close and get established.. we are a 24hr check here. I have a full time job right now and tricare for health insurance... for the business insurance, I gota get more info together... one looked into also wanted projected income for a quote...I gota get the finance part figured out b4 I can look at insurance.
Last edited by DirtyD; 04/04/24 02:33 AM.
lassier les bon temps rouler!!!!!!!! CWC Wildlife Control
Re: Help tweek contract
[Re: DirtyD]
04/04/24 11:20 PM
04/04/24 11:20 PM
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Still trying to simplify billing vs profit after expenses .... so would it be unreasonable to assume a typical job for one racoon gets billed for 4hr worth of work?? That's drive time, trap checks, admin.. etc.
Last edited by DirtyD; 04/04/24 11:22 PM.
lassier les bon temps rouler!!!!!!!! CWC Wildlife Control
Re: Help tweek contract
[Re: DirtyD]
04/05/24 06:27 AM
04/05/24 06:27 AM
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Make it simple. Do a set up fee / per animal or flat rate. I gave an example for someone in "what do you charge" thread. You can find it by looking at my posts.
Example: charge $175 to set up and then $85/head regardless of what you catch (raccoon, cat, bird, & etc). If it is a non-target you can release on site, like the neighbor's cat, charge $65 to give them a break.
Charge a flat. $375 for 5 or 7 days and that can be for 10 groundhogs or 0.
Some people get scared with a flat rate. However, it gives your client a max. I did a groundhog job and the gal tells me she sees 2 everyday go under her shed. I caught 8 in 3 days. If set up/ animal that would have been almost $900 and a financial hardship for her. Instead, I had her on a flat rate of $425. Sometimes I catch nothing and that stings, but I still have my time in it. I use cameras so if the target is eluding my traps, I will stay on site longer without charging more. I figure if it's there and I not catching it, that's my fault. If I haven't caught it in a week and it's not on camera, it's not there.
Nuisance work is not fur trapping for most people in the industry, so there will be learning curve.
If you are looking to learn more about nuisance work, consider joining NWCOA (national wildlife control operators association) and taking their basic operator course. You can take it as nonmember, but I don't know what the price difference is.
Re: Help tweek contract
[Re: wistrapper97]
04/08/24 06:08 PM
04/08/24 06:08 PM
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That what I did.. I'm using a few different options I gathered from "quotes" to see where I should charge and figure out financial stuff. I am starting this a a legitimate business... got my EIN today.. waiting on the DBA so I can go open a separate business account. Had my contract reviewed on the legal end with a couple changes that need made. Once I do some more math and get a few proper insurance quotes, the financial officer on base will help review things in that aspect.. should hopefully be up and running legally here in a month or 2.
lassier les bon temps rouler!!!!!!!! CWC Wildlife Control
Re: Help tweek contract
[Re: DirtyD]
04/14/24 06:13 PM
04/14/24 06:13 PM
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Got 8 havahart traps, a bunch of golfer traps and got set up with a pest control guy that will send work my way. Got decals and business cards done. Finances and contracts done.. only thing I'm waiting on now is papers for my permits..
lassier les bon temps rouler!!!!!!!! CWC Wildlife Control
Re: Help tweek contract
[Re: DirtyD]
04/15/24 09:29 AM
04/15/24 09:29 AM
Joined: Dec 2007
Posts: 1,040 N Central Iowa
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havahart traps are the biggest pieces of sh!t out there. havahart traps will cost you money in the long run vs make you money
Brad Mohr
Re: Help tweek contract
[Re: DirtyD]
04/15/24 12:32 PM
04/15/24 12:32 PM
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I operated an animal control business in southeast Alabama for more than 25 years. My trap of choice was the I caught hunderds of critters in them, e.g. Both red and gray fox, armadillos, bobcats, opossums, raccoons, skunks; even caught a couple of crows and one redtailed hawk. I also did a a lot of bat work and snake removal. We have Eastern diamondback rattlesnakes, timber rattlesnakes, copperheads, cottonmouth watermoccasins and a few coral snakes. I never had a Havart 1079 damaged by an animal; had some damaged by cars though, usually the homeowner. Most of my posts and pictures are still available in the archives of TRAPPERMAN.
Note to self- Engage brain before opening mouth (or hitting the ENTER key/SUBMIT button).
Ron Fry
Re: Help tweek contract
[Re: iayogi17]
04/15/24 02:57 PM
04/15/24 02:57 PM
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havahart traps are the biggest pieces of sh!t out there. havahart traps will cost you money in the long run vs make you money Disagree, like LAtrapper I've made my share of catches with havajunks. I will opine that for certain critters they are the bare minimum in strength to hold, armadillos, so that needs to be kept in mind when acquiring and stocking traps. But they are also the most commonly available locally at a price point that allows for depreciation, theft or loss.
Re: Help tweek contract
[Re: DirtyD]
04/17/24 12:24 AM
04/17/24 12:24 AM
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It's a foot in the door until I can generate some spair change to get better stuff. Gota start somewhere.
lassier les bon temps rouler!!!!!!!! CWC Wildlife Control
Re: Help tweek contract
[Re: DirtyD]
04/17/24 01:13 AM
04/17/24 01:13 AM
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As these traps were purchased from another WCO, they are well used.. did some clean up and put hog rings on all the joints to further aid in the trap from getting ate up. I was also informed that keeping these "lighter duty traps" covered helps with the animal fighting them so hard. Either way, they didn't cost me much and will get me out on jobs for now.
Last edited by DirtyD; 04/17/24 01:13 AM.
lassier les bon temps rouler!!!!!!!! CWC Wildlife Control