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Is the dates correct on second vid,Muskrat?If so I'm surprized you have no snow in April Must be an odd year. Still some snow in the bush here. What are all the bears attracted to in that spot? Nice Grizzer in the first vid,are they good to eat like blackbear?
Last edited by Boco; 05/01/2411:32 PM.
Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Im not sure what the bears are attracted to? My camp is on a creek that goes up into the mountains so it may just be on a travel path or there may be resources around there that i dont, know about (roots, berries) Grizzly are good eating. Those bear pictures are from mostly last summer, the bear hunting video is from last week. Still lots of snow in the bush and the creeks and rivers are all still good to travel on.
I love the meat from berry-fed fall grizzlies from the higher elevations (no fish...!)
But I never had much luck with meat from ANY spring grizzlies. And I tried a bunch of them. Tough and not very tasty!
I can imagine fall berry fed grizzlies are better. I should try for one. I should have shot this one but it resembled a bear that was hanging around the garbage dump.
interesting to see 10 grizs in the auction at FHA, wonder how many are held overs ?
We had a bunch of bears sent out of Aklavik last year. A bunch did not sell. So I would say at least half would be held over from May. But I doubt be any longer than that. There was only 3 or 4 grizzly available on the sale before that and I think they sold for good $ why so Manny harvested this year. I signed up for see if I can sell my grizzly on there if not then I'll prep it for the auction.