So as some of you may know I run an odd jobs business and I made a thread a couple of weeks ago to see if anyone would be interested in what I do for work I just got back into doing jobs again since I ran out so I decided I should start this thread. I do all kinds of work from mowing to tree removal to shed cleanout. Anything and everything and if I don't know how, I'll learn how to do it. I would appreciate constructive criticism on my work and how to improve.
Here's the first job of the thread. This is a yard that I don't charge for and one of the only ones that I do it for. The reason is the guy is an old trapper who's knees don't work like they used to and he has since hung up his traps. He can also no longer do this kind of work as he can't stand for very long so it's been up to me and his few neighbors to keep his yard in shape. I have driven past and seen branches and trees fallen in his yard so I decided to stop tonight and start cleaning them up. We have been talking about doing some trading but some unfortunate events and family stuff on his side have stopped it from happening, I'm going to keep that drama out of it.
Today was day 1 of cleaning up his yard and the goal of today was to get all of the branches bucked up into manageable chunks to load into the trailer. I did this and dragged them up to his driveway for easier loading. I did accomplish this goal for the day and will be going back at a later date with my trailer to load the branches up and bring them to my dumping grounds. This work was all done with a Stihl MS180 and my hands, no machinery.
I would like to get a bigger saw like an MS291, but I'm waiting to find one second hand so I'm not putting a bunch of money into another saw. I have ran a friend's MS291 and like the power and feel of it in my hands and not having to bend over because of the bigger bar was a big plus.
Here are the pictures from today
![[Linked Image]](