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Mood swings #8138977
05/14/24 12:17 PM
05/14/24 12:17 PM
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Maine, Aroostook
Posco Offline OP
Posco  Offline OP

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How do you deal with people who suffer from them? I have a really hard time dealing with inconsistent people.

Re: Mood swings [Re: Posco] #8138982
05/14/24 12:29 PM
05/14/24 12:29 PM
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Guss Offline
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I don't deal with them I leave.

Re: Mood swings [Re: Guss] #8138983
05/14/24 12:31 PM
05/14/24 12:31 PM
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west river rogue Offline
west river rogue  Offline

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Originally Posted by Guss
I don't deal with them I leave.

I try not to deal with them.

Re: Mood swings [Re: Posco] #8138985
05/14/24 12:37 PM
05/14/24 12:37 PM
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Amite county Mississippi
Wolfdog91 Offline
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Just gotta be patient and learn the cues. Now there is a bit of a difference from someone who has say depression vs some who just gets upset easy.
One of the MAIN things though is just don't take it personal. Because the minute you do your gonna start getting moody too and the whole thing just goes crazy. Trying to match stuff 1x1 rarely works to fix anything just makes it worse. If there somone your around frequently best thing to do is just bring up the fact it seems their having mood swings and it's getting hard to deal with them . Most of the time people don't even realize it and when you tell them a lot of stuff will click.
I know due to some of the head problems I got ( actually diagnosed by a headoc before anyone starts) somtimes I'll have a random mood swing and I honestly don't realize I'm acting any different. To me I'm just kinda tired and no feeling super chatty but in reality I've been really snappy put offish ect. Usually all it takes is someone just telling me " hay man you moods swinging and you being a bit of a dick". Then it will hit me and I have my own ways to stabilizing myself

A lot of the times it's just stress and no good coping mechanisms. Depression however.....well

More then anything don't try to do a snap your finger and just fix something method rarely actually works.

But if have to have more info on the person in particular because what works with one person my be the polar opposite of another. How you deals with your hormonal woman that time of the month vs your buddy they just got divorced and who's contemplating killing himself every night are two different deals

Last edited by Wolfdog91; 05/14/24 12:41 PM.
Re: Mood swings [Re: Posco] #8138988
05/14/24 12:44 PM
05/14/24 12:44 PM
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meadowview, Virginia
EdP Offline
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I had a boss like that. He was a good boss who helped me develop in my engineering career at a power plant, but he was moody. There were times to go talk with him about a project, times to stay out of his office, and times to get out of the building so there was no chance of being the first person he ran into when he came out of his office. I learned to recognize which was which and took the appropriate action. That was a business relationship and it worked. In a personal relationship it would be much tougher.

Re: Mood swings [Re: Wolfdog91] #8138991
05/14/24 12:51 PM
05/14/24 12:51 PM
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west river rogue Offline
west river rogue  Offline

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Originally Posted by Wolfdog91
Just gotta be patient and learn the cues. Now there is a bit of a difference from someone who has say depression vs some who just gets upset easy.
One of the MAIN things though is just don't take it personal. Because the minute you do your gonna start getting moody too and the whole thing just goes crazy. Trying to match stuff 1x1 rarely works to fix anything just makes it worse. If there somone your around frequently best thing to do is just bring up the fact it seems their having mood swings and it's getting hard to deal with them . Most of the time people don't even realize it and when you tell them a lot of stuff will click.
I know due to some of the head problems I got ( actually diagnosed by a headoc before anyone starts) somtimes I'll have a random mood swing and I honestly don't realize I'm acting any different. To me I'm just kinda tired and no feeling super chatty but in reality I've been really snappy put offish ect. Usually all it takes is someone just telling me " hay man you moods swinging and you being a bit of a dick". Then it will hit me and I have my own ways to stabilizing myself

A lot of the times it's just stress and no good coping mechanisms. Depression however.....well

More then anything don't try to do a snap your finger and just fix something method rarely actually works.

But if have to have more info on the person in particular because what works with one person my be the polar opposite of another. How you deals with your hormonal woman that time of the month vs your buddy they just got divorced and who's contemplating killing himself every night are two different deals

Brings out my dickness so I digress.

Last edited by west river rogue; 05/14/24 12:52 PM.
Re: Mood swings [Re: Posco] #8138998
05/14/24 01:10 PM
05/14/24 01:10 PM
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Flint Hill fur Offline
Flint Hill fur  Offline

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my mood quickly swings with being treated crappy because someone is having a poor me day. I treat others with the same respect as received. dish it right back

Re: Mood swings [Re: Posco] #8139001
05/14/24 01:22 PM
05/14/24 01:22 PM
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Eastern Shore of Maryland
HobbieTrapper Offline
"Chippendale Trapper"
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Enjoy the roller coaster ride.

Re: Mood swings [Re: Wolfdog91] #8139010
05/14/24 01:36 PM
05/14/24 01:36 PM
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Zookeeper Offline
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Wolfdog, you are in the wrong job. You need to consider being a clinical psychologist, with your viewpoint and analysis. I like so many agree with Flint Hills Fur, in that I will treat others with the same respect that they treat me. Zookeeper

Re: Mood swings [Re: Posco] #8139058
05/14/24 03:37 PM
05/14/24 03:37 PM
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cablejohn Offline
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I can't stand moody people! I really don't like it in men and usually won't tolerate it. I cannot comprehend when people say that they woke up in a bad mood. I don't believe I've ever had that happen.

Re: Mood swings [Re: Posco] #8139089
05/14/24 04:43 PM
05/14/24 04:43 PM
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Sandpoint Idaho/ Whitesboro TX
cbat Offline
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My wife used to work for me at the sales counter. One day I walked into the store with a bad attitude and made a snappy comment to my sales girls and kept on walking to my office. Apparently the girls all looked at each other like stay away from him today. My wife on the otherhand stood up and marched into my office and squared up and told me that I was being a dick. I didn't realize it at the time but I was.I got mad at first but then thought you know she is right.

The real Wally
Re: Mood swings [Re: Posco] #8139106
05/14/24 05:51 PM
05/14/24 05:51 PM
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2cylinder Offline
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I just keep on going the way I go whether they are moody or not. I’m not gonna change what they’re acting like so I just stay the course. They seem to cool down quicker when you ignore there aggressiveness imo.

Rebuilding john deere and international/farmall carburetors
Re: Mood swings [Re: Posco] #8139132
05/14/24 06:56 PM
05/14/24 06:56 PM
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SW Georgia
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It don’t bother me if they’re moody, heck everyone has a bad day or two. I tend to ignore everyone anyways.

Re: Mood swings [Re: Flint Hill fur] #8139140
05/14/24 07:21 PM
05/14/24 07:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Flint Hill fur
my mood quickly swings with being treated crappy because someone is having a poor me day. I treat others with the same respect as received. dish it right back

Same here

Everything the left touches it destroys
Re: Mood swings [Re: Posco] #8139266
05/14/24 11:32 PM
05/14/24 11:32 PM
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Walk away

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Re: Mood swings [Re: Posco] #8139275
05/15/24 12:10 AM
05/15/24 12:10 AM
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james bay frontierOnt.
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james bay frontierOnt.
I know a couple people who have that.Its a sickness,I try to help people like that cope with their bi polar disorder if I notice it coming on.If they are depressed I try to cheer them up,and if they are too high I try to deflate them a bit.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Mood swings [Re: Posco] #8139293
05/15/24 01:37 AM
05/15/24 01:37 AM
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yotetrapper30 Offline
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When they're happy, be happy with them.

When they're not, go work in the garden, the garage, go fishing whatever and give them their space.

If the bad mood's been ongoing, and the above doesn't work, and the moody one is your spouse... wash the dishes, take out the trash, sweep the floor, and do some laundry.

If someone came at me when I'm in a mood with wolfdog's psychobabble I'd probably punch them in the nose, lol.

Just give me one thing, that I can hold on to. To believe in this livin' is just a hard way to go.
Re: Mood swings [Re: Posco] #8139327
05/15/24 05:41 AM
05/15/24 05:41 AM
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Trapper Dahlgren Offline
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really depends on who it is, if it the wife, try to find out what's wrong, if it a coworker give them some space, one never knows what is going on in someone else life that might be causing this

Re: Mood swings [Re: Posco] #8139353
05/15/24 06:50 AM
05/15/24 06:50 AM
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west river rogue Offline
west river rogue  Offline

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I think most of us have them more or just depends on the extent.

Re: Mood swings [Re: Posco] #8139439
05/15/24 09:36 AM
05/15/24 09:36 AM
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Maine, Aroostook
Posco Offline OP
Posco  Offline OP

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Keep fighting whatever it is that gets the best of you, Wolfie. I suffered from a terrible bout of depression when I was in my early twenties. It was definitely the darkest period of my life and it lasted for months. I don't know what took me into it or what brought me out of it but I know I never want to experience it again. That was more than forty years ago.

None of us owe society anything, we're free to act as we will, but I'm not one to go about ruining someone's day just because I'm having a bad one myself. And we all have bad days. We have no obligations to each other but our actions shape and impact the world around us. I'm struggling to not be a dick.

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