Called they guy back to get some more details, and after an hour of venting, finally paused to take a breath. The man was hot.
So long story short, MDC now admits cats are present in MO.......response team setup nearly 25 years ago..........but continues to downplay any harm or threat from them. Landowner documented kills of several day old calves......visual and some photo evidence, but all of it rejected as evidence of a cat kill, despite neighbors having visually sighted a cat in his pastures about same time as killings were occurring. Even if it were confirmed, it means nothing. They will not pay damages. At best, they may send someone to try to trap it. Even if that worked, would most likely release it elsewhere. So he has concluded MDC position is livestock losses are collateral damage to further MDC goals for the greater good. Livestock owners expected to bend over and take it., no specific targeted trapping of cats allowed. Would have to be in incidental catch. At best, a landowner can shoot a cat if......and only is caught in the act of attacking livestock. Being in proximity of a kill not good enough. Very fine line between protecting livestock and hunting and tie goes to the cat. Hunting or trapping them at any time is illegal.
Which brings us to SSS option. This presents an interesting dilemma for MDC. If someone did plug a cat and left it where it fell, how would they know......unless it has a collar or micro chip and they are tracking it? In which case, how can they deny they know anything about them if they are tracking them?